Chapter 3

Remembering You


Jiyeon’s POV


I’ve been thinking about Suzy’s words -- “But when you need someone to talk to, I think you would probably have to come to me,”. Why did she think that way? Did she know something…?


I decided to find out what her statement meant. I called Myungsoo’s number.


“Hello?” Suzy answered.


“Suzy-ssi, this is Jiyeon. Let’s meet up.”


“Great! Thanks for coming to me. I’ll go to the airport’s Starbucks. We’ll meet there, okay?”


“Okay. See you in 15 minutes.”




I threw my phone on my bed and took a warm shower. I picked a yellow hoodie and a pair of denim shorts before heading to the airport.




“Over here!” Suzy waved when she saw me enter Starbucks. I walked over and sat down.


“Look, Jiyeon, from your expression I can tell you have feelings for Myungsoo, not JB. My question is; what exactly are you thinking by cheating on JB like this? You’ll only bring him misfortune, not happiness.”


I knew she was right. I knew I wasn’t over Myungsoo. But she didn’t understand. She may know that fact but she wouldn’t know anything else.


“Hello? Earth to Jiyeon?” she waved her hands in front of my face to get my attention. “I’m not cheating on JB… It’s just—” I was cut off by my phone vibrating on the table. The caller ID read “Jae Bum Oppa”. I rejected the call and looked up to Suzy.


“If you aren’t, why did you reject the call?” her eyes furrowed in suspicion. I shrugged at her glare and said, “Suzy, I don’t know if I can trust you.”


She grabbed my hand and held it tightly. “Jiyeon-ssi, I really hope you and Myungsoo can get back together. So please, Jiyeon-ssi, trust me.” She gave me a reassuring smile. Her eyes reflected “sincerity”, so I decided that trusting her once wouldn’t hurt.


“But, hold on. Aren’t you Myungsoo’s girlfriend?” I pulled my hand away and immediately returned her suspicion glare she gave me not too long ago.


“It’s a long story, so I’ll explain it afterwards. So now, you’ve got to explain why you’re cheating on JB’s heart like that.” She leaned back and took a sip of her coffee.


Just as I was about to start my detailed explanation, my phone started vibrating again. Suzy saw the caller ID and she raised her eyebrow. I shrugged and excused myself.




“Park Jiyeon! Have you eaten something wrong; why haven’t you answered any of my phone calls?!” JB “shouted” over the phone.


“Sorry, oppa. Look, I’m busy now. I promise I’ll call you later.” He calmed down and I hung up. Why did I get myself into this mess?


I walked back solemnly to my seat and took a deep breath as I started.


“5 years back, Myungsoo actually left me. The last night I spent with him; I still remember vividly; we were cuddling by the fireplace, looking out the window and enjoying the cool breeze from the autumn rain while sipping our hot chocolates. When the rain stopped, we decided to go to bed.


“We cuddled on the bed, with me hugging tightly to his body while my head rested on his arm, and him just, well, relaxing there. I suspected nothing at all, and went to sleep comfortably beside him. The next morning, he disappeared. All was left of him was a note that is ingrained in my heart. The note said, “Jiyeon, I have got something to say. But when you’re reading this, I probably wouldn’t even be in Korea anymore. I thought I loved you, but when I think about it again and again, I always come to one conclusion – Do I really love you? You probably would think I’m lying that I do not have any feelings for you, but next to this letter you’ll find the necklace you bought me, and the couple ring we have worn through the 2 years we were together. I’m sorry for making you fall for me so deeply, but I wish not to manipulate you any further. I’m sorry, but I’m leaving this place because it’s flooded with memories of you. I wish not to “reminisce” any of them. Sincerely, Myungsoo,”


“I held tightly onto that letter and the things he left and cried my heart out. Every year, when there is an autumn rain, I will hold the items and letter and cry at the same spot. For 5 years straight, I’ve been doing that. But this year, I decided enough was enough. And since JB was courting me, I decided, well, starting off by dating him would be a good start, and so I did. I accepted him the day before both you and Myungsoo came back.


“On that day, when Myungsoo hugged me, I really didn’t want him to let go. I wanted him to hug me forever, till the day I died, which was never going to happen with my “boyfriend” staring at the two of us. And after we separated, I realized that without Myungsoo, I’m nobody. But right now, I don’t even know how I am supposed to break up with JB. Suzy, please help!”


