A new road in my life

Shin High, School of excellency.

Nightfall has risen upon Seoul and all you can hear is the sound of work men and women rushing home to their families, buses driving the lost souls home before the thugs of Korea emerge to look for new targets. You step inside the bus and see stranger after stranger not a familiar face anywhere, this one boy catches your eye. Tall, baby faced, cute, soft pink lips, all that you want in a man standing before you. So you decide to site close but not to close, keeping distance from your new crush, making sure not to get eye contact. "daebak, he is so cute. OMO" You scream all your feelings out in your head, smiling like a fool into the distance. He looks at you wondering why your at oing that. "excuse me, why are you smiling like that?" The mysterious boy asked with curiosity. "uh, umm....haha *blush* i don't know, i just remembered something funny." *keep your cool Jenny* "oh, okay. Umm...is that seat next to you taken? I'm getting tired of standing. My stop isn't for a while" "oh, you can site" "thank you" 

You site in silence for a while, until one of you create the courage to start a conversation. "umm, so what is your name" your eyes seems to sparkle to him. "uh, my name is Luhan, what about you?" *OMO! His name is as cute as his face. omg wahhhh DAEBAK!!* "My name is Jenny Lyn Cai" "thats a cute name" His word melt your heart. You look down so he doesn't see you blushing. "thank you op-" you forget that you don't know if he is oppa or not. "haha, you can call me oppa if you want. I'm 23years, how old are you?" "I'm 18, i guess your my new oppa then" You smile and he smiles back. *Why is my heart pounding like this? Am i falling for Jenny?* "oh, this is my stop, bye Jenny" you feel sad that he is leaving when you just met. "oh, really? okay, bye oppa" He ruffeles your hair and leaves while smiling and waving at you. "Lets meet again" You don't think that you will meet Luhan again but you pray you do. 


Today is your first day staring at Shin High. I wonder how the student at this school will be. I hope that it wont be a hard day for me. You set off for your that at school. The sun is shining and you skip down the road to the beat of your music. The kpop songs blast into your ears and your mouth the words while you speak. The school's entrance is so grand that your hearts stop's. "OMG! This school is so big. How will I ever find my way to the lessons? Aishh." Frustration fills your face. You grab a school map and hunt down your class. "D3...D3...Arghh where the hell is D3?" You shout at the top of your lungs. "Are you going to D3? I can take you there. My class is in there as well." a helpful face confronts you. "thank you. It really hard finding my way around here" you thank her will the fullest of your hear. "what's your name, mine is Sureya" "Sureya, that's a nice name. ^_^ My name is Jenny Lyn Cai" "daebak, your name is awesome. I guess we are now friends. I hope we can become closer friends in futor" her kindfull word bring a smile to your face. "me too"

"We're here! D3" The class room is huge. You can hear the students whisper "who's that girl? Is she new?" 

"omo Sureya, who is that at the back? the cute tall boy." You look at him with wonder. "Thats Zelo. He is really smart. He was moved up 2 years because of his intelligence. All the girls fangirl over him. You see that boy over there?" She points over at the boy and he waves at her and blows her a kiss. "ooooo, is that your boyfriend? hehe." You have this huge smile on your face. "yes, his name is Zhang Yixing. But everyone calls him Lay. He is the sweetest boyfriend ever. I think i love him" "omg, hehehe. I hope he treats you well. Omo, be quiet now. The teacher has entered" The teacher motions you over to her desk. Sureya moves to her seat next to Lay. "Everyone quiet please. Shhh! This is Jenny, she is a new student that has come from over London, England. Please introduce yourself Jenny. You feel the embarssement. "umm. hi everyone. My name is Jenny. i am 18years. I come form the Philippines but i moved from there to London, to here. haha. My dad likes to move a lot. Please treat me well." Zelo looks up at you. and winks. He knows that your heart is melting. 


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donsaengie using my jello XDD i love it keep up the good work it will be an awesome fanfic wae u so talented P.I.C WAE???
Chapter 1: Dongsaeng!!!! Stop killing me two boys at a time!!!
OMO Dongsaeng!!! Wah can't wait to read this ^^ <3
I need to get ready !!!