Trouble Approaching

Love, the Only Thing I Don't Know About

Poor Kyu Hyun!


It was 6 and all of us met at Kyu Hyun’s dorm.

*knock knock

“Come in its open.” Someone said

I opened the door to see Kim Bum on a bed reading a book

He looks so adorable! Wait are you falling for him? Don’t be crazy you know who you like!

(This is how Kim Bum look like)

“Here you go.”Kim Bum said as he gave me the flowers

“What are those for anyway?”I asked

“Just a thanks for helping me present.”

But as Kim bum gave me the flowers Kyu Hyun walked into the room. His was so mad he had to go back into the bathroom.

I have to look better to get Ju Eun on my side.

“Hey Ju Eun, are you ready?” Kyu Hyun asked

(This is how Kyu Hyun looks)

Omg! Is that Kyu Hyun? IS THAT MY BEST FRIEND KYU HYUN! I never saw him look like this. Why does he all the sudden he dress like, like a totally hottie! weird this is soooo not him

“Yeah oh wait, I forgot I invited So Eun and BoA unnie (older sister or older friend) too. Is that ok with you guys?” I asked

“Of course, did they tell you where they wanted to meet?”Kyu Hyun asked

“Ummmm I think they said they said they wanted to met at game room.” I said

“Ok let’s get going.” Kyu Hyun said and when I was about to leave Kim Bum all of a sudden reached for my hand and he held on.

OMG, what is he doing!  Shocked at his bold action

What the hell is that ba***** doing! GAME ON! KyuHyun thought furiously looking at Ju Eun and Kim Bum

Kim Bum just smiled. For a while we walked in an akward silence while Kyu was behind us

“Oh were here!” I said really relived

“Hey guys!” So Eun said. “So why did you bring Kim Bum here?” She whispered in my ear.

But, apparently Kim Bum heard and said, “I’m the one who suggested we meet all together. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”

“No it’s fine.” So Eun said

“Ummmm Kim Bum, not to be rued but can you let go of my hand?”I asked

“Oh, sorry I forgot.” As he said that Kyu Hyun walked between us and he said, “Let’s go in!” Then he grabbed my arm and we walked in. I was used to Kyu Hyun doing that because he was one of my closest friends. But when Kim Bum did that, it felt really weird.

“So what game should we play first?” BoA asked

“Let’s do partner charades.” Dong Hae said

Han Kyung got 6 pairs of cards. He shuffled the cards and said, “Everyone pick a card.”

Everyone picked a card and I got the last card.

“Now everyone show their cards and whoever has the same card then you are their partner. Ok go!” Han Kyung said.

Ok so we flipped the cards and here it the order of the pairs

1. BoA and Kang In

2. Eun Hyuk and Ye Sung

3. So Eun and Si Won

4. Han Kyung and Dong Hae

5. Me and Sung Min

6. Kyu Hyun an Kim Bum

This is going to be so fun Kim Bum thought

Uh oh, I’m in big trouble Kyu Hyun thought

“Ok so who got the cards?” I asked

“It is right over here so who wants to start?” Dong Hae asked

“We will.” BoA volunteered

“Ok Kang In you act it out ok?”

“Ok start!” Kang In yelled

We started the timer and BoA started to guess

“A dog, No a cat, I’VE GOT IT YOU’RE A WOLF!”BoA yelled

“YES!” Kang In yelled and hugged BoA

“Ok Eun Hyuk start,” Ye Sung said

“An apple” Ye Sung said

“Yeah” Eun Hyuk said

“Omg that was so fast!” I said

“Actually that’s called skill.” Ye Sung said and everyone laughed.

“Our turn, Oppa (older brother, older friend, boy friend) do you want to start?”

‘Sure ready So Eun?” Si Won said

“GO!” So Eun said

“You’re Wolverine!” So Eun said

“Yep, good job So Eun!” Si Won replied

“THAT WAS TO EASY!” all of us said

“So, that’s the card I got.”

“NEXT!”I yelled

“Dong Hae go guess I will act it out.”
“Start,” Dong Hae said

It has been a minute then DANG!

