The 1st Meeting

My Ray of Light

You were on the streets wandering around all be yourself with nothing but thoughts flooding your mind. Oh! How you wish someone would at least take the time out to get to know you or at least try to befriend you. You're so tired of keeping everything inside and sometimes you just want to let it all out... you just want someone to listen to you and be there for you. All these thoughts occupied your mind and you didn't even realize that it was dusk already and the sun was setting. You look up to see the sky, it looked like a beautiful vast ocean of orange and pink and the clouds resembled the waves.

You stretch your arms as if you were going to fly and then you took in a deep breath only to let it all out, it was like letting all our frustrations out. You were just trying to escape your cruel reality and enter into the beauty of mother nature. Just when you found yourself smiling again, you hear a click. You turn around to see from where the sound came from because it sounded relatively close. As you turn, to your astonishment, there stood a tall, pale looking guy with blonde curly hair holding a camera in his hand. On seeing you looking at him, he immediately tried hiding his camera (which he failed to do) and started apologizing.

"Mianhae-yo, noona. I didnt mean to take a picture of you without you permission but the whole scene of you stretching your arms like that and smiling whilst looking up at the beautiful sky was just do perfect and natural that I had to take a picture." he said with those puppy eyes. 

I had to forgive him instantly because his over cute puppy eyes made it so hard for me to resist and also because he seemed like a nice, honest guy by the way he was talking.

"Kwaenchana (it's okay), but can I see the picture you took of me?" you ask him. He then started coming closer to you and in no time, he's right in front of you and you suddenly feel so petite because of his towering height. He takes out his camera and starts scrolling then he handed the camera over to you. You look at the picture and it was the most beautiful picture you had ever seen, not because you were in it but because of the way he captured the moment. It was picture perfect!

"Is that really me? This picture is amazing and the fact that I'm in such a beautiful picture makes me feel special" you chuckle while saying that.

"Ani, you're the main reason why the picture is so beautiful" he says while smiling and as he said that, you can feel blood rushing up to your face and not knowing what to do, you start to fake-cough.

"What happened noona? Kwaenchana?" he asks with concern.

"Yeah, I just choked on my own spit. Hehe.  The thing is, I'm not used to compliments" yu say shyly

"Haha. Noona you're quite funny and don't worry, you'll be getting a lot from me so get used to it from today. Anyway, it's getting darker and colder, do you want to go somewhere warm? How about some warm delicious coffee?" he suggests.

"Mianhae, I'd love to but I have a lot of work at home and I have to go in fact, I'm already late and it's already dark. I lost track of time today! But thanks a lot... I hope I see you again someday"

"Not so fast, noona. If that's the case then okay, we can skip coffee but can I at least walk you home? It's getting dark and it's dangerous around here plus I wouldn't call myself a man if I leave a girl alone in the dark, especially a pretty one like you." he says with a proud look on his face.

Somehow, you feel like you can trust this guy and because he was there when you really needed someone to talk to, you couldn't deny.

"you're a real gentle man. Thank you so much! What is your name? Oh my god, I forgot to even ask and we've been talking for like an hour already. I'm so sorry. And also, how old are you?" you say looking embarrassed.

"JunHong, Choi JunHong but people call me Zelo and I'm 16 years old. What about you, noona? What's your name and how old are you?" 

"Yoora, Kim Yoora" you say imitating him, "and I'm 17 years old. So I see you're my dongsaeng huh? A very tall one that is." you say with a chuckle but in your head you're thinking *oh my god! A guy younger than me is offering me to walk home with him* but of course you keep that to yourself.

"Very nice to meet you, Yoora nonna" he says with the biggest smile which kind of makes your heart go all pitter patter because no onehas ever even looked at you that way let alone smile the biggest smile at you.

"It was very nice to meet you too, Junhong."

"So shall we get going? Which way is your house?"

"That way!" you say pointing to the left side of the junction.

You both start walking towards your home but there's this awkward silence between the two of you since both of you aren't talking to each other. Finally Zelo decides to break the ice and says, "So noona, which school do you go to?. Is it near by?" "Ummm I go to Narim High School just down the street, three blocks away." on saying that, he suddenly stopped, his eyes widened and with a surprised look, he said, "What? Are you serious? I go there too but I've never seen you around. How could I not notice someone like you? How was I so blind?"

"You go there too? I didn't know you went there either. And yeah, I don't mingle with people at school or with anyone for that matter. People think I'm some sort of alien weirdo and I don't know, no one really likes me I guess." your head drooped low when you said that but to your surprise, he put his warm hands under your chin and lifted your head up and said, "noona, I'm sorry for not noticing you till now but from now on, I will make an effort to come see you at school and even outside school. Also, if someone thinks you're a weirdo then that person is an even bigger weirdo plus I like aliens" he says that with a wink and you start smiling, "you should smile more frequently noona, you look even more pretty. Or else, your beautiful face will get wrinkles really soon. You wouldn't want that now, would you? Smile, it costs nothing." you were very delighted to hear those words and you realized you couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the way home. After a little while, you two reach your doorstep.

"Goodnight noona, it was seriously wonderful meeting you today and now that I know you name, I'll come see you often. Bye noona, see you at school and don't for get to keep smiling" he started shouting while running down the street, waving his arms like crazy.

"Goodnight junhong-ah, I'll see you too. Go home safely" you realized you were waving like an insane person as well and you were smiling uncontrollably and you realize that you haven't been this happy for a long, long time now. Somehow, this complete stranger whom you met a few hours ago has been the nicest person you've ever spoken to after your mom passed away. He is the only person in 5 years who has genuinely made you happy and smile and that is a big ting for you.

You take in a deep breath and wait until he is out of sight. You sigh and then you step inside the gate if your so-called prison hoping you'd have more days like today.






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