It Was Not What It Seemed

~ You Don't Love Me ~

  Jieun was making coffee for herself and Sanghyun. She left her husband’s cup on the table and turned back to the coffee machine to finish the filling of her own cup of coffee. At that moment Sanghyun walked in ready to go out for work.

“Good morning!” Jieun said cheerfully.

Sanghyun didn’t say anything, just grabbed his coffee from the table and quickly swallowed the hot liquid.

He gracefully wiped away the left-over coffee from his lips and put the cup back to its original place.

Sanghyun put on his black coat and put some sheets of paper in a suitcase.

“Where are you going so early?” Jieun asked him.

“I’m going to work. I’m actually doing something unlike you.” He replied spitefully.

Jieun stayed silent and looked down. But Sanghyun wasn’t done.

“In fact….it would be nice if you go train a little, don’t you think? You’ve gotten fat. Just look at yourself – disgusting. What are people going to say if they see I have a fat wife? So disappointing, isn’t it?”

  Jieun looked at him with her eyes wide open. It’s true that Sanghyun had offended her a thousand times, but he had never called her fat. Until now.

Jieun looked down at her body. Maybe she was a little fat. Sanghyun was right…she had to train to keep herself fit. So she can represent him and never disappoint him.

“I’m sorry. I’ll go training today.”

“You better do.”

   Sanghyun turned around and started walking towards the front door. Jieun grabbed on her cup of coffee, but the surface of the vessel was too hot. The cup slipped out from Jieun’s hands and hit the floor. The coffee spilled all over and there were dozens of porcelain pieces everywhere. Jieun quickly bent down and started collecting the broken parts of the cup, but Sanghyun got there faster.

“What are you doing?!”

“I’m sorry….” Jieun mumbled while picking the porcelain.

Sanghyun grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

“Why aren’t you careful? Do you have any idea how expensive this is?” Sanghyun yelled.

  His grip on her wrist was getting too tight – Jieun felt how the piece she was holding in her hand started to cut through the skin of her hand. Jieun clenched her teeth because of the pain. But Sanghyun didn’t notice her bleeding hand because he was still holding her tight. He kept yelling at her. Until the sound of a key unlocking the door made Sanghyun look up. 

“Hey, guys…what are you..” Cheolyong rushed up in the apartment and froze at the sight before him.

  Sanghyun let go of Jieun and looked at the surprising guest. Damn….he forgot…Cheolyong had a key to their apartment and could come anytime. But he was usually warning them if he was going to come. That’s why he never saw something like this now.

“Cheolyong-ah, what are you doing here?”Sanghyun asked him calmly.

“Well I wanted to see how you guys are doing. You left pretty fast last night. Am I interrupting something?” Cheolyong replied and looked at Jieun who went back to collecting the broken pieces from the floor.

“No….Jieun just broke a cup, but that’s okay. Right, Jieun?”

“Yes, everything’s fine!” Jieun said without turning around to face her husband or Cheolyong.

“Are you sure everything’s fine? Hyung, you look really worked up. I could swear I’ve just saw you yelling at her.”Cheolyong started blabbering.

“Everything’s perfect, Cheolyong. I believe your mind is playing tricks on you. Or could that be because you drank a little too much last night?” Sanghyun mocked him.

Cheolyong blankly stared at him and murmured something incomprehensible.

“I would love to stay with both of you here and chat for a while, but I’m busy and I’m late for a meeting. Are you coming with me Cheolyong?” Sanghyun asked.

“Well…I’ll meet you later, hyung. I prefer to stay here for a while. It’s too cold outside.”

“Fine, you can stay here. Goodbye, honey!” Sanghyun said with full of love voice.

“Goodbye!” Jieun replied still not facing both of the men.

  The older guy left the apartment and the front door closed with a noisy crash.

  Cheolyong rushed to Jieun and bent down next to her.

“Is everything alright?” He asked.

   Jieun started nodding; trying to hide the tears welled up in her eyes. Cheolyong tried to help her picking the pieces, but then he noticed her hand was bleeding badly.

“Jieun, what is this? Why are you bleeding?”

“It’s nothing, oppa. I’ve just cut myself a little. I’m going to fix it now.”

   Cheolyong pulled Jieun gently and made her stand up.

“Stop it. Go sit on that chair and I’ll take care of your hand and the mess over there.” Cheolyong said while he leaded her to the table. Jieun didn’t try to struggle and let him do what he wants. She sat down and stared at Cheolyong who was searching for bandages and iodine tincture. He found all the things he needed and went to sit down next to Jieun. The male left everything on the table and pulled another chair. Jieun quietly stretched her arm towards him and opened her clenched fist. She really had cut herself bad. The porcelain had entered her flesh too deep.

