Part 2 of 2: To My Melody

To My Melody


“So, how did you get through school with your condition?” Baekhyun asked. It had almost a week since the deaf girl had saved him from certain death, and as he had promised, the next time he was available, he contacted her to set up a date. The first time he tried contacting her was through a phone call, but then remembered that she wouldn’t be able to speak to him. He tried again through text and got her answer.

“My parents enrolled me in a special school for kids who are like me,” the interpreter said as he stared at the girl and translated her sign language into speech. She was a heavyset woman in her late twenties with small glasses and an attitude who explained that the girl’s parents had asked her to accompany her and interpret her words. Baekhyun found her presence to be rather irritating.

Many times, he found the interpreter distracting and her deep raspy voice which she used to interpret was not anything he imagined the girl’s voice would sound like if she could speak. Moreover, he would now have to pay for three meals, rather than the two he had planned for. The girl, after answering the question, just looked down at her food and bit her lip; Baekhyun felt sorry for her, understanding that she was probably as frustrated with the interpreter as he was. Still, he tried to make the most of it.

“Really?” he asked. “That’s interesting. What do they do differently in those schools to accommodate the kids?”

The interpreter began using sign language to translate what Baekhyun had said to the girl, and he rolled his eyes and groaned.

“She can hear me,” Baekhyun said to the interpreter. The woman looked back at him and scoffed.

Sure, she can,” she replied sarcastically. Opposite them, the girl nodded and began signing something to her interpreter. The woman laughed. “You just keep telling yourself that, honey,” she said, and the girl narrowed her eyes at her interpreter.

“She can hear me,” Baekhyun said, firmer this time. “Ask her yourself, I bet she just told you that she really can hear me.”

“She’s probably just reading your lips, boy,” the woman said, turning back to Baekhyun. “Get it through your thick head, she’s deaf. She can’t hear you or anyone else for that matter, that’s why she’s got me.”

“Well, you’re not helping her in any way,” Baekhyun said. “If you’re like this to all her friends, you’ll turn her into a loner.”

“She doesn’t have friends,” the interpreter said. The girl reached over to her interpreter, calling her attention, and then signed something to her as well. The woman then started laughing.

“You see?” the interpreter said aloud while she signed the words to her. “This is exactly why your mom and dad told you to stay at school in Busan. You’re not ready for this kind of social contact this soon, you’re too young. And agreeing to go on dates like this, and choosing to go on one with boy like this.”

“A boy like what?” Baekhyun asked, raising his voice a little. The girl flinched a little at his angry tone, but her interpreter just rolled her eyes and looked back at him.

“A boy who doesn’t know sign language and can’t understand her,” she answered, and Baekhyun’s blood started to boil. The girl placed her elbows on the table and held her head up with her arms, keeping her eyes downcast. Baekhyun signed.

“Well, I definitely won’t be able to understand anything she says so long as you keep interrupting her. Why don’t you just do your job and interpret what she says instead adding your own input?”

“I’m protecting her, kid,” the woman said. “The world is a cruel place for kids like her; no one will ever let her off the hook for being the way she is and my job is to make sure she gets a say in something.”

“Well, maybe if you stopped talking she would,” Baekhyun said. He rolled his eyes again and in his exasperation he turned his attention back to he girl. “Hey,” he said to her, his volume coming back down to normal. Proving her interpreter wrong, she picked her head up and looked straight at him the moment he called her out. She had an expectant look on her face and Baekhyun met it with a smile of his.

“Do you wanna go somewhere else? Without your stupid interpreter?”

She nodded excitedly. Baekhyun took out his wallet and slapped down a few bills before standing up and then walking over to where the deaf girl sat. With a surge of courage, he took her by the hand and, with her interpreter gaping at them, led her right to the door, exiting together. 



