Curse You, Dongwoo! Part One

Stupid Love Between Stupid Romantics










Sungjong POV





   When Sunggyu told Sungyeol and I that Dongwoo fractured his ankle and that he was going to be staying home with us for a few weeks made my heart drop. Dongwoo was not my favorite person. He loves picking on me and taking my beloved Sungyeol away from me. Hopefully, Dongwoo stays cooped up in his room, but knowing Dongwoo, he’ll do anything to get under my skin.

    As I speak, Sungyeol is probably pampering Dongwoo like he’s some sort of King. First and foremost, Dongwoo shouldn’t be treated like a king when he knows good and well that he’s not. While Sungyeol is in there pa

mpering stupid Dongwoo, I’m in here doing absolutely nothing. What hyungs they are...

Whatever... I think to myself as I sit on my bed.

 “Sungjong-ah!” I hear Sungyeol call me. What does he want from me?

“What, hyung?!” I yell back?

  “Get Dongwoo hyung’s pillow!” he demands. He really thinks I care about Dongwoo. Hyung, please.

“No! Get it yourself!” I refuse stubbornly. Yeah Sungjong. Tell it to him like the beast you are. I tell myself.

  “Fine! Whatever!” Sungyeol groans loudly. I didn’t want to get his stupid banana pillow. I didn’t even want to leave my room. I know I’ll have to come out sooner or later, but not now. i don’t want to see Dongwoo and get picked on.

   As I sit there doing nothing but stare at my wall covered with 4minute posters and random posters of Lee Joon, I hear an obnoxious knock on my door.

 “Jongie!” comes Sungyeol’s voice. Oh my god. I say to myself.

“Come in.” I say to Sungyeol. He then walks in my room with a not so happy look on his face. As he closes the door behind him, he glares at me. Great. What did I do now?

“Is everything okay?” I ask, trying to make myself concerned.

  “No, not really.” Sungyeol answers, looking truthful. I shift on my bed uncomfortably, feeling weird by the way Sungyeol is looking at me. It’s time to lighten the mood.

“That’s too bad.” I joked, snickering a little, only earning a grimance from Sungyeol. My mood lightening didn’t seem to work. Fabulous.

  “This isn’t funny, Sungjong! Everything isn’t fine because of you!” Sungyeol’s face turns as red as a cherry.

“Me?” I pointed to myself. “I don’t recall doing anything wrong.” Sungyeol takes a few deep breaths. He’s being overdramatic. Again. I grab my pillow from my bed and hug it.

  “You don’t like Dongwoo, do you?” Sungyeol asks. What is he on about? I ask myself.

“I don’t like him the way you do, hyung,” I stated, “and I don't like him picking on me. Are you an entirely different person when you’re around Dongwoo?” I ask him getting frustrated. “What are you going on about?” I throw my pillow on the floor. Sungyeol didn’t get upset. He just simply looked at me with surprise. His arms were folded and he just looked furious, but he wasn’t. He walked passed me and laughed.

  “Just try to get along with your hyung. And yes. I am different when I’m around him.” Sungyeol said honestly before walking out of my room and closing to door behind him. When he said that, I wanted to throw the biggest tantrum and scream. Why was he being 2 faced? To impress our stupid dancer, Dongwoo? My train of thought was quickly interupted when I hear Dongwoo hyung’s voice.

   “Jongie! Come out here!” he calls out teasingly. I don’t respond, but I decide to get up and see what he wants. Once I get up from my bed, walk out of my room and into the living room, I see Dongwoo sitting on Sungyeol’s lap like he’s some kind of woman. They were just laughing like this was the funniest thing in the world. This just sets me off. Dongwoo knows I like Sungyeol. Yet he decides to get under my skin. Nice going Dongwoo.


   “Is our cute maknae angry?” Dongwoo cracks up and looks and Sungyeol.

  “I think he is!” Sungyeol cracks up along with him. At this point, I’m sick of them picking on me. My blood is boiling.

“Cut the crap!!!” I yell at them. They finally stop fooling around and look at me. “Why are you guys picking on me? Why do you guys have to be such jerks?!”  I storm off to my room, upset with the YeolDong duo. When I get to my room, I slam the door behind me and plop down on my bed and hug my pillow. I begin staring at my wall covered with K-Pop posters and inspirational sayings. I feel lost. As I’m just staring at the wall, I hear a knock on my door.

  “Sungjong!” Sungyeol calls out, banging on my door like a mad man.

“No...” I stuff my face in my hands and just rub my face. Then, Sungyeol just barges into my room, causing me to raise my head and look at Sungyeol.

  “Why are you doing this, JongJong?” Sungyeol asks me. I just roll my eyes.

“Don’t call me that, hyung.” I demand, sounding serious. Sungyeol just laughs.

  “You can’t take a joke?” he asks me, still laughing for some odd reason.

“Whenever you and Dongwoo are together, you two always pick on me. It’s upsetting.” I mumble. Sungyeol smiled and ruffled my hair.

  “I’m sorry, Sungjong-ah. I know that you like me, and I like you too. Dongwoo likes me, so it’s kind of like... a.... love triangle!” Sungyeol explains to me. “I’m just acting.”

“Get out, hyung.” I crack a genuine smile. Sungyeol nods and does as he’s told. As he walks out, he closes the door behind him. I  laugh and go to sit at my desk. I don’t know what to do now, so I decide to put my head down. Then, I doze off and go to sleep.

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Chapter 3: omg dongyeol vs yeoljong? ;A; I vote for Yeoljong xD
and sungyeol calss sungjong "hyung" while sungjong calss sungyeol without "hyung" *--*
Sounds great! Update soon. Love love love infinite.