Warm Arms and a Deal

Give Me My Body Back!

Short chappie, but sweet nonetheless <3



Kris sprinted toward his home as fast as these short legs, and out of shape body would let him. You need to start working out Lee Haerin. He mentally scolded her. And then the remaining breath was knocked out of him as he collided into a rock solid figure. He looked up to find his own face staring down at him.

“That hurt like hell!” He whimpered, rubbing his/Haerin’s forehead.

“I'm the one that will be suffering tomorrow.” Haerin retorted in her usual snappy manner, before remembering her purpose. Before she knew it everything came tumbling out.

“Why didn't you tell me you were failing math! Or that your mom was sick!” She shouted.

“You wouldn't give me the chance even if I tried! I'm a distraction, remember?” He shouted back, equally as loud.

“It's not my choice Kris! Don't you think I miss hanging out with you and Exo! All my life has consisted of is stupid grades, and when I finally have some fun I'm given hell. And then that stupid Suzy comes along to make it all worse.” Haerin choked out, struggling to keep her tears in. “Of course I miss you guys!” She repeated before the tears came spilling out. Kris was shocked to see tears coming down his own face, but quickly forgot as he pulled Haerin into his arms. Almost immediately he found her back in her own body, New tears springing forth.

“Pabo, pabo, pabo.” She sobbed, hitting his chest. Kris pulled her in tighter, wrapping her in his warm embrace. She felt his steady heartbeat, as her head rested on his chest.

“I'm sorry Haerin.” He spoke quietly over her head. “I miss you too.” More than you know.


After using Kris’ shirt as a tissue and pulling herself together, Haerin walked with him to get his mother's medicine.

“You know stupid Suzy has a thing for Lay right? You have nothing to worry about there.” Kris smiled cheekily.

“Shut up. I don't care.” Haerin could only respond coldly after her breakdown. She had basically spilled her heart, and now she had to cover the evidence. She could still redeem herself. Sort of.

“Admit it. The Ice Queen was jealous the fair maiden Suzy had come to steal her man! Well he’s still waiting at the bottom of your tower for you.” Kris persisted with his teasing.

“Don’t make me vomit on you.” Haerin growled. “Anyways, what happened to your mom?” She asked more seriously.

“We’re not quite sure. She’s been experiencing chest pains, and trouble breathing. It could be her heart.” Kris’ cheekiness faded, and was replaced with a solemn expression. Haerin wasn’t used to seeing him like this.

“I’ll be praying for her. And your grades.” Haerin added in a weak attempt to cheer him up.

“I'm no idiot Lee Haerin.” Kris smirked down at her.

“Prove it then.” She challenged.

“Alright. If I make a B or higher tomorrow on Mr. Woo’s test, we’re hanging out this weekend.” Kris proposed with confidence.

“Pfft. Deal.” Haerin scoffed. Deep down her inner teenage girl prayed he made a perfect score.

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layjongyang #1
Chapter 39: This is really good. I found this one by chance and finish it in one day. I like the storyline.
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 39: Hehehe its cute tho. Greatt story
Hermin #3
Chapter 37: Pls update soon
Chapter 36: What you going to do haerin ah? Anticipating for next chapter!
Aww Kris's mom was so nice!