"It's a good thing I decided to bring this along," Baekhyun said, reaching into his backpack and bringing out the dry-erase board he had purchased earlier on in the week. After leaving her interpretter at the restaurant, they had both decided to wander around the city until they foun something else to do. At present, they found themselves on the walkways by the river. Baekhyun had offered her his jacket, but she had politely refused, claming to be warm enough already. The deaf girl reach for the dry-erase board and took it from him with a pleased smile. She took the marker from the top of it and immeidately started writing:

You really thought of everything, she wrote. Baekhyun laughed. "I've never been on a date like this before," he confessed. "I wanted to be prepared. I think this is way more efficient than having that damned interpretter anyway, don't you think?"

Definitely, she wrote. She bit her lip a little bit before erasing what she wrote and writing something else for him to read: I'm sorry she was so mean, she wrote. Usually, she's nicer. 

"Ah, you don't need her anyway," he said. "Forget what she said, I think you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. More than capable actually, you saved me from certain death just a week and a half ago. That certainly proves your capability." Baekhyun lightly elbowed her and she smiled again. 

"Oh, and before I forget," Baekhyun suddenly said, and he ran ahead to stand directly in front of her. He raised both his hands up and furrowed his brows in concentration. "How did it go again?" He began moving his hands. Forming a fist with both hands, he slid them past each other and then pointed at her with the index finger of his right hand. She rasied an eyebrow in confusion. "Did I do it wrong?"

She wrote on the board: What are you doing?

Baekhyun sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Ah, internet, don't fail me now," he said, and then laughed to himself. "I tried learning a little sign language from the internet, but I guess I've been doing it wrong this whole time. That was supposed to be 'how are you?'" The girl nodded and her lips formed a shaped as if to see "ah". She tucked the dry-erase board under her arm then and raised her hands, making fists the way baekhyun did. But instead of sliding them past one another, she twisted her wrist, her thumbs pointing out and then pointed, recreating the sign Baekhyun had attempted.

He walked toward her and began mimicking her movements. "It's in the wrist," he said to himself as an observation. The girl then elbowed him back lightly and encouraged him to try it again. Baekhyun laughed nervously but tried it again anyway. Hello, he signed to her. How are you?

In response, she lifted her hands and began singing right back to him, faster. "Woah, woah, wait. Hold up," Baekhyun said, laughing a little. "I haven't gotten that far, yet." She smiled widely, and wrote on the board again.

It's not hard, she said. If you keep practicing you'll eventually get better.

"Yeah, maybe then I'll get a job as someone's interpretter, only less annoying." She grinned again at his joke and they kept walking. It was already nighttime and Baekhyun had tried again a couple times to offer his jacket to her, but she still politely declined. She took out the board then and started writing again. 

I've never been here, she wrote, and Baekhyun widened his eyes at her.

"Really?" he asked in genuine disbelief, and she shook her head. Never, she wrote. "They've got you on a really small leash, don't they?" he said and she nodded. "Well, then there's no time to waste. The night's young and you've never been to Han River so we've got a lot of work to do. No more aimless walking from now on, we have to give you the full Han Rier experience, or at least the most that time and money permits us." 

Wasting no time, Baekhyun had no qualms about taking her by the hand again. She gripped the dry-erase board tightly as he pulled her along and they stopped by a nearby rental place where they paid for a two-person bicycle. To remedy the silence, since it would be difficult for her to write on the board while maneuvering a bicycle, Baekhyun agreed (although he knew it would gain him some stares from strangers) to sing. They mounted the bikes with Baekhyun taking the seat behind her and he pointed her in the direction they were to go and as soon as they were stable enough, he started singing the first few bars of "Angel". When she hurriedly wrote on her board complaining that the mood was starting to become a little somber and the while the song was beautiful she wanted something more upbeat, he changed the song to "Gee". He wasn't at all surprised that it was her first time hearing the song. 