Suzy’s POV


After listening to Jiyeon’s very detailed explanation, I decided to tell her the reason why Myungsoo left Jiyeon 5 years back, and why he’s back 5 years later. Before I could even start my explanation, my phone started vibrating. It was Myungsoo.


I looked up to Jiyeon and she looked uncomfortable to see that the caller ID was “Myungsoo Oppa <3”. I embarrassingly excused myself and picked up the call.


“Yes, oppa?” I whispered into the receiver.


“Suzy, where are you? I’m very hungry…”


“FINALLY YOU DECIDED TO EAT!” I said a little too loudly. Jiyeon heard me and she looked at me worriedly.


“I’ll be back in 30 minutes. Just whip yourself up a meal with some jam and bread okay?”


“Arraso. Hurry back!”


I returned to my seat and took a sip of my tea and started my explanation.


“5 years back, when Myungsoo supposedly “left” you, I met him in the airplane. I tried making friends with him, because I fell in love with him at first sight, so I asked many questions. Soon, he started opening up to me. His reason for leaving you was simple, he had a tumor in his head. The doctor in Korea said he couldn’t do anything about the tumor unless he left for the States to get it treated. He was so afraid that if he told you the reason, you’ll start worrying for him and he didn’t want that. He was also afraid you might wait for him, but what if the operation was a fail and he couldn’t come back?


“Luckily, after 2 years of treatment, Myungsoo was all better. He started working as a business man and after 3 years, he decided it was time to come back for you. He was so confident that you would still be in love with him and that if he returned, you guys could still be together. But at the airport, you proved him wrong, which made him think that “MyungYeon” was over. The following days, he locked himself up in his room, refusing to eat or drink. All he did was sleep, bathe and then repeat the same routine the next day. Today, he finally decided to eat. So please, take it that I’m begging you, just accept Myungsoo.”


I took another sip of my tea after finishing my very long explanation. Jiyeon looked like she was about to break down, probably because she felt she had wronged Myungsoo. I patted her shoulder and said, “I’ll bring you to Myungsoo, okay?”


She nodded her head and we headed off to look for Myungsoo. I just hope these two get together, soon.


Myungsoo’s POV


Just like what Suzy had advised, I took some bread and jam and started munching on it. I sat around the house after I ate 2 pieces of bread and I started watching the television.


The minute I the TV, it was a scene of actress Park Shin Hye and actor-singer Jung Yong Hwa confessing their love for each other. Instantly, I started having an illusion of Shin Hye being Jiyeon and Yong Hwa being me. How nice would that be?


I started zoning out and smiling at the TV like an idiot. Not long after, I smelt a familiar scent and felt a hug that I’ve loved and wanted many years, -- no one could produce it other than Park Jiyeon.


“OPPA! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! Why didn’t you tell me?!” she cried into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and started patting her back, trying to comfort her. I looked up to Suzy and raised a brow.


She winked at me and went back to her room. Bae Suzy, gomawo…



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Myungyeon <3
Myungyeon4ever #2
Chapter 4: Omg! Suzy ends up with JB?? Perfect!!! Now JB isn't alone :D
Chapter 4: cute.... jiyeon with myungsoo and suzy with jb..
Jinith23 #4
Chapter 4: Yay! Awesom!!! There's nothing better than both couple have a happy ending! I really happy ending story. Great job authornim and pls do some more myungyeon if you're their shipper
Chapter 4: Aww so sweet OMG and the life between those two couples were so different AHHAHA xD
Can you make a fic where in the main pairing is Jiyeon/Ljoe and the third wheel is Myungsoo?XD
I've been craving for fics like that..hahah
I lobe this story <3
Chapter 4: Love this story! I thought Jisoo was like Jiyeon's sister or something. :x.
Chapter 4: Can you try a JB/Suzy?
Chapter 4: Thanks so much for this great fic :x i love it <3 and next time, another Myungyeon fic plzzzzzz authornimmm ~
nakypako #10
Chapter 4: Thanks for such nice story. Ireally like your style of writing.
Oh and btw. that ending pose is from Tango not Waltz but it doesn´t matter :D