Nanjing Adventure

Exo Nanjing Adventure


Nanjing – China


Luhan crept slowly behind the wall, trying to leave unnoticed by the group of fans that was waiting for Exo-M in front of the Broadcasting Station where they did a shoot for a show earlier. He observed around, looking to the right, and then to the left. He was about to move forward when a weight of a person… scratch that, a group, fell on to his back.

“Hey, hey! I cannot breathe!” he said on the ground, stuck under his band mates who told him to look around so they can escape the place.

Kris, slowly… as if he didn’t mean it, got up with poker face. He was so tempted looking at his mates crept in a fine line, trying to peek behind the wall, so he tripped Tao, who was right in front of him and Tao fell on Chen, Chen fell on Xiumin, Xiumin fell on Lay and Lay… fell on the unlucky Luhan. Just like a Domino, all five of them fall on each other, leaving Kris smug holding on his laugher behind them.

“Duizhang!” Luhan exclaimed!

“Okay, okay… don’t worry, I got your back,” he said as he helped his band mates to get up.

“Duizhang, stop tripping me around. It’s not funny,” Tao said and tried to clean his dusty clothes.

“Not funny,” Xiumin repeated as he got up and cleaned himself.

Luhan glared at Kris’ smug, and Kris hurriedly clear his throat. “Okay, I have a plan,” he said, avoiding Luhan’s glare. “The manager fell sick and has to go to hospital, and we cannot leave the building without him guarding us out.”

“What am I then?” Tao said, sounded offended.

“You’re just a panda,” Kris shrugged him off, leaving Tao pouting. “So…,” Kris pulled out something shiny from his inside pocket and grin widely while shaking the shiny things, leaving his band mates jaw dropped.

“What? How?” Chen stuttered in disbelief.

“Did you steal that?” Lay asked, trying to reach the thing but Kris’ hand was fast.

“Well, technically I did, but who cares. I got a way out of here,” he shook the keys again. “I’m driving,” he says when Xiumin tried to snatch the keys from him.

“I’m the oldest one,” he protested.

“I’m the leader,” Kris replied.

“And I’m the one who has the Chinese driving license,” Luhan said and snatched the keys from Kris. “Give me that.”

Kris, could not say no to that, gave up. So he went to Tao and say, “Now Panda, the Kungfu Panda… you need to take Luhan unnoticed to the car and bring the car safely here so we can go back to the hotel unnoticed. Okay?”

“Leave it to me,” Tao grinned widely, happy that finally he has to do what he best at.

Pulling his hoodie deeper so it covered his face, Luhan crept slowly behind Tao who put on his thick framed glassed and pulled his cap lower to their car which was unluckily parked on the farthest side of the parking lot. With his long legs Tao moved behind a car, to another car, and another car…. So fast that he left Luhan two cars behind.

“He thought he’s in an action movie,” Chen whispered to Xiumin and both of them chuckled.

“What is that Panda thinking? Luhan is stuck, there’s a bunch of fans just a few car away… and he calls himself a bodyguard,” Kris mumbled underneath his breath. Lay just smirked at Kris’ words.

Meanwhile Luhan was sweating like crazy, he saw the fans from the corner of his eyes and Tao, now was already next to their car, leaving him halfway. He moved down and creeping slowly while bowing trying to hide his body from the girls.

“Wait, why am I doing this?” he said to himself. “Why can’t I just walk normally and gracefully to my own car, it’s not like I’m stealing them. Okay, Kris stole the key, but still it’s exo-M’s van. I’ll just walk normally, and even if they notice I’ll just wave. Yes, let’s do that.”

So he straightened himself and walked gracefully to the next car.

“Luhan?” he heard a girl’s voice not far away from him and instinctly he squat behind the car he just passed. “Yes, of course I like Luhan. Who is your bias?” the girl said again.

Luhan broke into cold sweat. “I thought I got caught,” he wiped his sweat and started creeping to the van again, where Tao waving his hand nervously.

“That Panda is going to get us caught,” he mumbled and kept pacing up to the van until he finally reach the van and got in it.

Kris and the others who were watching them from their hiding place sighed in relief. “I thought they were going to ruin my plan.” Xiumin and Chen shared a high five.

Luhan slowly drove to their hiding place, right when Tao opened the van’s door for them they heard a scream. “It’s EXO-M!!! They’re leaving!” and a bunch of fans strolling toward them fast.

“Hurry up,” Tao exclaimed and all four of them, pushing and pulling each other got in the car.

Chen, happily opened one of the curtain and waved happily to their fans, followed by Xiumin and Tao. Some fans waved back happily and some others were knocking on the windows, and Luhan drifted off slowly, leaving the fans behind and waving to them.

“Whoa, that was quite a suspense. Like I was on a spy… or… or ninja,” Tao said excitedly.

“You were Ninja, so Ninja that you left Luhan behind when you were supposed to him to the van,” Kris snapped.

“Sorry, duizhang…,” Tao pouted.

“Forget it,” Kris shook his head. “Now, where are we going, Mr. Driver?”

“Hotel?” Luhan answered innocently.

“I want to eat first,” Xiumin said.

“Baozi…,” Kris shot him a pierced look. “… I’m hungry too,” he continued.