“Sorry boys times up.” BoA said

“HYUNG (older brother, older friend) WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!” Dong Hae said frustrated

“THAT WAS MOSES!” Han Kyung yelled back

“Whoa guys it’s just a game. Ok is it our turn Sung Min oppa?”I asked

“Yep do you want to act it out?”Sung Min asked

“I don’t care.” I said

“You can act I’m a really fast guesser.” Sung Min said

I picked up a card and it said “fighting”

How the heck am I suppose to do that! I thought

“Ok go!” Sung Min yelled

I got So Eun and started to yell at her. Sung Min looked confused then I started to fake punch me. Then So Eun knew what I was going so she mimicked me.

“Oh I got it, fighting!” Sung Min said

“GREAT JOB OPPA, I thought you would never get that!” I said that and then hugged him.

“I told you I was a good guesser.”Sung Min replied.

I sat next to So Eun then said “Ok Kyu Hyun, Kim Bum, you guys ready?”

“Yeah, Kyu Hyun I will act.”Kim Bum said

Kim Bum got the card and then smiled.

“Ok start!” I yelled

All of a sudden Kim Bumgrabbed So Eun’s arm. Then all of a sudden he kissed her.

Damn it i got wats her face Kim Bum though disappointingly

“Kiss. Kim Bum is it a kiss?” Kyu Hyun said

“Yeah” Kim Bum said.

All of a sudden So Eun punched Kim Bum on the face. “WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!” So Eun said as she was whipping .

“It’s called a kiss, why did you punch me?” Kim Bum asked

“Because you actually kissed me, you where suppose to fake it babo (stupid)!” So Eun said

“Well I wasn’t trying to actually kiss you.” Kim Bum replied really calmly.

“Whatever, let’s play a different game.” I said

“What we just started!” Ye Sung said

Then I gave him my get quiet glare. He shut up and then someone said, “Let’s go somewhere else I’m bored.”

“Ok lets go, but where should we go?” Si Won asked

“Let’s go to the beach.” Kyu Hyun said

“Ok” everyone said.

We walked for about 10 minutes then came to the beach.

“LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG!” Dong Hae said and started to run. Everyone started to laugh then ran after him. He saw us coming after him then I ran faster. I didn’t notice but Kyu Hyun ran in front for me then tackled Dong Hae to the ground. Everyone started to laugh.

“Hey everyone what should we do with this fish?” Kang In asked

Eun Hyuk smirked and said, "Put this fish were he belongs, in the water!" Everyone started to whoop and hollar.  Dong Hae started to struggle but it was too late. All the guys started after him, grabbed him then threw him in the water. We all laughed because he was soaking wet. I laughed the hardest, “OH JU EUN.” I turned around then saw him right behind me. All of a sudden he started to hug me and get me wet. “DONG HAE, LET GO!” I yelled. “If that’s what you want.” Dong Hae said. I didn’t notice again then he dropped me into the water.

“COLD IT’S SO COLD!”I screamed. Everyone laughed again. I walked over to them with Dong Hae and ganged up on them. We started splashing water on Si Won then he yelled. The others looked over and saw Si Won wet. He looked at me then laughed. All of a sudden he picked me up over his shoulder then he dropped me into the water. “SI WON OPPA!”I said. Then I got an idea. I waved my hands to signal Si Won and Dong Hae. “So what’s up Ju Eun?” SI Won asked.

“Ok so this is what you are going to do. See So Eun and BoA unnie (older sister, older friend)?” They just nodded.

“Ok one of you goes and gets So Eun while the other gets BoA unnie. Then toss them in the water.” I said

“This is going to be fun.”Dong Hae said

The boys casually walked over to So Eun and BoA and they looked like they were talking. All of a sudden they pick up So Eun and BoA like they weighed lighter than a feather then tossed them in the water. When is saw them get out I started to laugh so hard that my stomach hurt. So Eun and BoA saw me then called everyone over. All of a sudden everyone was running straight at me.