Their lack of coordination caused their bike to tip over in the middle of their run sometimes, which resulted in a slightly scraped knee for Baekhyun and a dropped board for her. "Oh, hold up, this looks like a good place to stop for now," Baekhyun said, braking the bicycle to a stop in front of what looked like an art gallery. The night was still young enough that there were still patrons inside the building, and as Baekhyun looked through the glass panes of the shop, he noticed that the place was considerably occupied yet not too crowded. The girl dismounted the bicycle and fixed her skirt before turning to Baekhyun. 

He found what looked like a safe corner and parked their two-passenger bike there. "This time it's a first for me," Baekhyun said. "Never been in one of these things before." The girl raised her white board as she scribbled a reply.

My dad collects artwork, she wrote. He likes Ji-ya-ko-me-ti but authentic ones are hard to find.

Baekhyun squinted at the unfamiliar word. Sensing his confusion, she put on a playful smirk before erasing the words and writing it out again, clearer: Alberto GiacomettiHe's an artist.

"Ah," Baekhyun said, understanding dawning on his face. "Yeah, I don't know much about art, but I don't take it for granted when I pass by it. This looks a golden opportunity, don't you think?"

She wrote her reply: Let's go inside

Admittedly, Baekhyun was too much of an energetic person at heart to truly pay much attention in such formal exhibitions, but for the sake of the date, he tried his best to be impressed. When looking at paintings of flowers and landscapes grew too slow-paced for his liking, he fixed his eyes instead on the girl he was with, whom he had named Canto in honor of the Italian ballad that had been playing loudly on the speakers nearby when he first met her. She was a curious one, he thought. Although he admitted that he'd never met anyone like her in terms of her situation, he was pleasantly surprised by how well she could silently fit in this world full of noise. 

Baekhyun followed a few paces behind her as she wandered from canvas to canvas and occassionally observed some sculptures and urns. Her eyes shone with an enthusiasm which was slightly different towards each piece of artwork she stopped and admired. Understanding her inability to hear much of anything, Baekhyun could clearly understand her newfound appreciation for the visually beautiful. In a split-second of vanity, he wondered if she  thought him handsome. 

With the notion of appearances currently fixed in his mind, he realized that he hadn't really even looked at her. Upon meeting Canto, his rescuer, the first thoughts in his head regarding the girl mostly revolved around his intial admiration of her bravery having pulled him away from a deadly collision with a truck. Baekhyun looked down at her hands and frowned; there were still traces of her injury, rough red patches where the blood had dried over and gave way to scabs and scars. He flightingly wished he could fix her hands, somehow, and make them pretty again. But after awhile, he decided that they still looked pretty, scars and all. 

Redirecting his attention, he looked up at her face again. Her features were so animated and lively that it would have been difficult for anyone who was just staring at her to figure out that she couldn't hear a thing. Somehow, Baekhyun wished he could fix that, too. 

After walking and staring for about fifteen minutes, she had looked over nearly every artwork in the room and then turned to face Baekhyun. Caught off-guard, he smiled nervously. "You like this kind of stuff?" He asked, gesturing to the whole of the gallery. She looked over the expanse of the room and then shrugged as she pulled out the board to start writing a reply.

It's relaxing, she wrote. But it doesn't look like your idea of a fun night, right?

Baekhyun laughed. "Glad to know that we see eye-to-eye," he answered. "Although I did like that one painting in the corner."

Looking over his shoulder, she found the painting she believed he was referring to and smirked as she wrote down a reply. Yah, she wrote. You mean that painting in the corner?

With a blush, Baekhyun whipped around and saw what she meant, then he turned back to her to dispute what she thought. "Yah!" he said, a little too loudly and the other patrons turned and looked at him. The girl smile mischievously before grabbing his sleeve and then pulling him out the door. They stood by the two-passenger bike again and Baekhyun was still blushing.

"What type of guy do you think I am, huh?" he asked, leaning toward her. She covered her grin and then wrote again.

A ert, she wrote and then smiled to herself again, laughing in silence at Baekhyun's flustered reaction. Baekhyun scoffed at her and then grabbed the two-passenger bike. Noticing the streets becoming more crowded with people as the night wore on, he flipped the collars of his jacket up hoping the no one would recognize him. He looked over at her and noticed how thin the material of her dress was and wondered that she still refused to wear his jacket. 

