

Youngjae frowned as he hung up the phone. His girlfriend was supposed to come visit him over at the dorms, but the flu caught her at the last minute. Sighing, he flopped down on the couch as he tried to think up of things to occupy his free time.

"Yah, Yoo Youngjae. Shouldn't you cook something for us tonight since it's our day off?" Yongguk plopped down next to the braniac on the sofa. He scrunched up his face and snapped his fingers continuously in front of Youngjae's eyes. "The hell? Did the brainiac's brain stop working for once?" Next thing he knew, Yongguk was on the floor rubbing the back of his head while Youngjae was jumping around in glee, yelling something about cooking chicken noodle soup for his girl and thanking the leader for the idea. Youngjae grabbed his jacket and dashed out the door with his phone and wallet, yelling to no one in particular that he'd spend the night over at his girlfriend's house and they should cook for themselves. The members screamed in annoyance, for their best cook left them. "Screw him, let's get pizza!"

Meanwhile, Shannon sneezed for the umpteenth time, cursing the heavens for ruining her free day as she grabbed another tissue box from the closet. Her head was pounding, and her energy was at an all time low. She couldn't bring herself to cook anything, considering her nose was a dripping faucet and the headache was starting to irritate her. Lazily, she crawled onto her couch, grabbing her blanket and wrapping herself into it before falling asleep.

Youngjae knocked on the door of his girl's home, only to realize he had his own key in his pocket. He slapped himself mentally, opening the door and bringing the groceries inside. He frowned at the sight of his girlfriend huddled up in her blanket on the couch. He closed the door quietly behind him before going to her room and grabbing the extra blankets. Youngjae sighed, feeling sorry for Shannon. 'Poor babe... She must have been freezing..' He got up and the heater before going to work in the kitchen.

An hour later, Shannon woke up, looking around as she noticed there were more blankets surrounding her and several lights on in her home. Clutching a blanket and wrapping herself in it, she dragged her feet to the kitchen and peered inside. Youngjae was humming to himself while cooking. A smile played on her lips as she watched her boyfriend walking around the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients and working his magic.

"Jae?" She finally set foot into the kitchen, her head tilted slightly.

"YAH. You need to get back on the couch, missy. You are sick and I'm cooking for you! Out of the kitchen. OUT. NOW. SHOO." Youngjae picked her up bridal style and set her down on the couch before turning on the TV. "Stay out of the kitchen! I'm almost done, okay?" He pecked her forehead and dashed back into the kitchen, coming out ten minutes later with a bowl of soup and bread. "Let's eat."

About 30 minutes later, the soup was gone and Shannon found herself pouting as Youngjae was cleaning up the kitchen and doing the dishes.

"Jae... I want cuddles..." She whined softly, knowing all too well that Youngjae wouldn't let her get up whatsoever and he probably wouldn't cuddle with her unless he wanted to get sick.

Much to her surprise however, Youngjae came into the living room, grinning. He kissed her cheek and sat on the couch, pulling her into his lap. He wrapped the blankets around them both, smiling shyly as he pecked her cheek once more.

"Jae... you're gonna get sick..." Shannon frowned at him, secretly happy that he complied with her wish.

"So what if I get sick? You can take care of me, right?" Youngjae winked at her.

"Of course I will. Besides, that just means we can cuddle more." She grinned at him, pecking his lips.

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bapdaehyunnie #1
Chapter 1: Awwww, so sweet and too cute ^^ ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
SurmiiK #2
Chapter 1: awww youngjae is so fluffy keeheee xP
u///w///u <3