One In The Million

One In The Million



“and when I’m sad, you embrace me. Or when I fall, you’ll catch me. Knowing that you’ll always be there for me make me glad to have you”

Written By : Crystal L.


I’m Daehyun. Yeah, That famous singer, Jung Daehyun. Soloist of TS Entertaiment. Everyone thinks I’m perfect, they thing I have what I need. i used to think that way too, before I broke up with my girlfriend because of the ing paparazzi caught us up and make scandals on internet. I’m still pissed, still.

Some of my fans are now haters of my Ex-Girlfriend. Want to know who she is? Jung Yeonju, Korean’s Men ideal wife. A Model and actress of CUBE entertainment. She’s perfect, she’s pretty and talented. Even though she’s not a musician but she can play Piano and sings well. Now people would think I’m dumb enough to let her go, she probably crying all night long when we broke up.. if she didn’t have any schedules. Some of people thinks we’re just another fake couple made by our entertainment to gain popularity but we aren’t. I love her, and I’m pretty sure she loves me too. I get jealous whenever she took pictures with male models or whatever.


Arhh! The point is we broke up 10 days ago and no I missed her. So bad. I want to call her like right now but I’m in the middle of TS Entertaiment World Tour Concert. It’ll be my turn after Youngjae and Jongup. But I’m nervous, call me desperate but I need her to cheer me up. I need her by my side now or just her voice telling me to cheer up and always do my best on stage.




Should I Call her? Should I text her? No, she probably didn’t want to hear my voice anymore. And I don’t think she’s free after the scandals spreaded on the internet. it.


“JUNG DAEHYUN!” oh it’s my manager, Himchan Hyung. “ What were you thinking?! I called you like 6 times and you didn’t answer me! Stop daydreaming and get ready!”


“Ok.” Ouch, I guess it’s  too cold.


“Good.” WTF, is he too arrogant to ask if I’m okay or not? Asdfghjkl, you too hyung!


“Daehyun-hyung! Good luck ok?” Jongup smiled at me. I smiled back at him instantly.


Okay it’s my tunr to go to the stage now, damn nervous. I shouldn’t be like this, I’m a professional! Okay Jung Daehyun, Focus! I feel like I’m going to boxing somehow.


“Kyaaa! We Love you Jung Daehyun!!”


“Daehyun Oppa!!”


“Daehyun Fighting!!!”


Hearing those voices makes me calm somehow, weird. I saw so many banners with my name on it, starting from ‘JUNG DAEHYUN’ to ‘WE WILL PROTECT OUR ONE AND ONLY HANDSOME BUSAN PRINCE, JUNG DAEHYUN, FIGHTING OPPA!!’ So damn long. Thanks daewons.




“MEEEEE!!!” the shouted back. I smiled.


“Let’s Start with I Remember! Yongguk Hyung! Let’s go!” I started to sing as the crowd become so silent in order to hear my beautiful Voice. Okay, sorry.


“Thank you so much!” I bowed to them as I finished my performance. Should I feel happy or sad? I’m happy that all of my fans are happy. I’m sad because I cant share my happiness to Yeonju. I feel so pathetic.


“good performance, man!” youngjae slapped my shoulder lightly, I feel like eating him alive after that. How annoying.


“thank..” I replied shortly, my mood is up and down. Unstable.


“still thinking about yeonju?” he giggled. Whats with that annoying giggle? I’m a bit sad here, man! Cant you see that? WTF.


“yeah. How do you know?” Classic. Of course he knows, he’s my bestfriend.


“I’ve know you for 6 years, haha.” I know that, . Cant you cheer me up a bit? Okay, I’m selfish but I don’t care, I’m not good at being fake.


“cheer up, man. Let the time heal.” He shrugged.


“LOL, jae. Where did you read those words?”  


“Yongguk-hyung’s notebook.” He replied shortly. That dumbjae. I rolled my eyes.


“Daehyun-ah.” I don’t have to turn my back to recognize that voice as himchan hyung’s voice.


“what?” still not turning my back.


“we need to talk.”


“Goodluck.” Youngjae slapped my arm and runaway. Damn that punk!


“what is it?” I turned my back just to see himchan hyung’s annoying face. You may think I’m selfish for thinking I’m better that everybody else in this universe. I don’t care.


“there are so many paparazzi around here. For a little while, I don’t want them to see you with any girls. Got it?” why is it so easy for him to say that.


“No. I have a life too.”


“yeah, as a singer. Not a playboy. Stop playing around and focus on you carreer.”


“Hyung, i’m not that kind of guy.”