He was scanning the streets in search of a restaurant when he heard the unmistakable sound of a boy wolf-whistling in his direction. Confused and slightly stunned, Baekhyun spun his head in the direction of the sound and found another group of about six or seven boys all staring in his direction. After a puzzling few seconds, he realized they were whistling at his girl. 

As with the interpretter before, Baekhyun felt his blood boiling in his veins again and his jaw locked. At a time like this, he felt almost thankful that she couldn't hear any of their whistling or taunts. Still, her thin dress did little to discourage their shameless flirting. She was bending over to pick up the marker that fell to the floor when Baekhyun decidely shed his jacket and then placed them over her shoulders as she stood back up. 

She gave him a look of confusion at first and even tried to shrug it off, but Baekhyun kept the jacket on her by placing his hands on her shoulders. "Your stupid interpretter already hates my guts," he reasoned. "If you get sick, she'll come after me with a shotgun." She stared at him for another second before huffing a breath and writing down a response:

She'd come after you with a shotgun, anyway, she wrote. After he read it, she erased the message and wrote another: Thank you. Baekhyun smiled at his triumph. The two of them walked side-by-side while Baekhyun wheeled the bicycle along the street. After finding a cozy spot near the river walkway again, they ordered some food which was delivered to their makeshift picnic area. They ate their food in silence while they watched the noisy boats and river cruise ferries pass by. Baekhyun, however, noticed how much more mesmerized she seemed by the cars on the bridge.

"Are you some kind of car junkie?" he asked in between bites. She reached for the dry-erase board and wrote:

I can't drive a car, she wrote. Baekhyun nodded.

"Haven't you got your license yet? Did you take a test?" She shook her head and erased the message, replacing it with another.

No, she wrote. I'm not allowed to drive because I'm deaf

"Ah," Baekhyun said, almost regretfully. He had taken a drivers' test already and passed but had little opportunity to do his own driving. Whenever he was allowed, however, he always relished in how free and indpeendent he felt. Just one more thing to feel sorry for her about. Baekhyun continued eating his food, but when he looked up at her again, she seemed to be giggling at him. "What is it?" he asked.

She grabbed her handy-dandy dry-erase board, but instead of writing, she seemed to be doing something else to it. When she turned the board to let him see, she drew, to the best of her ability, his face. She used her finger then to point to the corner of his mouth on the picture. Baekhyun touched his own fingers to the corresponding spot on his face and realized he had gotten sauce on it. With an embarrassed grunt, he reached for a napkin to wipe it away. 

When he looked up again, he noticed her checking the watch on her wrist. "Time to go already?" he asked, and she looked back at him. 

I have an hour, she wrote to him. Baekhyun bit his tongue inside his mouth and just nodded silently. The night seemed to have passed by so quickly and they'd accomplished so much that he forgot that this encounter was only meant to last for one night, just one date. He had other obligations to fulfill after this, and time simply would not permit anymore of these excursions. The look that dawned of her face told him that she probably felt as disappointed as he did. 

After finishing their meal, they wandered the nearby shopping district and Baekhyun debated hevaily whether or not to take her by the hand again. Doing so would only mean that at some point in the night, he'd have to let go of it. But still, the scars on her palms looked menacing and angry and he felt that he could probably soothe them if he could just touch her hand. She relieved him of the pressure by stuffing her fists into the pockets of the jacket he had told her to wear. He smiled thinking about how lucky they were that it fit her nicely. 

As in the art gallery, he walked a small pace behind her, but she suddenly stopped in front of a store and then pointed at it. It was a music store, and her happy expression told him that she wanted to go inside. The store was almost empty except the old man who worked at the cash register, and he bowed, welcoming them to the store. Excitedly, Baekhyun led her over to where he knew his CD would be. 

