
Reaching For You


The weather was great today as it was weekend. Sunggyu already planned on what he was going to do for these two days. Hoya and Sungjong went back to their hometown, while Sungyeol and Myungsoo decided to just stay at home, sleeping through out the day. He planned to help Dongwoo at Dongwoo’s family’s octopus restaurant. At least he won’t be burning his time doing useless things.


But just before he could do what in his free time list, which included shopping, his appa stopped him and told him to forget about his long list. His appa insisted him on helping him in the hospital. Sunggyu knew from the start with the fact of his appa being a doctor will ruin his life someday. And guess what that someday had already come.


He rejected his appa’s suggestion for a few times already, but his appa wasn’t giving up. Knowing, how stubborn his appa could be just like him, he agreed with a condition that his appa won’t force him to get married like always. Sunggyu didn’t know what was in his appa’s head every time he asked his only son to get married. He didn’t even graduate yet.


Sunggyu went to the hospital that day, calling Dongwoo that he had to cancel his plan on helping his family. He sighed, walking towards his appa’s room. He didn’t walk in straight in because someone was in there, talking to his appa. He knew it was wrong to be eavesdropping but he couldn’t suppress himself from doing that.


A few minutes later, he almost jumped due to shock when his appa opened the door of his room.


‘Why are you standing out here like a statue?’


‘It’s not funny appa.’ Sunggyu hated it when his appa called with weird callings.


‘Oh since you’re already here. Let me show you your work.’ His appa said before bringing Sunggyu to a ward.


While they were walking step by step closer, Sunggyu was praying that his appa won’t be giving him a cleaning task or something like that. He hated the smell of hospital. He hated it since he was young. Maybe because this was the place his mother died when he was 9.


As his eyes roamed around, both of them arrived at a ward numbered, 423. The moment they walked in, Sunggyu found a helpless guy lying on the bed, breathing using the help of the oxygen mask.


‘This guy is Nam Woohyun. He had been coma for a while now. And we don’t have any information about him. No one had visited him from the first day he was sent here.’ His appa’s explanation shocked Sunggyu a bit.


He never thought there will be patience like him here. He stepped closer to Woohyun and he noticed Woohyun was around his age.


‘Whoa! Perfect jawline.’ That was the first thing Sunggyu uttered since he walked in.


His words received a hit from his appa on his head and he wailed in pain.


‘It hurts.’


‘This is not the time for fooling around.’ His appa said seriously.


‘I’m just telling the truth.’ Sunggyu pouted as he rubbed his head.


For the first time, Sunggyu was startled to see his appa so serious. He knew if his appa being serious it must be involved life and death.


‘If he doesn’t wake up within a month, then he’ll die.’ 


‘Ahh… it will be a waste letting a cute guy like him die.’ Sunggyu really didn’t take this seriously because he had noting to do with the boy.


‘It’s your job to make him wake up.’


‘What?! Why should I? It’s not like I know him. And plus I’m not a doctor or a crazy wizard.’ Sunggyu complained as he really took this task hard.


‘Stop talking and start waking him up.’ His appa smiled and left Sunggyu alone in the ward.


Sunggyu sighed the moment his appa closed the door behind him. He slumped on the chair beside the bed, eyes on Woohyun. He never thought a helpless guy will be a serious trouble for him. Not having an idea on how to wake the guy up, he kept on poking Woohyun’s head and said,


‘Yah, wake up. It’s already noon and you’re still sleeping.’




Still giving it a try, he stood up just to pull the blanket off Woohyun’s body, letting the cold air brushed him. He wondered if his appa will be mad of him because letting a patience being exposed to cold air. But he didn’t bother it anymore. This guy made his life upside down. He needed to get him out his life somehow.


‘Wake up Hyunnie~~ Rise and shine~’ He said that with a smile on his face as if he was trying to wake up a 6 years old kid.


But then there was no respond.




