A Stronger Person In the End

Everyone Loves Jello

            "Zelo. Zelo-ah." An irritated huff sounded before Zelo was being shoved roughtly off his futon, onto the clod floor. "Yah get up!"

            Groaning, Zelo blinked open two very swollen and sleepy eyes. "Arrasseo I'm up, I'm up." he croaked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes with a yawn. With only an hour and a half of sleep, today was going to be a long day.

            Guk ruffled the boy's curly hair. "Go wash your face and get dressed. I'll grab you something to eat so head straight out to the van when you're ready." he instructed before leaving the room.

            Nodding, Zelo got to his feet and shuffled to the  bathroom, his eyes half shut. Just as he was reaching the bathroom door, he stopped short, nearly bumping into someone.

            "Ah mianhae Zelo-ah...go ahead."

            Zelo blinked up at Himchan, blushing slightly when he realized who he had almost bumped into. "Thanks." he muttered, avoiding Himchan's gaze as he ducked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Resting his back against the door, he put his hand to his heart. Why was his heart beating so fast. Shaking his head, the boy moved to the sink and splashed his face with cold water to try and help wake himself up before he stared at his face in the mirror.

            Sighing the boy brushed his teeth and dried his face before leaving the bathroom and getting changed. When he got into the van, he plopped into one of the window seats in the middle of the van before drifting off to sleep as he waited for everyone else.

((hi hi~ author here with an author's note~ yay~ Since this next part is being told from Zelo's point of view, the members that are talking will be identified by their initials in paranthasis before the actual speaking part :) and with that Jello out~))

(Guk)   "I don't think he got much sleep last night."

(YJ) "This is really taking it's toll on him. I just hope he doesn't end up sick again because of it."

            Zelo scrunched his eyes shut a little more, trying to block out his bandmates voices so he could fall back asleep.

(Guk) "Well at least we finished early today. Hopefully he can catch up on some sleep."

            Zelo shifted his head slightly, causing the hand resting on his shoulder to move in a comforting way.

(YJ) I'm just glad he finally figured it out...and that he actually asked those two instead of asking one of you guys."

(JU) "Was it really better to let him figure it out rather than just telling him? Would've saved us all a lot of headache."

(YJ) I think he needed to figure it out, no matter how hared it was."

            The sound of Guk sighing seemed to lull Zelo back to sleeep.

(Guk) "Youngjae's right...as hard as it is to see him going through this, I think it's necessary. He'll be a stronger person for it in the end."

            A stronger person huh? Zelo gave a yawn before drifting back to sleep as the van fell quiet once more. 


Beh short, filler chapter is short :/ I hate these kind of chapters but they're pretty vital to any story line ^.^;; Ah this story is almost finished~ It's kinda sad though~ Anyways this story is going to be celebrating it's 1 year anniversary in FIVE DAYS~ wow I can't believe it's been a year already! A big thank you to everyone for all the views, subscriptions, comments and support~!!! This could not have been as successful a story as it has been without you all! ~Jello 

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Chapter 28: Damn that was so so so so so amazing I loved it so much
Blinger_kim #2
Chapter 27: Awhh my ship is Daelo and I've a feeling Himlo is winning :(
Chapter 2: This is really good so far :3 Never thought of HimLo, but I like it.
Chapter 28: Oh this was beautiful! But did they just do that in front of everyone at the awards show? If so then oh my gosh thats epic!!
Bibieonni #5
Chapter 28: This was so lovely T.T
I didnt think i would see Dae so mature, happy i was wrong :P
And finaly they are together, after so much hurt! :D
(maybe YG can have some peace now)
Thanks for sharing!!
YumeTenshi #6
Chapter 27: *gasp* YAH! Daehyun what the...aish...please Jello, update *-* I will die if you don't! See ya~
gellibean95 #7
Please.....please finish. This is so Oooooolllldddd good. Bad, bad Daehyun! Poor Zelo....
katlie #8
upload soon!! <3 I love this story!!
Chapter 27: Omg! Dae u are a very bad boy!I can't wait for the update!
Chapter 27: I know you, so i kind of expected this scene at some point lol xD but it still caught me off guard~ aigoo. Poor everyone lol.i like the way this is going xD