"This one's my album," he said, reaching over and picking up EXO-K's Mama album from the racks. He handed it to her proudly. "Pretty cool, right? We worked so many months on this damned thing. It feels good seeing it in stores now and people are buying them. Guess all that hellish hard work really paid off well. And it's sitting right here alongside other amazing music artists." Baekhyun smiled pridefully to himself. "It's such an honor," he added.

She looked at the album, turned around to see the tracks, and then looked up at him with an understanding smile. I wish I could sing, too, she wrote. Sometimes feeling vibrations can help me hear a little bit of music, but only a little. 

"Well, you never know," Baekhyun said. "Technology will advance and maybe someday you can."

She smiled optimistically. Maybe, she wrote. But I think for now, I'm going to buy this and then you have to autograph it for me

She reached into her bag and pulled her wallet and then walked up to the counter to pay for the EXO-K album, Baekhyun following close by. "Yah, you don't have to feel obligated to buy just 'cause I'm here," he said. "Don't even bother, I'll just sing all the tracks on there right now."

She continued to pay for it anyway and once the transaction was complete, they both stepped out of the shop at the same time. Baekhyun followed behind her again and stared at her back as they exited. She bent over to scribble something on the baord again, which must have been a long message since she took a substantially longer time to do so. As much as she wished she could sing, Baekhyun then wished he could communicate to he rin sign language, which must have been easier for her than writing.

He wondered that she had agreed to the board method at all. He wondered that she agreed to go out with him at all. Her interpretter was right in saying that the date would be difficult in terms of communication. But Baekhyun realized that if he had skipped out on a little difficulty, he never would have realized how incredible she was. A little discomfort is needed to achieve anything; just as he worked his off for months in preparing the album which turned out to be a hit, he wasn't about to dismiss something good just because it also happened to be hard. He didn't realize how hard he was staring until she turned to face him with the board.

"Woah," he said, seeing how full of words it was. "Okay, I'll need some time to read this." She handed the board to him, biting her bottom lip as she did. 

I'm sorry, she wrote. My parents are taking me back to school in Busan soon. But I wanted to spend time with you since you're the only person I can hear in the whole wide world. I know you don't know me, and I don't know you as well as I would like, either. But I like you. You're kind and you're funny, and you sing songs that only I can hear. 

Baekhyun looked up to give her a puzzled expression and then kept reading. I don't want to be quiet, again. she wrote. That's why I followed you that day. But it looks like I don't have much of a choice, so... can I ask you for a favor?

He handed the board back to her she looked up at him patiently awaiting his answer. Baekhyun took a deep breath. Just as he was starting to like her, he finds out that she's leaving soon. Why did things turn out like this? 

"What kind of favor?" he asked. She smiled gently and then turned to walk back to their old spot by the river walkway and Baekhyun followed. When they reached that spot she wrote on the board again.

It's quieter here, she wrote. Or at least it seems to be. 

Baekhyun shrugged. "What do you want me to do?" he asked. After asking, she went back to her bag and rummaged around in search of something. Finally, she stood up and handed him a packet of three papers all stapled together. They were worn and thin by repeated handling. Upon closer examination, he realized they were music sheets.. with lyrics. She held up the board with new writing.

This is the last song my grandpa wrote before he died, she explained. He was supposed to sing it for me, but he never got to. This was before I was deaf. By the time anyone could sing it for me, I couldn't even hear them. 

Baekhyun nodded in understanding as he flipped through the pages and exmained the song. It was complicated, to be sure, he though as he looked over it. With all the lessons he had in music, he hadn't fully mastered sight-singing yet. But now he knew what she wanted from him. She wanted to hear the song for the first time, and he was the only one who could sing it for her. 

"So you want me to sing this then?" he asked, and then looked over the lyrics again. He felt a little embarrassed to be reading them; they were kind, caring, and intimate words that seemed to hold personal value to the writer and the recipient. How could he sing it with the same intent as the composer? She nodded and smiled hopefully. "I'm not very good at sight-singing," he said, rubbing his neck bashfully. "Are you sure?"

