Love's A Battlefield

Everyone Loves Jello

"Ask us what?"

Zelo blinked in shock, his head whipping around to see Daehyun and the rest of the group coming in the room. His cheeks blushed a bright red as his gaze met with both Himchan and Daehyun's own curious ones.

            Youngjae looked up, giving the group a small smile. "Hey how'd it go?" he asked cheerfully.

            "Everything's set for the next couple weeks." Guk repored, looking considerably more relieved than he had in a few days.

            Jongup came over to the couch and plopped down on the other side of Youngjae, laying out as he closed his eyes. "So tired." he muttered.

            "Well don't sleep here. Go to bed." Youngjae chided, lightly pushing the shorter boys' shoulder.

            Jongup groaned slightly as he swatted at Youngjae's hand.

            "We should all get to bed." Guk called fromt he kitchen where he was getting a bottle of water.

            Zelo stood up and stretched. "I'm beat anyways. Night." he murmured before attempting to scurry off to the bedroom, away from his two hyung's curious stares.

            Seeing the younger boy trying to get away without offering an answer, Daehyun took long strides after him, reaching out a hand to halt the others' retreat. "Yah. Ask us what?" he asked, staring at Zelo firmly as his grip tightened on the boy's upper arm.

            "Ani it's nothing." Zelo murmured, his eyes darting around the room as he takes in the four other curious stares. Twisting slightly he tried to break free of Dae's iron grip, grimacing. "Really it's nothing." he muttered.

            "Don't give me that crap."

            "Yah! Let go." Himchan came up, an annoyed look on his face as he reached out to remove Dae's hand from Zelo's arm.      

            Daehyun turned a furious gaze on his hyung. "Don't you dare touch me" he warned, his tiredness putting him on a short fuse.

            Guk set down his waterbottle without a sound, his expression nothing short of pissed as he made his way towards the two fighting boys.

            Seeing how quickly things were escalating, Zelo reached out and grabbed hold of Himchan to push him back. Arrasseo, arrasseo, I'll ask you...just- just stop fighting dammit!" he yelled, fixing the two fueding members with an angry glare.

            It was deathly silent in the room as five sets of shocked expressions fixed themselves on the fuming maknae.

            Daehyun blinked a few times before dropping his hand from Zelo's arm, his only signal of acknowledging Zelo's demand was a nod of the head.

            Getting Dae's consent to get along, Zelo fixed Himchan with a glare to which Himchan nodded, his eyes the widest Zelo had ever seen them.

            Zelo's expression softened and he relaxed after they agreed to stop fighting. Briefly his gaze met with Guk's and he blushed. "Mianhae," he muttered to the completely stunned leader, giving a slight bow.

            Guk shook his head. "A-ani it's fine..." he murmured.

            Feeling extremely conscientious, Zelo turned and retreated to his room, not really caring if the other two were following him or not. Once in the room, he flopped down on the bed face first, trying to block everything out before he had to deal with Himchan and Daehyun.

            Dae followed after the taller boy, hesitantly walking into the room and sitting on the edge of Himchan's bed, his eyes focused on Zelo.

            After Himchan entered the room and lightly shut the door, Zelo sat up in the bed. He remained staring down at his hands in his lap fiercely.

            "Zelo-ah? What's this all about?" Himchan asked in a soft, gentle voice.

            Zelo seemed to sink further into himself when Himchan asked his question. Now that the younger boy found himself in this situation, his idea of his two hyungs liking him as more than a bandmate seemed a bit ridiculous. Even if they did like him like that, Zelo wasn't sure how he felt about them. Sure they were great to hang around and the limited skinship he did have with them was special, but like them as more than just hyung's? It was all so confusing.

            Daehyun took in the maknae's expression, clearly able to see the boy's internal struggle play across his pale features. "Yah...what is it? What's wrong?" Dae asked, his voice gentle.

            Sighing, Zelo made eye contact with both of his hyungs briefly before looking back down, squirming a bit as he worked up the courage to speak.

            "Umm well...I mean...all this fighting...y-you both said it was because you both don't like when the other shows me more attention...and well I was-I just thought that maybe...maybe it was because you both liked me...y'know as more than a friend."

            As the younger boy talked, his face grew more red, his eyes locked on his hands that he was wringing in his lap.

            Daehyun and Himchan both blinked, chocked, as they looked at one another briefly before returning their eyes to the very red, very uncomfortable maknae in front of them.

            "We-I mean I-" Himchan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he failed to come up with an excuse.

            They both knew the boy would figure it out sooner or later but neither Daehyun or Himchan had ever decided how to handle the situation when questioned so forwardly like this.

            As the silence continued, Zelo seemed to fret even more. Finally it got to be too much for the poor boy and he gave an unconvincing laugh. "Ah's stupid...forget-"

            "Not it's not." Himchan cut in, earning a stunned look from the taller boy. 


Jello here~ So I felt bad for leaving you on a I gave you another one :D hee hee hee~ Come on~ you guys know you like it~ It keeps everything exciting. Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget to comment, subscribe, and of course share~ ;) ~Jello 

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Chapter 28: Damn that was so so so so so amazing I loved it so much
Blinger_kim #2
Chapter 27: Awhh my ship is Daelo and I've a feeling Himlo is winning :(
Chapter 2: This is really good so far :3 Never thought of HimLo, but I like it.
Chapter 28: Oh this was beautiful! But did they just do that in front of everyone at the awards show? If so then oh my gosh thats epic!!
Bibieonni #5
Chapter 28: This was so lovely T.T
I didnt think i would see Dae so mature, happy i was wrong :P
And finaly they are together, after so much hurt! :D
(maybe YG can have some peace now)
Thanks for sharing!!
YumeTenshi #6
Chapter 27: *gasp* YAH! Daehyun what the...aish...please Jello, update *-* I will die if you don't! See ya~
gellibean95 #7
Please.....please finish. This is so Oooooolllldddd good. Bad, bad Daehyun! Poor Zelo....
katlie #8
upload soon!! <3 I love this story!!
Chapter 27: Omg! Dae u are a very bad boy!I can't wait for the update!
Chapter 27: I know you, so i kind of expected this scene at some point lol xD but it still caught me off guard~ aigoo. Poor everyone lol.i like the way this is going xD