He sighed, knowing his efforts were futile. He thought coldness can make someone wake up for sure. As his eyes on Woohyun some words crossed his mind.

Maybe he’s not that cold.


Trying to give it a try, he reduced the distance between him and Woohyun just for his hand to Woohyun shirt.  He had to make Woohyun felt so cold so he would wake up. But as he was doing half way, he stopped for a while as his cheeks tingled red. Woohyun had a nice body that for sure. He gulped his saliva as it was really a temptation for him before continuing his work.


He didn’t notice how close he was with Woohyun. But then, he heard the door opened. He averted his sight just to see a nurse at the door staring at him shock.


‘I…I’m sorry for disturbing.’ The nurse suddenly apologized and bowed.


Sunggyu who realized that the nurse must misunderstood it. He quickly stayed far from Woohyun.


‘It’s not what you think.’ Sunggyu didn’t know how to explain.


‘I’m really sorry. Please…please continue.’ The nurse said before she went running away from the ward.


Sunggyu hit his forehead with his hand before shouting in hope that the nurse will reason,


‘I didn’t do anything to him.’


And the nurse did hear it and shouted back,


‘I’m truly sorry.’ 


He sighed again. What a mess he made. Well he didn’t blame himself. He blamed Woohyun for all of this.  Not wanting anyone to misunderstand him again, he buttoned Woohyun’s shirt but before he could do that he glimpsed Woohyun’s body. Sunggyu’s cheek was red rose. It sure was the greatest temptation that Sunggyu ever had.


As he was buttoning his shirt, luck was really not on Sunggyu’s side because his appa came in the ward.


‘Are you trying to him?’


‘Appa!’ Sunggyu whined as he flinched away from Woohyun.


His appa only laughed looking his only son blushing so hard. Sunggyu ignored his appa and finished his work of buttoning Woohyun, pouting. He slowly put back the blanket on Woohyun’s body. Funny, because every time his eyes gazed at Woohyun a strange feeling will arouse within him, tingling in his heart.


‘If this work is hard, I’ll get someone else to take care for him.’ His appa received a direct answer from Sunggyu.

‘No!’ Even Sunggyu was shocked to say that. ‘I mean that you already given me this job so let me finish it.’ He was still pondering why he said that.


‘Oh…someone falling for him~’ His appa kept on teasing him.


‘I am not!’ Sunggyu’s cheeks were tingling red.


‘Are you sure you can take care of this?’ His appa raised a brow.


‘I’ll manage it…somehow.’ Sunggyu replied.


His appa was perplexed at first hearing Sunggyu wanted to help Woohyun. Knowing his son is the type who didn’t care about someone who doesn’t have any connection to him, this was beyond his imagination. He smiled with a hope that maybe this Woohyun guy will change his son.


‘I’m counting on you then.’ His appa patted his shoulder.



It had been a few days since that day and every day after college, Sunggyu will rush to the hospital and tried to wake Woohyun up. Hoya and Sungjong was startled seeing Sunggyu rejected their offers to hang out after college as Sunggyu always the one who very excited about it.


Myungsoo was surprised to see Sunggyu being in the library every time he had free time, reading some books on ways to wake up someone. When he asked him, what he was doing with all the books, Sunggyu only smiled and replied it was for his assignment.


Sunggyu rejected all his friends’ offers and stayed at the hospital. Even sometimes he would sleep there, on the chair beside Woohyun’s bed with hope that he will wake up. It was if he didn’t want to leave the boy alone. He wanted to be beside him. At first he thought it was only sympathy but his heart told him that it was more than that.


All the time, Sunggyu had to suppress himself from blushing when he cleaned Woohyun’s body with a wet cloth. It wasn’t his job to clean Woohyun every day but he insisted on it. He took care of Woohyun. He made sure Woohyun’s blood pressure was stable and Woohyun was in a good condition. He didn’t know why but he loves being around Woohyun, so much that he couldn’t sleep without looking at Woohyun’s face even just for a day.