She nodded and wrote again. You're the only one who can do it. Baekhyun sighed and then looked at the papers again. She raised her cellphone and poised herself to record his voice. He took a deep breath, studied the notes and lyrics again. He stared at the title at the top: "To My Melody", and tried his best:

"When I close my eyes, I can hear your 
Your soul, your quiet thoughts
I couldn’t hear them because my heart was too loud
I'm s
orry, I'm sorry"

Baekhyun sat down on the bench and she moved to sit beside him, still listening intently. Even though he couldn't sight-sing perfectly, the words and melody came as easily and obviously as any of his own songs, and soon, he wasn't even looking at the music. He sang the words in his own voice and followed his own instinct and the song flowed from his mouth as though he'd written it himself. 

"The times for tears is history
Don’t worry because

You’re my melody
I’ll perform for you (on and on)
You are my song
The soundtrack of my life
I love you
You light up the stage of my life
I’ll sing it again"

He paused and stared at the lyrics one more time, before breathing deep and continuing:

"You are my song"

Even though it was cut short, Baekhyun stopped there, feeling the song complete itself in the last words he sang, and began to hum the rest of the melody up until the end of it. "This is a good song," he said when he finished. She nodded in agreement with a thankful smile on her face. Baekhyun reread the lyrics again. The song was some sort of apology. The lyrics spoke to a recipient who had been hurt and the speaker was someone who understood, someone who was thankful for the recipient. The chorus said, You are my song. Baekhyun had loved music all his life and he'd heard that phrase, "You are my song", thrown around and tossed into lyrics for years. But he'd never given it much thought. What did it mean to be someone's song? 

Songs were uplifting. Songs were comforting and meaningful and turn horrible things into beauty. Songs made the best out of the worst situations. Songs made his heart feel free and singing made him feel powerful. Baekhyun smirked to himself thinking about how apprpriate such lyrics were for a love song; the perfect for him could very well be a girl who was like a song: a girl who gave him encouragment, made his life meaningful, and made the best out of unfortunate circumstances. A girl who didn't cling to and smother him, but rather one who made him feel braver and more free. A girl he could turn to in times of trouble the same way he turned to music. 

A glance at his watch interrupted his thinking and with a heavy sigh, he handed the music sheets back to her and stood up. "Your babysitter will probably be looking for you about now," he said, and he offered his hand to help her up. When she reached out to take his hand, and Baekhyun felt electricity coursing through him at contact. He helped her to stand up, but didn't let go of her. "I know this is really stupid of me to be asking now," he said. "But... what's your name? I know we've been out for like an entire night now and wow, I'm pretty pathetic. Didn't even know your real name. This whole time, I had you saved in my phone list as 'Canto' because there was a song playing in the background. So... your name?"

She stared at him looking rather surprised, but with a small laugh, she handed the music sheets back to him. With her finger, she pointed at the title.

"'To My Melody'," Baekhyun read out loud, not quite seeing the significance of it. But then he looked back at her and she had her arms crossed and she nodded. "Melody... Melody? Your name is Melody?" she nodded excitedly. Baekhyun stared back at the paper, wondering why he hadn't thought of it earlier. Melody. It was a rather ironic name for a girl like her, one who hadn't a single melody of her own. But Baekhyun looked between her and the lyrics, studying her face and and her mannerisms. Melody... it was rather perfect for her, actually. Like the song, she made the best of her situation; she lived a musical, noisy life in spite of the silent world she lived in. She made him feel free and brave. She gave him encouragement. She was his Melody. 

"That's kind of cool," he said with a smile. Then he took out his cellphone and changed her ame in his Address Book to make a show of finally learning her name. "There, all fixed," he said, turning the screen to face her. She smirked and gave him a small round of applause for his little accomplishment. Baekhyun stuffed his phone back into his pocket, and then stood up with a sigh. Melody stood next to him and they both looked out over the river, not knowing quite what to do. "What now?" Baekhyun asked. In the corner of his eye, he saw her starting to scribble again. With a sly smirk, she showed him what she had written:

I think you should kiss me, she wrote. Baekhyun read it in a rush and once it hit him, she laughed to himself and widened his eyes. 

