Seeing the camp~^^(first few parts is about the day before going there)

7 of the best demigods


LOL, WE'LL BUY FROM YOU BOTH! Jongkook oppa, any discount?"I screamed out 
I'm sure that we could use some kimchi & rice cakes on the way there.
     "Jeho, you sure? Jongkook hyung, apart from asking us to buy from him & you requesting for discount, didn't offer you anything else." Baro & omma quizzed in unison. 
    "Hey! I'll give you my album with my autograph and a Instax for free! Please buy~"Kookie begged with his puppy eyes
    "Fine fine. We'll buy. Can the 3 of you give it now? Cuz we're-" Baro was cut off halfway by Omma. 
    "We're going overseas." Omma said. 
Why is there a need to lie? I don't understand. Whatever the case is, I think now probably isn't the right time to ask about such things either way. 
    "Jongkook , gimme a bag full of clams. Jihyo & Gary, 500g of whatever veggie you can find for me plus Rice Cakes & Kimchi. " Omma shouted at them, thinking that they were a little hard of hearing. 
Upon hearing umma's words, the 3 of them immediately started taking the freshest and best veggies & seafood as they know that Omma would definitely turn them down if it wasn't to her liking. The production crew immediately produced Kookie's Album, permanent marker and a polaroid camera. We took a photo with each of them and a group photo so that they can sign all of it. Jongkook also signed the album, which was the limited edition type. YAY!^^ We helped them to complete their mission and now we have to go back home since we bought all the ingredients needed already. Omma and I unpacked all the food while Baro went to set up the kitchen and the dinning table. 
   Approximately 2 hours later, me and Omma finished cooking lunch and Baro went back to playing Diablo 3 with Kim Jonghyun before coming back down for lunch. I called Baro down AGAIN 3 TIMES before he came down=.=. GODS. We tucked into this hearty 2nd last meal in this house. After lunch, i helped Omma to wash the dishes and everything then i went to pack my items for tomorrow, when i will be leaving for the camp. Baro too. 
What I brought: My favorite stuffed toys, album that is full of autographed Instax pics taken with my kpop idols. My phone too, choke full of picture that reminded me of fond memories with my best friends from all the schools that i attended. I really wonder who will i meet there at the camp. Will it be my friends who disappeared randomly during term time? Will it be my grandparents and my relatives that i haven't met for a really long period of time? I guess all these questions are about to be solved soon. While these 2 questions lingered in my head, I still had one more question. Why did i have to go to the camp and why did she have to lie at the market just now? Waeyo? I still don't get it. Parents teach us not to lie but they still lie. What a farce. Later, i will be eating my last meal together with my father as a whole family, together as one before we leave. I must treasure this for I do not know what will be waiting for me tomorrow at the camp. I packed in my notebook which i wrote random stuff with my friends to remind me of what good friends i made. SHINee's autographed poster too. It was the last time i got to see them ever since they suddenly disappeared without a trace 5 years back. My laptop, Big Bang CDs & B1A4 CDs too. All of them disappeared without a trace too, 4 years back. The only person left is my brother, Baro. I asked why and my mom told me that his time to choose wasn't here yet and our timings are the same so we will have to wait. 
   "Be Patient, your time will be here soon" That was what Omma used to tell me. 
I think, my time is nearing and i will have to choose soon. If choosing the wrong one means certain death, I am hoping to choose the right one and pass the test. Nothing else. I do not cast my hopes to get into the talented class for it should be really hard to get in. Although i have gotten selected by the Ministry Of Education for being gifted, I did not possess the right amount of IQ to get into it and i broke the school rules too often. Caught up with my thoughts, it was 6pm already. 
    "JEHO!!! COME OVER FOR A WHILE!" Baro shouted from his room.
I ran over to his room, thinking that it was an emergency as he wouldn't call for me unless he's worried. 
    "Je...Jeho...Help me..." Baro grabbed onto my arm
    "Wae? What happened? Baro oppa?"
    "How...did...i man...manage to levi...levitate that cockroach thoughts...? Baro freaked out and clung onto me
    "OMMA!!! COME HERE FOR A SEC! PALI!!!"I screamed. 
Omma strolled in and sighed.       
       "What in the world-YAH BARO WHY ARE CLINGING ONTO JEHO LIKE A CLING WRAP?!" Omma screamed in disgust and shock   
      "Omma, Baro oppa is freaked out by the fact that he could make a cockroach levitate using his thoughts." I explained
     "Oh WOW. We have to go to the camp real soon to get it identified. Appa will be back anytime so get ready to have dinner. It's done, already on the the table. When Appa comes back, we can tuck in. Meanwhile, Baro, don't worry. We all have special abilities so don't worry. It's just a matter of time before we discover it." Omma explained. 
    "How do we get to the camp?"I quizzed. 
    "Oh they have a portal for us to get there. It's safe....most probably. But still, the camp director assured me already! So don't worry and let's eat our last dinner here ok?^^"
Me and Baro agreed in unison and after Omma left, I congratulated him.
    "OH MY GOSH OPPA! You found your ability!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT? Try doing it on your pencil case now!!!" I gleefully chirped. 
   "Lemme try..." Baro concentrated but to no avail. 
   "But I was able to do it just now...TT^TT"
   "It's ok Oppa! When you get there, they identify it and you can get to practise and develop it from there!" 
   "Yeah i guess so... Thanks for being a really nice sister :)"
We went down for dinner together when we heard Appa opening the door and calling us to go and eat. This meal was going to be a special one, something that i was doing for the past few years and now i'm going to be part of something new for me. The last time. We ate quickly, packed everything up and slept. The next day, we set off and went to the teleport in an alley that had a secret door which led to a high-tech lift. Down we went and WHOOSH. OH MY LIFE. WHY WAS IT SO FAST?! And I had to endure another ride. After we went down, a few guards(i'm guessing) checked us and led us to a cabin and fastened us to our respective seat belts. This ride was like a roller-coaster. Just that it didn't have  ups & downs. Mainly twists and turns. But that already got me sick in my stomach. This went on for what seemed like hours. When we finally reached, a brand new world and many people were there to welcome us.
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onjongkey2min #1
Chapter 1: yay! nice update ^^
onjongkey2min #2
sounds good! my top 3 favorite group members are mentioned him over