“paparazzis spreaded many pictures of you with more that one girls. Can you stick with just one? Don’t make it hard!”


“Of course I can, I did. Until you force us to broke up!” I yelled. I’m so frustrated. Can anybody understand what I feel? WTF.


“oh that girl, find someone more popular than her. It’s easy.”


“watch your mouth, hyung. Look who’s the playboy now.”


“why are you so—“


“himchan, cut it off.” I saw yongguk hyung behind himchan hyung. His face is straight. He always hate it when himchan hyung tries to argue with everyone. Especially me since I’m the most stubborn people alive here.


“daehyun-ah. There’s someone you would like to meet outside.” Yongguk hyung smiled at me. i smiled at him and walk away.


Someone who? Ohh, wait we are in California right? Maybe its my old friend, Zico-hyung. He lived in California since 2 years ago right? I guess. I put my hands on my pocket since its autumn. So damn cold.


“!” I yelled when I almost fall. Maybe himchan hyung is right, I should be daydreaming while walking, it could be dangerous.


“Daehyun?” I can hear a girl voice but I cant see here.


“Daehyun, youre daehyun right?” oh okay, she’s right behind me. I jumped and turn my back. A mix between speechless and happy. I tried to clear out my mind and manage to say hi.


“Hi, yeonju. What’s up?” mission failed. I think I look like an idiot.


“nah.. just passing by. I met yongguk oppa and I told him that I want to meet you. So how are you?” she smiled at me. I smiled back at her. Awkward.


“not so good. I’m having headache since yesterday.” I wanted to say I’m having headache because I miss you. And wouldn’t it be funny is she says she already have another boyfriend. LOL.


“hmm.. get well fast, daehyunnie. How’s the concert? I was there.” WHAT? Is she serious?!


“Really? Then you already know that its pretty good.”


“better than I expect.” She smiled again. “your voice is calming as usual.”


“thank you..” I smiled back at her instantly. “it’s kinda cold out here..” I look around and saw a café. “let’s go there~”


“okay then.” She followed me.




“One cappuchino and one mocchachino, please?” I smiled at the barista.


“wow, you still remember my favorite coffee. Impressive.” She giggled.


“it’s just been 10 days since we broke up, ppabo.”  I smiled to her.


“yeah right, kinda miss those times.” She looked down and pulled her ipad out of her bag.


“hmm, me too.” Wow. Impressive, jung daehyun. Bravo.


“really? Wow it’s suprising. I know youre not the type of guy that will easily confess his feeling towards someone.”


“well.. yeah but when I finally say it, I’m not lying.”


She looked so fine. I mean, there’s no puffy eyes or teardrops trail from her eyes. She looked so happy with her life. Even without me, which make me hurt more. LOL, jung daehyun. You’re a man, you shouldn’t be like this. Whatever.


“your wallpaper is our picture.” I giggled when I saw her ipad wallpaper. Should I be happy? No. act like usual, daehyun.


“yap! I love the picture.”


“you looked pretty in that picture.”


“just in that picture?” she frowned.


“even prettier in person.” I laughed.


She laughed but seconds after that, her face become so pale.

“are you okay?” yes, I’m worry about her. Problem?


“not really, there are so many messages from my anti fans..” oh now I know why..


“sorry, it’s my fault.”


“no its not. And I’m okay with those mails.” She smiled at me.


“they shouldn’t be like that if they love me.”


“here’s your coffee, sir.. mam.” The barista back with 2 cup of coffee, put them on the table and walk away.


I don’t know what to say anymore. I heard about one of my fans told her to suicide or something. I’m afraid that someday she’ll give up and do whatever my fans told her to do. I don’t want her to face this alone. It’s my fault, they should blame me not her.


“I’m okay, daehyun. Don’t look at me like that.” She giggled and sipped her coffee.




“Thanks for the coffee, daehyunnie.” She smiled at me, again.


“that’s nothing. Where are you going now?”


“back to korea, where else?”


“okay so what were you doing here?”


“watching your concert.. I promised you that someday I will watch your concert not from behind the stage. Right?” she giggled again. I cant hold my smile, she still remember a promise that she made 1 year ago. Oh yeah, for you’re your information, we’ve been dating for 2 years.


“you still remember. Thank you, yeonju. I can accompany you if you want.”


“I don’t know your schedule anymore, where are you going after this?”


“Korea. We will rest for a bout a week before going to Europe.”


“uhm, okay then. Good luck with the world tour!”


“thank you.. good luck with your photoshoots too.”


Forgive me for my bad grammar. English isn’t my first language ><

Comment please, so I’ll know what’s wrong. :)


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