
A B.A.P Christmas Love Story

You're at the local carnival with your best friend Eun Kyung when she gets the idea to go on a roller coaster. You look up at the one that she wants to go on and gulp, its the biggest ride in the entire carnival...


Even though you're scared and are practically on your knees begging her to let you stay behind she drags you through the line and onto the roller coaster.

"You are so evil" you say while you glare at her.
The roller coaster starts moving and you take a deep breath as you try to calm yourself. You start to go up the first hill and you squeeze your eyes shut and dig your nails into the restraints. You feel yourself nearing the top of the hill and scream your lungs out as you plunge toward the ground at what seems like a thousand miles per hour. You don't stop screaming until you've finished all the drops and are almost ready to get off the ride.

"_____, I think you shattered my eardrums" says Eun Kyung as you walk away from the roller coaster.
You roll your eyes at her and say that it's her fault for dragging you on it.

"Fine, hey lets go play that game!" she says as she points to a carnival game.


As you and your best friend are trying to win a prize, a boy comes up next to you. He puts his money down on the counter and gets his darts.

"Which one are you trying to win?" he asks you.
"That one" you say as you point to your favorite stuffed animal.


"That's really cute" he says. "I'm Daehyun by the way"

"I like that name, I'm _____" you say with a smile.
'Oh my gosh he's so cute' you think.

Your best friend nudges you and giggles.
"You totally like him!" she says.

You blush and go back to trying to win your stuffed animal. Unfortunately, you run out of darts and are only able to get a small prize instead of what you wanted. You are about to walk away when Daehyun calls out to you.

"_______! wait a second!" calls Daehyun.

You turn around and look back at where Daehyun is standing. He makes sure you're watching as he throws his last two darts, popping a balloon with each dart.
"Congratulations, you won a large prize! Which one would you like?" asks the attendant.

"That one would be perfect" says Daehyun while pointing at the very prize you wanted. The attendant hands it over and Daehyun gives it to you.
"You didn't have to do that" you say while hugging the stuffed animal.

"No, but I wanted to. I hated seeing you walk away disappointed" he replies.

"Hey! you want to hang out with us? _____ likes you well enough!" says Eun Kyung. You blush because she was so outright about it but you don't deny anything.

"I'd love to!" says Daehyun and you walk to the next ride.

You come to a stop in front of one of your favorite rides and ask the others if they'd like to ride it with you.


Eun Kyung doesn't want to but Daehyun agrees and you both get on together. He makes sure to take a seat next to you and you hear the clinking of the restraints against the chains of the swings as everyone fastens themselves in. Soon the ride starts and you both are lifted high into the air and the ride begins to spin. You hold your arms out like a bird and enjoy the feeling of the wind on your face as you breeze through the air. Daehyun does the same and grabs your hand. You look down at your hands, fingers intertwined together, then you look at Daehyun who has a sheepish look on his face. You look back at your hands together and don't do anything because you like it too much.

You're sad when the ride finally slows to a stop and you have to get off. Even though the ride ended, Daehyun is still holding your hand. When he sees you staring at your hands together he begins to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be holding your hand like this. I think you're very pretty so..." his voice trails off as he lets go of your hand.

"You think I'm pretty?" you ask as you reach for his hand again.

"Very pretty" He replies. It is his turn to stare at your hands and then at you.

"I think you're really cute too you know" you say, feeling bold now that he confessed his feelings to you.

"You do?" he asks looking shocked and pleased at the same time.

"Yes I do" you reply looking him directly in the eyes.

Eun Kyung comes up and begins to ask which ride you guys want to go on next when she sees that you both are holding hands.
"Wow! that was fast!" she says "So you two love birds, where do you want to go now?"

"Lets go on the Ferris wheel" says Daehyun without breaking eye contact with you.

You all make your way to the Ferris wheel and stand in the line. You look up at all the bright lights on the Ferris wheel and hug your Hello Kitty prize closer to you.


While waiting in line, you begin to get a bit cold and start to shiver. Daehyun hugs you from behind and you instantly stop shivering.

"You're so warm" you say as you turn around and bury your face into his chest.

Eun Kyung gets a text from her mother and sighs as she looks up from her phone.

"I have to go, umma is waiting in the car for me. I'll see you tomorrow ____. Nice meeting you Daehyun." and with that, she makes her way out of the line and towards where her mom is waiting in the parking lot.

"I guess its just us then" says Daehyun as he looks down at you with a smile.

Soon its your turn to get on the Ferris wheel and you both are pleased to see that you have the car to yourselves. You snuggle up to Daehyun for warmth and you both talk as the Ferris wheel takes you up. When you reach the top the ride stops to let people on below and you both have an incredible view of the carnival.


"This is so crazy, I just met you today and I already like you so much" you say.
"I know what you mean" says Daehyun.

You turn to look at him and he's staring out at the carnival looking rather conflicted.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"I just don't want tonight to end. What if I don't see you again after tonight?" he asks worriedly.

"I'll make sure you'll see me again. You'll probably be seeing me every day if you want" you reply with a gentle smile.

"I love you ____, it's completely insane but I love you." Daehyun says with so much emotion it makes your heart melt.

"I love you too... " you whisper as you hug him tightly to you.

Daehyun pulls away and looks into your eyes. He leans down and kisses you softly and timidly. You pull back and smile at him and you begin to kiss again as fireworks burst in the sky. You both look up as a firework shaped as a heart appears in the sky, seemingly right next to both of you, and you start to laugh.

"I forgot that its Christmas Eve" you say to Daehyun who is laughing too.

Soon you both get off the Ferris wheel and walk away into the carnival again, holding hands the same way as before. But this time something has changed. Your hand holding is no longer that of two children with a crush, but it is now that of two teens who are madly in love.



I hope you guys like these so far! I've had a lot of fun writing them and I can't wait to do the next ones. Please comment and subscribe to my stories if you like them. I'd love to hear your feedback! This is also a first try with using photos within the story. Do you guys like it?

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Chrisfkboy #1
lolwhat84223 #2
Chapter 6: woah *o* wish it could happen in the real life ;-;
Chapter 5: omg, i want to dance with him too ;-; xD
Chapter 4: LOL i laughed soo hard at the gif..youngjae is sooo sweet here!!waiting you to update bout jongup and jello!!^^
Chapter 3: sooo cute!!!kekeke~
Chapter 4: i wish he could me my tutor T^T
Chapter 3: The story with daehyun is so cute T^T