“Aish, you really…,” Xiumin’s Korean’s suddenly came out. Kris laughed out.

“Where to?” Luhan asked his band mates. He was not from Nanjing so he doesn’t know where the nice places are or what food should they eat.

“Let’s just go to one of these street café,” Lay suggested.

“No, too risky,” Kris shook his head.

“To an expensive restaurant?” Xiumin asked hopefully.

“Do you bring money, Baozi?” asked Kris suddenly, and Xiumin sighed and sat back to his place next to Chen who was busy sightseeing from his window.

“Where to?” Luhan started to get annoyed, he’s been driving around with no destination along the river.

“How about there?” Chen pointed at the river.

“Where?” All six of them went to his side of window and looked at the river.

“You mean swim? It’s November, Jong Dae-ya…,” Xiumin said to him in Korean.

Chen sighed. “No, Hyung… look,” he pointed at a few boats that were strolling easily on the river. And they were some food stalls on the river side.

“Oh, nice…,” Kris said and messed up Chen’s styled hair.

Luhan smiled and went to the Riverside. There was an uncommonly beautiful but not crowded place. There were just a few middle aged men who were practicing wushu not very far away from the food stall. Tao was all excited and went straight to the group and joined them in wushu. The rest of them just shook their head and went straight to the food stall.

Xiumin quickly run to the food stall and ordered anything he could eat, the rest of them also ordering the food. A few moment later, their food came and then… like they haven’t eat for a few days, they started to dig in. Tao was still happily doing wushu, ignoring the fact that his band mates was eating like monsters finding it’s prey. Xiumin wan the first one finishing his food, he was going to order some more food when he noticed afew girls not so far from them were chatting excitedly and pointing at them. He looked at his bandmates who were still eating hungrily then looked back to the girls, one pulling out their phone and started calling someone while the other one pulling out a camera from her bag.

“Guys…, guys!” He quickly informed his friends.

“What?” Lay answered halfheartedly, still busy finishing his food.

“I think we’ve been caught, hurry up,” he said panicked.

All of them raised their head and looked at the direction Xiumin just pointed at. The girls noticed that they were looking at them and screamed. All five of them quickly got up and ran to their car. Chen quickly pulled out some money and put it on the table.

“Auntie, we leave the money here!” He screamed before catching out his band mates who were running past tao and cthed him along and dragged him toward the car.

“What? What is it?” Tao asked confused.

“We need to get out of here,” Luhan told him while dragging his big body away.

“But I haven’t had my lunch yet!” He protested hard.

“Who told you to dance with the men there while we were eating?!” Lay exclaimed.

“It wasn’t dance, it was wushu! Wushu!!!” he screamed.

“I don’t care what that was, now we need to get back to the hotel, that’s the only place we can be where we’re not going to be chased.” Kris opened the van’s door and throw Tao inside. The rest of them followed.

Luhan took the wheel while Kris sat next to him.

The girls started to chase them; a few cars even appeared not far away from where they parked. “Go, go, go!” Kris panicked.

Luhan quickly started the car and went toward the big road, followed by the cars that they saw earlier. Panicked, he paced the car up and moved between other cars like lightning.

“Whoa! Whoa!” Kris held the seatbelt and tried to put it on while the car moved right and left in fast manner.

“Gyaaaaa!!!” Tao screamed on the back seat and tried to hold on to anything he could hold on to, unfortunately it was Chen, who was pale, so pale by the way he saw Luhan drove.

“We’re going to die! We’re going to dieeeee!!!” Xiumin screamed his heart out.

Lay pressed his hand together and pray, trying to ignore Xiumin’s scream on his ear.

“Ommaaaaaa…..!!!” Xiumin screamed again when the passed the next car and turned into a new road.

“Luhan…. Luhan…. I think we lost them, now please reduce the speed,” Kris begged.

“Oh? Really? Good…,” he sighed reduced the speed until the finally reached the hotel, where their clothes coordinator waited infront of the lobby.

The van’s door opened and all five of the boys stepped out with wobbly legs, while Luhan happily got out and smiled widely to the Coordi.

“Where have you been?!” The Coordi yelled when the stepped out. “You stole the… what happened,” She started to worry when he saw Xiumin and Chen’s pale face.

“Luhan Hyung was trying to kill us,” Chen said.

“And I haven’t even had my lunch,” Tao complained.

“That’s what you got when you stole the car,” the Coordi tried not to laugh.

“But Kris…” Luhan was going to protest.

“Shut up, and go back to your room. Get a rest, you’re flying to Korea tonight,” she said and took the car key from Luhan’s hand and took the car away.

Kris looked at Luhan. “Don’t… don’t ever take me with you in a car again,” then he shook his head and went in.

“Thanks, for decided not to kill us,” Lay said seriously and went to follow Kris.

The rest of them went to follow Kris inside, leaving alone behind Luhan dumfounded.

“But aren’t you going to say my driving skill was superb?!” no one left to reply him. “Such an adventure.” He shrugged and followed his friends inside.

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Chapter 1: this story is so funny that i burst into laughter hahahahahaha XD
seriously, i can't wait for their reality show awww it must be funnier than this! me, two thumbs up! i mean, you won't like it if i show you my toes right? kkkk
Chapter 1: Two, no, four thumbs up for such a nice story!