  Cheolyong started cleaning the blood from her hand. Jieun felt the pain, but everything had become so dull that she didn’t even pay attention to her hurting hand. Things have become really bad. Cheolyong saw them fighting. He saw Sanghyun yelling at her. The problem wasn’t with Cheolyong. He would never say anything to anyone because Sanghyun was his best friend. He would never make him look bad in front of the others. The problem was Sanghyun himself. Jieun knew he was furious right now. First - about the expensive porcelain broken down in pieces. And second – about someone seeing the true relationship between them. Sanghyun was in a bad position right now. He wanted everyone to think they’re a perfect couple. He couldn’t let even his best friend know what’s really happening. Jieun has made another mistake. And she was going to pay a high price for this.

  Cheolyong has just finished wrapping bandages over the young woman’s hand.


  She looked at him. His eyes were full of concern. She didn’t want that – she wasn’t happy, but she was with the man she loved. So what? Jieun wasn’t someone who had to be looked at like this – with a worried gaze.

“What’s going on?" Cheolyong continued.

“Nothing. Everything’s fine. I just broke down this cup and I cut because I’m clumsy. Sanghyun was about to help me.”

“Why are you lying?”

“I’m not lying.”

“Oh yes, you are. I saw everything, Jieun. There’s no way you can fool me because I saw it with my own eyes.”

 Jieun started worrying. Why didn’t he just pretend nothing has happened? Why was he doing this?

“Sanghyun was everything, but not a loving husband just a while ago. I know him well. He rarely gets angry. And he never gets angry in front of people. Does he do that often?” Cheolyong kept asking.

   Jieun could not help it. She broke down into tears. She really hated herself right now. Sanghyun had always told her not to cry in front of anyone. But she couldn’t restrain herself. The tears were just flowing from her eyes. And Jieun couldn’t stop them.

  Cheolyong looked confused at her. What happened? The Jieun he knew was always happy and smiling. She was a cheerful and polite girl ever since he knew her. And she was so beautiful, no matter what she was doing. He could totally understand why Sanghyun married her. Or at least…he though he understood. Cheolyong had always been envious of his best friend because of Jieun. He had liked her since forever, but in the end Sanghyun was the one who got her. And Cheolyong gave up on her because he was sure that Sanghyun was going to treat her right. Maybe he was wrong the whole time. 

   But the Jieun he was looking at now – she looked…ruined. She broke down in seconds.

“Jieun, I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to upset you.” Cheolyong tried to apologize and make the things better.

“No…it’s not your…fault.” Jieun cried.

  Cheolyong didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to help her or how to make her feel better. Eventually he stood up from his place and went behind Jieun. He placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Please don’t cry. Don’t worry. I’m your friend; you can tell me what’s wrong.” He gently whispered and caressed her hair.

Jieun tried to stop crying. She started wiping her tears away.

“You better sit again. I have a long story to tell. And it’s not a happy one.” Jieun finally managed to say.

Cheolyong got back to his original place and sat down. He was right that something was wrong. But Jieun’s expression told him that not only something, but everything was wrong.

“I’m listening.” Cheolyong said and looked directly into Jieun’s eyes.


* I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while, but all my teachers were like "Let's give them all the tests in one week!" >< There isn't much happening in this chapter, but I still hope you liked it! ^^ * 

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HanSang #1
Chapter 7: good that Jieun was finally feel a bit happy, but what's problem that waiting…?
Chapter 7: Update soon, pleaseeeee!
갓암니다 ^^
Chapter 7: OOOHH mnogo mra4no bro ! XDD its soo awesome! I want more chapters XD
Chapter 5: OMG! Thunder is such a bad- XDD Totally loved the chapter! *__*
envelop #5
so cool!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: Looking forward to what bad things yoona is going to do lol. Author's block is really a huge pain in the . But hwaiting author! I believe you can pass by this phase. (:
misschinatown #7
Chapter 6: ........
Update soon!
Chapter 5: Does yoona STILL likes thunder? If yes, she can just be thunder then IU and Mir could be a couple tgt. Haha, me and my wishful thinking.
misschinatown #9
Chapter 5: Omo! Trouble!
Update soon!
HanSang #10
Chapter 4: this is the first time I don't want Sanghyun to be with Jieun… but after Yoona appeared, I don't want him to get apart with IU… I'm a bit weird, kkkk…
but this is good! trust me this is good! :D