Midnight Fright

Midnight Fright
"Urghh...dad, why should we move?", whined Mirajane. Mirajane is a 15 year old girl who has been living with only his dad after her mother passed away six years ago, she lives in a small apartment in the middle of the city of New York, used to..."Please dear, quickly pack up your things before the landlord comes" commanded Mirajane's father. Mirajane growled as she walked away, she took the picture of the house she and her father going to live in, she took a close look and saw a little girl and a woman which probably is her mother, the weird thing is though, the potrait of the little girl's face was blocked by a blurry slash, she was astonished to see that but the picture was quite old, for her it must have been the bad quality of the picture. The landlord came and he was pleasant to see that Mirajane and her father was all packed up and ready to go, he shoved them out. Mirajane's father called a cab and went to the train station, since that move she was never happy actually she was never happy after her mother's death. After they arrived in Japan, her father immediately led her into the woods of the Finaki forest."Dad, you sure this is the right way?", asked Mirajane with concern, "Yes I'm sure" said Mirajane's father with a certainity that Mirajane herself hasn't heard for a long time. Not long after that short conversation, they found an old cabin. It was a quite small cabin but yet it has this deep and dense feeling to it. The wooden walls of the cabin is very interesting because it doesn't look that old, although it has been there for about 50 years. "Well...let's get in shall we...", encouraged Mirajane's father, Mirajane doesn't feel right about that house, the chills and the air already haunts her as a welcome.
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