"As expected," he said, elbowing her lightly. "You girls do move fast. That's a little bold, don't you think? Suggesting that all of a sudden; I thought girls were supposed to be coy."

I've been coy all night, she wrote, laughing. I still think you should do it.

Baekhyun scoffed. "Seriously,.this girl," he said to himself. "Yah, you really like me that much don't you? Why?"

She lifted the marker and was about to write again but paused before the tip could touch the board. She stood and thought for a while, and then finally showed him her answer: Because I wish I could sing. I know I may never be able to, but when I'm with you, it feels like I can sing. 

He stared at her words for a long while, the mischievous smile of his face disappearing. When his expression turned solemn, Melody bit the corner of . She looked away from him, wondering if she had hit a sour note. She used her sleeve to wipe the board clean. Perhaps he was right and she was moving too fast; but after being alone with her quiet thoughts for so many years, when she was with Baekhyun she didn't feel so lonely and misunderstood anymore. There was someone whose voice she could hear, someone entirely unique to her alone. And she didn't want that to be taken away. 

She lifted the marker again and was just about to write Nevermind, just forget it, when she turned to face him again, and once her head spun around in his direction, his lips were on hers. Melody dropped the dry-erase board and the marker. It was a quick kiss; it didn't last for more than two or three seconds. When they pulled away from each other the only thing that could rival her blush was probably the one on Baekhyun's cheeks. He took a step back and cleared his throat. He then bent over and picked up her dry-erase board and marker. After cleaning up the board with his sleeve, he held up the blank slate to her. "Speechless, I see," he said with a laugh. Melody laughed and lightly hit his shoulder. Then, they walked side-by-side toward the restaurant where her intepretter was waiting to pick her up.

Baekhyun had never met a girl like her before. Yet aside from being deaf, there wasn't much to set her apart from other girls. Indeed, she was rather plain in looks and while she was playful, so were many other girls. But she was a song, he thought. And like songs, they were never much spectucarly special amidst other songs. But what made them special was what they meant to the singer or the composer. And that was what made this Melody so special. In the same way that she attached herself to him for the sole reason that he sang songs that only she could hear, Baekhyun felt that she was unique, too. While he sang songs only she could hear, she was a song that only he could sing. 



Author's note: 

Ahh, so sentimental. But on the bright side after 34654654 years, I have finally completed this two-shot! This one kinda reminds me of "Dancing" which I wrote for Taemin. They both kinda have a sappy, sentimental love story going on. But I'm quite proud of it. This second part took me two days to write. On the first day, I ran out of ideas so I went to bed and started it up again the next morning. After some editing, it's finished ^^ Anyway, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my friend, baerineul9095 here on AFF who is kinda going through a tough time. I hope this little dedication cheers her up a bit <3 Anyways, on to other story updates! Thanks for reading and commenting!


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Chapter 2: Beautiful. I'm moved beyond words. Thank you for this
ailovealien #2
Chapter 2: This is just too beautiful, author-nim ;__;♡ loveeee it
Chapter 2: oh my.. it's sooooooo beautiful!! i don't know how to describe this story but it's awesome for the two shot. uhh the feels.... just like baek's voice, it's beautiful and my heart feels so light while reading it :)
Chapter 2: Damn. All these feels. I seriously can't take it!
Chapter 2: Its great
bbhlight #6
Chapter 2: This is so beautiful. Shame that I've only gotten to read this one just now. I don't know what to feel. It's like I want to cry but smile nevertheless. Thank you for this, such a unique story you wrote.
ayohazelbyun #7
Chapter 2: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
shinnqqq #8
Chapter 2: Everything is so beautiful here. (I'm speechless)