

I broke my heel on the way downstairs. I was already a nervous wreck trying to kiss up to my new boss. I had already felt down in the dirt mostly because I was too much of a thinker.

The word why or anything that resembles a questions appears. Such as, Am I gonna survive in this country?

Does my clothes look too formal? Informal?


I don't know. Maybe I'm just homesick. I did miss my country. Only because my lovely family was left behind. I could still hear my dad's voice in my head. "Don't forget us here. Come back as soon as you can."


I kicked the broken shoes off, luckily finding a pair of Jimmy Choo's behind my couch. As I was attempting to put them on without hands, I shuffled my loose paper into my messenger bag and grabbed the house keys form my coffee table. I open the door to my home to find the rain pouring.


I suddenly wanted to just quit. Go back to sleep and the hell with stupid work. But I was already dressed up and everything. Before taking another heavy sigh, I grab my umbrella and hurried out of my home.


"I promise, dad."


"Yeah you better. And please, don't try and bring home some Korean." My father had always teased me with my heavy interest in Asian... anything. I wasn't sure why this came to be but it just was. Maybe because I had a drop of everything but Asian. I probably had the need to have a small taste of it. In my own way.


I smiled at the thought as I rushed down the street, making sure i don't drop any paperwork. Or for the least, breaking my heel again.


The rain was pouring and it was beginning to become very inconvenient. My only nice shoes were getting ruined and... Great. I left my glasses home. I groaned lowly, trying to figire out how did I leave something like that at home. It was bad enough my vision was as poor as a bat's. But I didn't have the time to turn back, I was already late for work. Ignored all of the mishaps so far, crossing the street before me. I scurried along as I shuffled through my bag to make sure my glasses were in there.

"Ha! I found it." I said to myself, finally putting it onto my face. My vision cleared but the moment I could see again, a guy bumps me, instantly crashing me in the middle of the street.


It was like I got the wind knocked right out of me. Not only that, my pretty clothese were ruined from the the filthy ground. I could feel tears swelling in my eyes. Then I though of my dad once again.


"You gotta stop being so weak. What's going to happen when you have to live out onyour own?" He was always concerned for me. And I now I know why.


Snapping back into reality, I tried to pick myself up before the light had changed. The floor was really dirty and I am still really upset about it all. Today just wasn't going right. At all. I attempted to dust myself off, suddenly remembering my umbrella. It was a few yard away as I attempted to retrieve it. It blew to the other side of the street and a guy picks it up the moment the unbrella calms.


I watched the guy as he lifts the umbralle and puts it over his head. I was just about ready to snap but he proceeds in my direction.


"I believe you dropped this." He said, handing over my umbrella. His voice was very appealing and just by voice, he was already attractive to me.


"O-Oh. Thank you very much." I said, nodding and eventually taking a good look at him.


I didn't want to believe it. Even in my dirty clothes, I somehow found the time to stare at him. I knew his face way too well to not who he was.

"T-Taeyang?" I breathed unintentionally.


A smile appeared on his face and I blushed instantly. Now, I'm standing here all filthy in front of some famous dude. I'm sooooo embarrassed.


He looks away in the direction of the roadway. "It seems like you are in a hurry. Do you need me to carry something for you?"


"Ah, no thanks. I-I've got to go back home. The jerk that bumped me ruined my clothes." I said, avoiding eye contact now.


He looks at me slightly confused. "But won't you be late? For work?"


He had a point. And now I'm standing here. Looking like an idiot.



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kikokang #1
please update soon ^^
kay_dee #2
i like this already!<br />
update soon :)