Angels... Demons... Whatever.

My Guarding Angel


I stood silently in a corner, trying to hide myself in the shadows. “I’m not here.” I whispered repeatedly. “I’m not here.”

I can’t believe I had still came.


I have to admit: I’m lost without him.


He was the center of my life.

The only light in my shadowed life.

The voice that will guide me in the dark.

The warm hand that will pull me up every time.


I can still remember how we met.



“You shouldn’t be born.”

“You should have never existed.”

“You are never gonna be one of us, stop dreaming.”


I bite my lips as my tiny frame rolled into a ball, a normal position for me now, trying not to flinch when rocks and sticks make harsh contact with my body.

“YAH! STOP! What are you doing?” I heard a guy's voice yelling.


The pounding and shrill laughter died down as the group of kids assaulting me glared at the newcomer in disdain.

“And just who do you think you are, pretty ?” The leader of the group smirked, causing uproars of snickers among his followers.


He did not answer.


“Leave, before I force you to.”

His words were plain entertainment to the group of kids. At least, they thought it was.

“My last warning!” The girl growled dangerously.

Even without lifting my head, I can sense the temperature of the run-down temple rising.


I could tell that they were getting scared, but the leader tried to hold on to his dignity.

“L-like I care!”

“You asked for it.” The boy stated simply as blinding golden light sudden filled the tiny space.



Before long, their screams disappeared down the alleys.


“Are you okay?” The boy's voice sounded beside me.

I buried my head in my arms, refusing to look up at him.

Gently but firmly, he pried my fingers open.


“Hey, are you okay?” He repeated, looking at me in the eye.

I was unable to answer him.

He was so… beautiful.


He's a White Angel, or as the commoners put them, the “silver-gold”, the royalty of the royalty.

His eyes are wide, a clear silver shade, shining with sincere concern.

His wings, that had just unfolded, are translucent with golden tips, some of the rarest breeds of angel wings ever.


“I-I…” I couldn’t bring myself to say anything.

“So, you’re that boy that everyone talks about…” He murmured softly as he stares straight at me, scanning my body.

“Yunho, eh?” He continues, ignoring my pleading gaze.


“Did you have a rough time out there?” He whispered suddenly, after a moment of silence.


That sentence broke the walls I’ve build in my heart.

The dams I’ve constructed for my tears were tore down in the sudden rush of emotions.


It has been seven years since anyone has spoken to me like that.

Like I mattered to them.


I cried.

They started off as sobs but soon broke into a full-blown wail.


Sighing, the boy wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his embrace.

His wings folded around us, wrapping us inside.


“Cry all you want. No one else is here.” He murmured, his voice echoing softly in the make-shift cocoon.


And that was how our friendship started.



This is a world where Angels, Humans and Demons live together, with the former symbolizing royalty and the latter, slavery. As for Demons? Well, they are the mortal enemies of Angels so yeah. Having any kind of interaction is seen as betrayal.

This is a world with a strict set of instructions on how it should be run.

And everyone is expected to follow it.

If you don’t, penalty is… death.


“You don’t have to do this.” I muttered, tugging at my torn shirt’s edge uncomfortably.

“Yunho! You promised, remember?” He argued back, pouting.

“But Jaejoong! I don’t deserve any of this!” I cried out loud finally as tears attacked my eyes.


He said nothing, just held me in her arms and blocked the world out with his wings again. That is what he always does when I have my panic attacks.


“I’m nobody. Just a bother to the world.”

“I’ve only brought misfortune to people around me.”

“I belong nowhere.”

“Angels will never accept me ‘cause I’m tainted by Demon’s blood.”

“Demons will never accept me ‘cause I’m not pure-demon.”

“Humans treat me as trash.”

“I’m in this all alone.”


“No, Yunho-ah. You’re wrong. You’re not alone.” I looked up at him in surprise.

“Never again. From now on, I’ll be there for you.”

He met my shocked eyes and nodded firmly.


“Since faith led us to meet, let me guard you for a lifetime.” Jaejoong's soft vow replayed over and over in my ears.



I closed my eyes and shook my head hard.

I wanted to clear out all memories of him.

But… it’s impossible.

He’s part of me.




I Jaejoong's wings in awe.

“They’re so pretty!” I exclaimed as I gently the huge wings on his back. “It’s like, transparent! And these gold feathers here! And-”

“So are yours.” He cut into my sentence unexpectedly.


“I said, so are yours. Your wings. They’re pretty.”


I was yet again stunned by his comment.

My wings… pretty?

I can’t help but look back at that pair of tiny, shriveled, leaf-like ‘wings’ of mine.

They were of a ugly shade of brown-black.


Without warning, Jaejoong reached out and cupped my cheeks.

“You’re beautiful, Yunnie.”