“Uh Oh,” I said. I started to run then and looked back. Kyu Hyun was in the lead then all of a sudden I bumped into something or someone.

“Oh, mianhae (sorry) I didn’t’ know where I was………………..” I said then looked up

“Hey cutie why are you all wet?” the guy said. It was TOP and his gang. When the rest of them caught up to me they just looked at TOP.

“What are you doing TOP?”So Eun said in a very shaky voice. I was proud of her because she was trying to get over him.

“Nothing much So Eun, so you aren’t afraid to talk to me anymore?” TOP said.

So Eun just turned her face around and looked away. Dang it, she got scared of him again.

“Seriously what are you doing TOP?” that was BoA

“Wait, who the heck is TOP” Kim Bum asked

“Oh we have a new guy here.”TOP said

“I’m TOP and this is my gang, Big Bang. That’s G-Dragon, Seung Ri, Tae Yang, and Dae Sung.”

“Ok well I’m Kim Bum, nice to meet you.”

“Whatever, anyway Ju Eun comes with me I need to tell her something.” TOP said

“I don’t think so; whatever you can tell me you can say in front of my friends.” I said

“Ok I will. I want a rematch in the sparring ring.”TOP said

“Why, can’t stand to be a big, fat loser?” I said mocking him

“No, I can understand that you beat me. I under estimated you. But this time I want to make a bet with you.” TOP said

“If I know you, you would say if I win you won’t bother me or any of my friends. But if you win then I have to be your girlfriend.” I said

“Wow nice guess. You got the first part right. But for my win I want to go on a date.” TOP said with a smirk.

“Hey babo, that’s basically the same thing!” I said

“Are you up for it or not?” TOP asked

“I don’t think so.” Someone said. Actually two people said that. I turned around to see that it was Kyu Hyun and Kim Bum.

“Instead of her fighting you, I will fight you.” Kyu Hyun said

“You don’t have a chance.” G-Dragon said snickering.

All of a sudden I dragged Kyu Hyun far away so that none of the other members could hear what I was saying.


“No I’m not. You helped me through a lot. Now it’s my turn to pay you back.” Kyu Hyun said

“Oppa, it’s not worth it.” I said

Did, did she just call me oppa? Kyu Hyun thought

Did i just call him oppa? weird wats up with me?

“Oppa its fine, I can handle him. We just have to think of a way to trick him.” I said

“How are you going to plan that?” Someone said. It was Si Won. Everyone was right behind me.

“What happened with TOP and his gang?” I asked

“Someone came.” Kang In said.

“Who was it Kang In?” Kyu Hyun asked.

“I came, do you have a problem?” Someone said

Kyu Hyun was shocked.

“Kyu Hyun who is it?” I asked

“You don’t recognize my voice?” I asked

“No now-“I turned around to see who it is.

“What do you want Min Hwan?” I ask

“Nothing much, I’m not like TOP. I don’t need a date from you. But I do have a request. Well you have to do it exactly.”Min Hwan said

“And what makes you think that I will do it?”

“Well I got Big Bang away from your friends and doesn’t that count?”

“Well, what is the request?”

“You have to be our model. Well including So Eun.” Hong Ki says.

“WHAT?”So Eun and I say at the same time.

“Why would you want us to be your models?” I asked Min Hwan.

“Hey it wasn’t me choice. Hong Ki asked me because he though you guys were perfect for his dresses in the contest.” Min Hwan said disgusted

“Well how come I wasn’t informed about the contest?” So Eun asked

“Well for the contest you needed a special invite. I’m sorry So Eun.” Hong Ki said

“No its fine, at least I get to hang out with my friends.” So Eun said so happily

“So are you going to do it or not?”Min Hwan said in his pompous voice of his.

“Let me think, wait are you making suits to?” I ask

“Yeah, do you want to wear a suit?” Hong Ki asked.

