Meeting The Girl

Coming Clean


Sunggyu’s POV:

A shoulder...That’s all I’ll ever be to her. A shoulder she can cry on again and again over some guy who doesn’t even love her. And here I was giving her my all but she’ll never notice. I pulled my car into the parking and quickly made my way to the club. It was a Friday night so the club was packed. I pushed my way through the crowd when I suddenly spotted her in the corner drinking her worries away. I made my way towards her as girls tried to grab me here and there while I shrugged them all off.


She looked up clearly already drunk. She pushed herself off the counter seat and tried to make her way towards me but she was too tipsy to keep her balance. I ran and caught her halfway before I slowly sat on the ground placing her in my lap.

“Sung...sung...gyuuuuuuu?” she said looking at me innocently.

“Yes, Jiyeon it’s me” I said, still holding her tightly against my chest.

“He left me...again” were the words she uttered before sobbing into tears. I hugged her and started rubbing her back.

“It’s okay...It’ll all be fine”.

“No it won’t! I love him but he doesn’t even love me...I was sure he liked me ...until”. She stared sobbing again, loudly. I hated hearing her talk like this about other guys. Why can’t she love me? I’d never let her be sad again...ever.

Her crying quietened down as she fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up and made my way towards the exit. Two guys looked at me and gave me a thumps up, clearly misunderstanding the situation. I ignored them and quickened my steps.

 I took her to my apartment and placed her on my bed...where she belonged. I sat next to her and starred at her beautiful face. How can someone as beautiful as her not be wanted by some guy? He must be crazy, I thought as I played with her hair. I slowly bent down and stared at her lips, they seemed so kissable. I slowly came closer to her and placed a soft kiss upon her lips, her soft lips. I stared at her some more before finally leaving her alone to rest as I made my way towards the couch in the living room.


Hana’s POV:

“So what’s the plan?” I asked Woohyun as I sipped the smoothie he had just bought me.

“Aren’t you supposed to come up with that?” He asked.

I smiled at him. “True, I haven’t really come up with the perfect plan yet but considering what I know so far about Jiyeon I think it’s best if we start off by making her get over you. Have you thought about dating someone else in front of her? That’ll make her realise you have moved on and that she should do the same”.

“Do I have” he asked with a pained expression. I laughed and hit him on his arm slightly.

“What was that for?”

“You are sooooo still in love with her”

“Am not”.

“Then why don’t you date anyone else? Look Woohyun there’s nothing wrong in still liking her but until she doesn’t see you with another girl she’s not going to move on”.

“Then let me date you doctor”.


“Your pretty and a girl...It’ll be believable if I date someone like you. I’ve always liked hot doctors”, he said winking at me. I instantly blushed at his comment.


He started laughing, “Not for real”, He said between his laughs, “just pretended to be my girlfriend...I’ll pay you extra!”

“I don’t think that will be professional of me I”.  I stopped talking when a thin figure placed a hand on Woohyun’s shoulder making him jump.  I looked up to see a girl smiling at him.

We both instantly got up; Woohyun cleared his throat before responding, “oh hey Jiyeon...what are you doing here?”

So that’s her, I thought. No wonder so many guys liked her she was drop-dead-gorgeous.

“I was passing by when I saw you...thought I’d come say hey” she replied not taking her eyes off me. What is that I see in her eyes? Jealousy? “And who is she, Woohyun?...a friend?”. She asked emphasising the word “friend”.

He made his way towards me and placed his arm around my wrist. “No actually...she my girlfriend Hana”, He looked at me smiling, nudging me slightly as I looked at him shocked. “Hana meet Jiyeon...a friend” he said emphasising the word “friend” as he stared at her.

I saw hurt flicker in her eyes for a second before it was replaced by a cold look as she stared at me. I cleared my throat and said hey extending my hand towards her. When she didn’t shake it I brought it back to my side, standing there awkwardly as she eyes me from head to toe.

“You could have done better” she said before flicking her hair and walking away.

I just stared at her back in ultra shock as Woohyun finally removed his arm from around me and looked at me apologetically. 


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Chapter 3: i really like it jebal jebal update pleasee
berryberry96 #2
Chapter 3: woahh jiyeonxsunggyu!! thats a rare find! omg authornim hwaiting! i think im going to sup jigyu couple from now on ^^