This Can't be Good

Give Me My Body Back!

Sorry for the late update guys, I just got back from vacation! But our story is quickly coming to an end, can you believe that?! :'(


Chapter 35


    The next morning, Kris woke up with conflicting feelings. His life was falling apart before his eyes, but the two things holding him together were Haerin and Exo M. All it took was for Haerin to say she no longer wanted to be bothered and Kris might fall apart. His mom’s condition hadn’t gotten any better. His teacher was set on failing him. There was a good possibility his team wouldn’t make it to nationals. But at least he had friends that cared about him. Kris smiled down at the colorful beads on his wrist. “Only 3 more left.”


    Haerin woke up feeling oddly cheerful. She pulled her blinds open letting the sun pour in. Outside she heard birds chirping. “Date.” She giggled to herself. OH MY GOD, what do you think you’re doing Lee Haerin. You are not allowed to be this excited about a pabo. It simply isn’t allowed. She smacked some sense into herself. That didn’t stop her from putting on a cute little sundress she had been forced to take by Saera. It was baby blue with polkadots, and laced in the front, and hugged her in all the right places. She even bothered to put on, duh duh duhh . . makeup. Then all there was left to do was wait.



“Oh crap, I’m supposed to be there in 45 minutes.” Kris had been playing soccer with Exo M to pass the time. Now he was rushing home to shower. To say Kris was excited was an understatement. He was actually terrified. This would be their first official date, although Haerin refused to call it one. What if he messed up? Said something stupid? Made her cry? What if one of his crappy exes appeared and ruined the whole night. Scenario after scenario played in his head as he washed the soap from his hair. Kris never anticipated the phone call he got.

“Hello?” Kris answered, while toweling his hair.

“Hello, is this Kris Wu?” An unfamiliar voice asked over the phone.

“Um, yes. . .” He was a bit worried.

“Hello Kris we need you at the emergency room ASAP. Your mother has just had a heart attack.” Kris’ heart dropped. He threw a t-shirt and sweats on before racing out the door.


    Haerin’s previous urge to throw up had been replaced with pure anger. She had already waited an hour and Kris was nowhere to be found. After two times of no answer, she gave up and headed home. She was too upset to cry, so she fumed instead. She nearly dropped her phone when it suddenly began to ring.

“Hello?” She asked emotionlessly.

“Haerin, I’m so sorry. My- my, she.”Kris stuttered. His voice was pained. Haerin realised this was serious.

“Kris, what happened?!”

“Oma. . she had a heart attack. I’m in the emergency room.” Haerin hung up, and ran for the hospital.



“Kris!” Haerin shouted, before cautiously approaching him. “How is she?”

“They say she overworked herself at work, and strained her heart. She’ll be here for a few days. Her boyfriend's watching her for now.” His face revealed exhaustion, but he hadn’t broke down.

“I’m sorry Kris.” Haerin reached for him hesitantly, but quickly put her arm down.

“Let’s get some air.” He suggested, so they headed for the roof.

“I feel like this is my fault.” Kris said after a while of silence. “I didn’t check on her enough. I was too busy with f**king soccer.” Kris stared off the railing surrounding the roof.

“Kris, you couldn’t have done anything to prevent this. You’re here now by her side, and the best we can do is pray for her health.” Haerin inched closer to him.

“It’s always soccer. I was almost late to our date today because I was playing soccer. I’ve let countless girls cheat on me and use me because all I was concerned about was soccer. I didn’t notice my teacher has been purposefully failing me, I failed to take care of my mother all because of f**king soccer.” Kris’ voice broke, as he battled the tears threatening to fall. Haerin gave in, and finally pulled him into her arms tightly, forcing his head to rest on her shoulder.

“Shh. You’ve always done your best Kris. You are selfless, and sweet. I’ve never seen someone more passionate than you.” Kris finally broke down, letting Haerin cradle him like a small child. In fact he couldn’t remember crying, since he’d been a small child.

“I’m sorry Haerin, none of this is your problem.” He stood up, wiping the stray tears from his face.

“We’re basically the same person. Your problems are mine.” Haerin spoke to him in the voice she usually used with Saera. Seeing him vulnerable reached a soft spot Haerin didn’t know she had.

“You look really cute.” He still managed to compliment her in all this pain.

“Shut up.” She smiled, pulling him back into a hug.

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layjongyang #1
Chapter 39: This is really good. I found this one by chance and finish it in one day. I like the storyline.
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 39: Hehehe its cute tho. Greatt story
Hermin #3
Chapter 37: Pls update soon
Chapter 36: What you going to do haerin ah? Anticipating for next chapter!
Aww Kris's mom was so nice!