A single drop of tear slipped from my eye.



He was the first person to ever tell me that I’m beautiful.

The first person to accept me.

The first person to unlock my heart.


We had so much memories together, so much so that it hurts to think about it.



It’s my tenth birthday today.

I bit my lips as I stared at a non-existent spot in the dark room.

“Yunho-ah, I need to go to my friend’s house today. Don’t wait for me for dinner, okay? Bye!”


He doesn’t need me, I realized.

I depended on him for everything.

But what can I give him back in return?



“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday to Yunho, happy birthday to you!”


His clear voice sounded out of nowhere as he appeared.

In the wavering light of the candles, I saw Jaejoong approaching me with a huge chocolate cake.



“Idiot. Do you really think I forgot it’s your birthday?”

“We are best friends. Remember that.”



“Hey Yun,” Jaejoong murmured softly as we lied on the grass, counting the stars together.

“Yeah?” I asked, picking up his unspoken sadness.

“One day, take my hand and fly with me.”


I don’t know what pushed me to say, “I promise.”

He smiled but didn’t say a word about it anymore and I gave up on asking him.




Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the confines of my corner. The moment I appeared, a storm of insults and threats were flung in my face.


“That’s him! He caused the prince’s death!”

“Get out! We don’t welcome you here!”


I ignored them.

Slowly but painfully, I walked over to the huge crystal coffin, placed on the pale marble ground.


“Hey, Jae. I’m here.”

I whispered as my hand touched the cool material gently.



“Come on! Let’s go out today!” Jaejoong yelled and tugged repeatedly at my shirt.

“No!” I argued. “I’m sleepy!”

“I don’t care!” Jaejoong whined and hopped onto my bed, subsequently squashing me. “You’re coming whether you want or not!”

“Try me!”


Needless to say, he flung me off the bed. “Stop being a big baby Yun. Now change and get ready.”

“Fine…” I grumbled and picked myself up. "I swear, you're freaking evil, Jae."

He just beamed at me and skipped out of the room, humming a tuneless song.

“Your musical aspect disgrace me.” (A/N Yeah I know. The irony. Whatever. Its to entertain me XD) I muttered, shaking my head as I made my bed.


“Oh my god, look at that!!!” I cried (well I squealed, but yeah. I'm a guy. I have my own pride… so yeah. I cried), pointing to a adorable kitten on the other side of the road.

“Look at who’s excited now.” Jaejoong mumbled, but still allowed me to drag him across the road.

“Can we buy her?” I pleaded, giving Jaejoong my puppy-doggy eyes.

“Her?” Jaejoong quipped.

“The kitten! She’s a girl, can’t you see?”

“Okay, but on one condition.”


“Name her Yunho.” Jaejoong said smirking, literally grinning from head to toe. "Then I can cuddle her and poke her and everything while calling your name!"



I held the cute furry thing close to my body, cuddling it gently as it is snuggled in my chest.

“Come on, let’s go!” I yelled excitedly, pulling Jaejoong along. “I can’t wait to get her home!”

He chuckled at my rare hyper mood.

That very moment, I said a statement that I regretted for life.

“Race you!” I smirked and dashed across the road, looking back to see if he’s following.


I turned to see his horror-plastered face.



A world of white took me in.

When the wild spots in my eyes cleared, I turned to see something I’ll never forget.



His beautiful eyes gazed intently on me.

“A-are you okay?” His broken question barely made it out.

I stared desperately at his pale face, unable to stop the tears.



His eyes spoke everything. Unknowingly, I ended in his arms.

Painfully, he gathered his wings around, shutting out the noisy world.


His warm breathe stirred at my ear as he whispered our vow for the last time.

“Since faith led us to meet, let me guard you for a lifetime.”



I spread my arms slowly.

Light engulfed my entire body as I closed my eyes.

I could feel my wings extending.


There are faint gasps from the guests of the royal family.


My wings, once black and shriveled, are now white and soft with dark purple tips, even taller than myself.

My eyes glittered with indigo as I raised my body to the gentle heat.


I can hear his voice as clearly as ever.


Gently, I scooped his body out from the crystal prison.

I, no wait, we, took off into the air.


Soaring through the pure blue sky and brushing past the fluffy clouds, I smiled genuinely for the first time since his death.



“One day, take my hand and fly with me.”

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Chapter 1: will yun die too?
vesevour #2
Chapter 1: Nice story.It made me and my cousin cry.I just wanted to ask you... whats the difference between an angel with purple tips on their wings and the one with gold tips?(Sorry if its a weird question...)
mitralisa #3
thank u 4 sharing
shutup #4
Chapter 1: That was soo sweet, this is what you could call a real friendship. It made me cry, well done.
LovesAsianDrama #5
Chapter 1: THAT WAS BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN. You did a wonderful job ^_^