Sunggyu walked in the ward, with a face pissed off. He closed the door hard until a loud sound was produced. He hurled his bag on the couch at the ward and slumped down on the chair.


He glared at Woohyun, who was still in his coma.


‘Don’t you want to ask why I’m so mad?’ Sunggyu asked Woohyun as if Woohyun would answer him.


Sunggyu sighed knowing Woohyun will never ask him so he just said,


‘Today I got scolded by my professor thanks to Sungjong. That little brat spilled coffee on my assignment that I need to hand in. Well, he did say sorry and he didn’t do that in purpose. But still a mistake is a mistake.’ He kept on complaining.


People who said him crazy talking around himself but to him he wasn’t. He was talking to Woohyun although Woohyun will never answer him. He didn’t even know whether Woohyun could hear his voice but he didn’t stop hoping even for a second that Woohyun will answer him every time he called him.


‘Woohyun ah…’ Sunggyu called him. ‘Answer me.’


Something was wrong with him these few days. He kept on calling Woohyun’s name. He wanted him to answer him so much. His heart hurt to not hear Woohyun answering his callings.


Sunggyu shook off the sad face he was portraying, and forced a smile on his face.


‘I brought you something.’ Sunggyu said before taking his bag on the couch and pulled out a chocolate bar.


‘Don’t you want it?’ He opened the wrapper and offered it to Woohyun.


But of course no respond like always.


‘You sure you don’t want this.’ Sunggyu put the chocolate bar in front of Woohyun, hoping he would wake up and grabbed the chocolate bar from his hand.


Getting no answer, he slumped down on the chair again, pouting.


‘Fine, if you don’t want I’ll eat it.’ Sunggyu threatened him, but the he gave another try.


‘Come on. You’ll regret it for sure. This chocolate is good.’ Again he offered to Woohyun by pulling out his hand, which was holding the chocolate bar close to Woohyun.


Sunggyu was busy coaxing Woohyun until he didn’t notice that someone came in the ward. He only realized when that someone said,


‘Confessing your love on valentine day?’


Sunggyu flinched almost to throw the chocolate bar as he was shocked. He averted his sight just to whine,




His appa just laughed looking at his son’s actions. Sunggyu really had weird ways on waking Woohyun up.


‘How is he?’ His appa was checking on Sunggyu’s progression.


‘Instead rejecting my chocolate, he’s good.’ Sunggyu had to admit it was really a hard work.  

His appa only patted Sunggyu, who was on the chair, taking a bite from the chocolate bar.


‘There’s only two weeks left.’ His appa’s words made him stopped eating the chocolate as his eyes were fixed on the floor now.


‘I know.’ Only that Sunggyu could answer.


He couldn’t raise his head any longer as he felt a drop of tear managed to escape his eyes. He didn’t even know why he was crying. But all he knew was his heart hurt knowing they will take off all Woohyun’s supporting life. He didn’t want to lose Woohyun.  He just can’t lose him.


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692 streak #1
Chapter 3: i love how sunggyu didn’t give up 🥹
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaaaah cried cried... Glad that wh is awake right now.. Still the mystery of why gyu's dad asked him to woke wh up is not solve yet...
Need a bonus ch to know wh's family...

Thank you so much for this story....
Chapter 2: I am crying too
Chapter 1: The start of this story kinda... Eem something is missing. Right? Like there is a hole in the first story.. The reason his dad gave it to him, the job to wake wh up, is kinda fishy.. Need the reason..
But the story after is... Nice... Because you are often with him, you can be attach to that person. Eventhou you never speak nor meet him..
Chapter 3: This is my nth time reading this story and still love it ^^
wagyu357 #6
Chapter 3: I need a sequel T^T
Chapter 3: yeiii woohyun wake up finally. I'm happy for them
PJyKM27 #8
Chapter 3: I'm still kinda curious why he's is a coma and his family...(indirectly hinting for a sequel shamelessly)