

"I'm sorry for wasting your time and money." I said, bowing continuously. I had completely lost the ability to look him in the eye.


He laughs in slight embarrassment. "No, I should be thanking you. I didn't have much to do anyway today."


"Oh. Then. Goodbye." I said, taking one last look at him. Goodness. How was I able to be around him THIS long without breathing into a paper bag? Taeyang smiles at me before turning away.


And there he goes. The first time I had met anyone famous. He was so sweet, it's a shame I'll probably never see him again.


Just the thought of him never being able to see him again made me sad....Wait. This didn't have to be the end.


"Dammit, you need to start speaking to guys, Lyra! Or you'll never get married!" I could hear my old friend yelling at me in the back of my mind. And she was right. All my life, I had been so afraid to do things. I always afraid of failure, loss, and of course rejection. But in reality, rejection would only for 30 seconds and then I could go back to watching him on TV.


"W-Wait!" I said, causing him to stop. He turns around and I immediately freak out. I didn't know what else to say. My mind went blank and it was back to being a silly old fangirl. "U-Um. C-Can I...... Can I get your autograph?"


He looks at me, smiles, then walks over to me once again. "Sure."


I scurried through my bag looking for something. I sadly couldn't find anything but a pen. I looked at him with a nervous look and he looks back. "Nothing for me to sign?"


I paused, thinking as quickly as I could. I held out my arm along with my pen. "Sign me." I watched him as he grabs a hold of my arm, taking the pen from my hand. For some reason, he seemed very pleased to sign my arm.

But I could barely breathe now. He was actually TOUCHING my arm!! I watched him as he was writing.


I knew how attractive he was. I had seen him in photos, in magazines, on variety shows and he was gorgeous EVERYWHERE. But seeing him in the view now, he was even more beautiful. From the cute mohawk on his head, to his perfectly shaped lips, to his body type where everything seemed much more toned. He was.... perfect.


But it wasn't for a moment when I realized that he was already done signing my arm. He looks at me with bright eyes. His smile was wider. He looked, embarrassed. "All done. Hope to hear from you soon."

"Sure." I said, still drinking him in. I watched him disappear from my sight, eventually going back into my conscious mind. I looked down to my arm, admiring his penmanship. It read Sol, Taeyang, I would love to see you again. 498-*******.....


Wait..... Was that his...... number!?!


I grew into a panic once again, trying to take in the fact that he gave me his number. I felt so important and the sudden urge to cry was suddenly feeling like a very good idea. Without thinking, I saved the number in my phone and hurrying back to work with a huge smile on my face....

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kikokang #1
please update soon ^^
kay_dee #2
i like this already!<br />
update soon :)