Chapter 1

Looking after a child...with them!?


Soomi's POV
I groaned as I picked up the pile of documents that my teacher gave me.
“Now remember  Miss Lau, these are due in on the 17th, so two weeks, which also means  enough  time to finish it, I don’t want you to come back with nothing, arasso?” My teacher gave me a stern look.

“Yes Ms Park...” I pushed my glasses up with my spare hand.

“Good, now go along.” She nodded her head.

“Yes ma’m, good bye.” I barely bowed and walked out of the room, staggering while doing so.
I was getting the hang of holding the pile of documents...until I bumped into a pole.

“D’ow!” I fell back, but something caught my arm and pulled me into it. I blinked a few times and looked up. So it wasn’t a pole!
“Are you Okay?” He asked me while looking down at me.

“Neh.” I looked around. “But my paper work aren’t” I sighed. They were all plastered around us. He let go of me as I went to pick them up.

“I’ll help.” He bent down and helped me pick them up. Once they were all safe in my hands, I bowed.

“Thank you for helping me.” I said in a slight monotone.

“Your welcome.” He laughed a bit. “By the way, my name’s Jongup.”

“I’m Soomi.” I smiled. Which is rare in front of a boy that isn’t related to me and we only met a few minutes ago.

“Well...I’ve gotta run now, it was nice meeting you Soomi!” He flashed a grin as he patted my back.

“Me too, see ya” We wave to each other and walked our ways. Once I got to my dorm I dropped the pile of paper on the table, causing a loud ‘PLOP’ sound. I sighed heavily and fell onto my couch. My glasses fell down slightly. I was about to push them back up but my stomachs demand on food interrupted me.
I scrunched my nose and stood up, walking to the kitchen. I roamed around but no matter where I looked everything was empty. I groaned and gripped onto my hair. My stomach growled again, slightly louder.
“AISH! Arasso!” I hit my stomach. I fixed my hair quickly, grabbed my bag and header out to feed my poor stomach.
As I walked into McDonalds my eyes widened at the long line. There is no way I am going to survive in that line...and if I did my stomach would’ve eaten itself by the time I got to the cashier. With a sigh, I walked out of McDonalds and into some Korean food shop.
I sat down at a table as the lady came and got my order.
“Ah...just anything that’s cheap, I don’t mind.” I smiled.

“Neh.” She nodded her head and went into the kitchen. It didn’t take long as the lady came back with a bowl of rice, seaweed and a bowl of meat.

“Thank you.” I bowed a bit and started to chow down my food. As I was eating, someone interrupted me.

“Excuse me?” I looked up. There stood a tall man in a black suit holding a suitcase.


“I’m sorry to interrupt, but are you interested in getting a job?”

“I’ve had thoughts, wae?” I took some seaweed and wrapped it in kimchi and rice before I ate it.

“I’m from the Choi Agency and I’d like to offer you a job.” He handed me a card. I took it and did a double take after I spat out my poor kimchi wrapped in seaweed and rice.

“C-Choi?! As in the richest family Choi!?!?!?!?! L-Like Choi Siwon!??!?!”


“This isn’t a scam is it?!” I narrowed my eyes.

“No it isn’t, if you’d like, I could contact Mr.Choi right now.” He took out his phone.

“’s okay...” I coughed. “So...what job are we talking about?”

“’s merely just a babysitting job.”

“...really? That’s all?”

“Yes, so will you accept it?”

“Hmm...yes I accept the job...but only for a high price.”

“Well then, you’re hired.” He shook my hand. “I’ll explain further details tomorrow, is there a time where you’re free?”

“Hmm...possibly 2pm.”

He nodded his head. “Well I’ll or possibly another worker will meet you here tomorrow at 2pm.” He handed me a piece of paper with an address on it. “See you tomorrow, Miss Lau.” He headed out.

I placed the paper in my pockets. “Neh-’d he know my name...?” I wondered to myself. “...meh, it’s a small world.” I continued to feed my empty stomach.

16 minutes later.

I plopped onto my couch and briefly skimmed through the documents.
Teachers and their ways on torturing us...
I slipped my hand into my pocket in attempt to get out my phone, but instead I took out the piece of paper that guy gave me this afternoon.
Now that I think about it...does the Choi Agency always send people to Korean food shops to hire people?...nahhh
I looked at the address name.
Princes and Princesses Cafe
...speaking about princes...there’s gonna be a huge chance that I could meet Siwon tomorrow...
NAHHHH!!! There’s no way Siwon, Choi Siwon, the richest guy in Korea, could possibly come and meet me, a normal girl who one of his workers hired. There is NO WAY. I repeat NO. WAY that Choi Siwon would come to meet me.


“Hi there, I’m Choi Siwon nice to meet you.” He smiled his princely smile and shook my hand.

I gaped as he shook my hand.
You know whatever I said yesterday? Yeah...forget that.
“Nice to meet you, I’m-“

“Soomi Lau, correct?” He answered for me.

“’d you...”

“How’d I know?” He raised an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I know? Your family is one of the richest in Canada and besides, I’m friends with your brother.”

“...O-----Kay I get the fact on how my family is one of the richest in Canada but YOU’RE FRIENDS WITH MY BROTHER??!?!?!!??!” I screeched.

“Yeah.” He said it as if it meant nothing. “Henry Lau, right? We’ve been friends for 5 years.”
I looked at him with my mouth hanging open.
The next time you come to Korea to visit me. You.Are.Dead.

Ohmahgawd I just had to add some SJ in to this...cause you know...I'm an ELF by heart . 3.

Well anyway....I'll add Zelo and Daehyunnie in chapter 2, so rest assured Babies! ^^

Comment and Subscribe!...please? .w.
-superELFjunior AKA Nana


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Chapter 2: Yeah, which of you friends -jouns Bre and smirks-
Chapter 1: Which of your friends 'TORTURED' you???
chenle #3
Chapter 1: Aww..It's cute~~! Update soon!~ ^^