Jongup (1)

A B.A.P Christmas Love Story

A/N: I am so so so sorry that I haven't updated this and my other fanfic sooner! I've had this chapter written since August but I've been too busy with school work to update. I feel that my updates will be kind of slow while I'm in school this year :( too much homework!! BUT here is Jongup's chapter. I will hopefully have Zelo's up tomorrow, if not the next day. Enjoy this chappie and please tell me if there's something else you'd like to see in these stories or something I should improve on!

I've been breakdancing since I learned how to walk. I always love the feeling of freedom that flows through me when I dance, like a jolt of electricity and adrenaline, just knowing that I'm free to move the way I want to. Dancing allows me to be who I am, dance does not judge me or laugh at me, nor does it restrict me from doing what I want. Nothing fake and no lies, just fluid movments between my mind, body and the ground I'm dancing on. My name is _______ but everyone knows me as MiRa. I'm the best street dancer in Seoul, it's been that way since I was 17 and beat my biggest rival, Choi Junhong in a dance battle (Yay for Zelo cameo!!). I've heard a rumor that a new guy is giving me a run for my money but I dismissed it because that's all it is, a rumor. Until one day, that is, when I saw him. I was walking with my friends Park Sora and Ahn Yumi when we saw him and went to take a closer look. His body moving swiftly and gracefully, his skin glistening with a sheen of sweat due to the hot day and the concentration of perfecting his moves, his toned muscles showcased proudly in his sleeveless hoodie. I was nearly drooling as I caught sight of his sculpted abs as he executed a flawless headspin and his hoodie slipped up to his chest. I was so mesmerized by this stranger that I nearly forgot he was supposed to be my enemy until Sora started elbowing me. At first I didn't notice it... Then it felt like someone had shot me in the arm. Sora bent down and whispered in my ear...

"You might want to wipe that drool off your chin before he sees you like that"

Of course he would not only notice that I was checking out my competition (in more ways than one), but he'd tease me mercilessly for it. Sora snickered as I glared up at him and rubbed my still throbbing arm. I sighed and shared a look with Yumi, we both knew I wouldn't live this down... Ever.

As the song ended, the new kid's dancing came to an end as well. The crowd that had gathered to watch him dance now burst into applause and praise. After the crowd dispersed I scowled and stalked up to him.

"Yah! who the hell do you think you are?"

The new guy looked up at the sound of my voice, he looked confused and then a big smile lit up his face and made his eyes nearly disappear. 'This kid is smiling? he obviously doesn't have a clue about what's going on... I wonder if he ever does...' I thought, but my thoughts were interrupted when I realized that his face was extremely handsome with sharp features.

"My name is Moon Jongup! who are you?"

"_______ but everyone knows me as MiRa."

You watched Jongup's eyes widen in recognition as he heard your name and he bowed in respect.

"You do realize you're dancing on my turf?" you ask him pointedly, determined not to be swayed by his innocent charm.

"I didn't... I'm sorry. This may be bad timing but would you like to dance with me? I've heard so much about your skills that I'd like to see them for myself and I'd be honored to dance with you".

You felt better knowing that he knew who you were and that he respected you. But you also knew that as much as you wanted to dance with him, you couldn't.

"I'm sorry, I can't right now. We have to go. Maybe some other time, nae? It was nice meeting you Jongup!!"

"It was nice meeting you too, _______ - ssi." Jongup replied while pulling off his hood, revealing his light pinkish-purple hair.
You nodded at him and hurried your friends away with your heart beating a little faster than it normally does. Your eyes were wide in shock. Jongup is the only one to call you by your real name except your friends and family. 

"_________'s got a crush! AWEEE" Sora and Yumi shouted once you were far enough away from Jongup that you were sure he couldn't hear you.

"Yahh..." you blushed and looked down, wondering why you had such idiots for friends. You still loved them, though.
Shortly after, you went home to get ready for school the next day.
You walk into your dance class, sit on the floor while leaning against the wall and wait for your instructor to arrive. You didn't get any more than 2 hours of sleep last night because all you did was toss and turn so you tried getting a little bit of sleep while you waited. As you close your eyes you hear the class erupt in murmurs, you sigh and open your eyes thinking the teacher has finally arrived. Your eyes widen as you lock eyes with Jongup, he smiles at you and walks over. The girls in the class gasp in astonishment as he walks toward you.
"Hi _______, I just transferred here, I guess we're in the same class"

"Hmm I guess we are..." You reply, tiredly.
Jongup notices that you're tired and stops talking. He sits down next to you as you fall asleep again, your head slowly falling onto his shoulder without your knowledge. The other girls in class glare at you and mumble dejectedly. Your instructor finally arrives and Jongup shakes you gently to wake you up. You jolt awake and blush slightly as you realize you were asleep on his shoulder.

"Alright eveyone. I'm going to give you an assignment, you're going to be paired in groups of two in a collaberation performance. You may choose the song and dance style but you must work together. I will pair you up. Chung Ho, you're with Aera. Minyoung you're with Chun Hei. ______ you're with Jongup."
You hear the rest of the girls groan in disappointment and you laugh.

"Well... I guess we ARE going to dance together after all" Jongup grins at you and you laugh and push him playfully.

"Heck yeah we are! We're gonna be the best too!" You laughed, forgetting everything about him being a rival dancer and only seeing him as the adorable, playful puppy that he is.

"I can't wait then" He winks at you. The bell rings and the mob of students separates the two of you as you stand there with your mouth hanging open... Did Jongup just flirt with you??

To Be Continued...

A/N: Did you guys like this? I decided to make Jongup's a two shot because it's too late for me to finish writing, I need to wake up early tomorrow -.- Please tell me what you think! 


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Chrisfkboy #1
lolwhat84223 #2
Chapter 6: woah *o* wish it could happen in the real life ;-;
Chapter 5: omg, i want to dance with him too ;-; xD
Chapter 4: LOL i laughed soo hard at the gif..youngjae is sooo sweet here!!waiting you to update bout jongup and jello!!^^
Chapter 3: sooo cute!!!kekeke~
Chapter 4: i wish he could me my tutor T^T
Chapter 3: The story with daehyun is so cute T^T