“No, how many are you making?” I ask

“About 8 suits and 8 dresses, the models partner up and walk together. I just need you two to get 8 models.” Hong Ki said

“Well, I will model, if you pick two of my friends to model with So Eun and me.” I said

“What, I already got 8 male models. Why would I want to replace two of my models for them?” Hong Ki asked

“Well if you want us to be your model that is the deal.” So Eun said

“Fine, whatever you two will be the models.” Hong Ki said as he pointed to two people. Hong Ki pointed to Kyu Hyun and Kim Bum.

“WHAT, WHY WOULD I BE A MODEL FOR YOU?!?!?!”Kyu Hyun asked. I look at him and give him my please do it for me look.

“Fine, I will do it.” Kyu Hyun says

“So will I, so who is my partner?” Kim Bum asked

“Sorry to be rude but what are your names?” Hong Ki asked. At least they have one pleasant person in their group. Well most of the time. I thought.

“I’m Kyu Hyun and that is Kim Bum he is new.”

“Let’s see, Ju Eun, Kim Bum stand together.” Then we do what he instructs.

“Ok, now So Eun stand next to Kim Bum.” She was about to refuse but Hong Ki dragged her over to Kim Bum.

“Ok So Eun and Kim Bum will be one couple. Kyu Hyun and Ju Eun will be another couple.” Hong Ki says. But right before So Eun was going to say something Hong Ki said, “Thanks for helping. Oh and the fashion show is tomorrow.” And walked away with the other members of Ft .Island

“Hey Ju Eun can I switch partners with you?” So Eun asks

“Why, Kim Bum is an awesome guy.”

“I know but something about him irritates me.”

“Well let’s ask them.”

We walk over to Kim Bum and Kyu Hyun and then So Eun says, “Kim Bum I want to switch partners with Ju Eun. That’s ok with you, right.”

“Sure, but we have to ask the other couple.” Kim Bum says then looks over at me and Kyu Hyun.

“Guys is it ok if we switch partners?” he says

Wonder what Kyu Hyun is going to say. Kim Bum thought and snickers in his head

“It’s fine with me, what about you?” I ask Kyu Hyun

What do I say? I can’t let the stupid Casanova be partners with Ju Eun. Kyu Hyun though

BINGO! Kim Bum thought

“Well I would love to be couples with you So Eun. But what do you think Hong Ki would think? He did pair us up with the person who we looked best with.” Kyu Hyun said

“Right, I forgot about Hong Ki. I’m so sorry So Eun but I think Kyu Hyun is right.” I say

“It’s fine Ju Eun.”She smiles then glares over at Kim Bum

“Well that was a nice episode, so should we go home?” Ye Sung asks

“Sure let’s go.” BoA unnie says

“This is going to be a fun night.” I say sarcastically. This is going to be the first night where I am alone in a dorm.

“OMG, I forgot to tell you that I’m your new roommate!” So Eun said.

“What, that is awesome, but what about your old roommate?” I ask

“She got transferred to a different district so I asked the lady if I could be your roommate and she said sure!”

“Omg that is amazing!” I say.

“CAN WE GO HOME NOW?”Everyone yells then all of us laugh.

“Sure we can go home. We should get a lot of sleep for the fashion show tomorrow.” Kim Bum says. Then all of us walked home


Sorry I haven’t updated for a long time. I hope you guys like the chapter.

Wonder how the fashion show is going to go^^. Please comment

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@tenshiXhanar- thanks for reading^^ im hoping to make one soon so yep^^ thanks for reading. Hahaha Kim Bum and So Eun are such a "cute" couple haha
tenshiXhanari #2
WOopie! U updated! ^^<br />
Love this chapter!! They make a cute couple c:<br />
Thank u for updating again and hope u will update again soon :D
Thank you everyone for commenting and i hope you like my story<br />
@kittenever -YES YAY FINALLY kyu and ju eun are a couple now yay<br />
@rocket_star- hope you enjoy the story. <br />
@tenshiXhanari- thanks for reading^^ thanks for saying that<br />
if you guys have any suggestions then dont be afraid to comment like if you want a characte to appear i would be happy to mention them in the story!^^ please update!^^
tenshiXhanari #4
Omg this story is so gud and cute!!x3 continue pls
aww!! pls update soon!! I wanna know what is she going to say!!