In new environment without you at my side.

In touch with the memories.

It has been 6 months since i arrived USA and left Korea. I tend to be homesick now and then,i especially miss Seunghyun oppa's presence. We have been contacting each other through writing letters,and every letter i received from him, i'd keep them in a very special box. Making sure no one's else eyes read them and to keep them in safe. Even he's letters can make me giggle and smile when i'm upset. He often updates me with school and teachers back home,he mentioned that he still go to our park -


"Hyemi! I still go to our park you know,yesterday i saw two kids playing at the playground haha reminds me of how we used to be back when we were still young. Aissh what am i saying! Are you doing well there? Hahaha make sure you take good care of yourself while i'm not around!


From,Choi Seunghyun"


I still wear his necklace that he gave me,never removing them except when i do sport and taking my shower. How true of Seunghyun oppa's word when he said that the necklace will remind me of him every single time. Though its just never the same without the real him around. Sigh i miss him.

While missing things back in Korea,my sister and me attend the same High School. Our English was a bit off at first but we're improving. I made new friends and is especially close with this one girl name Chae-rin,she's older than me by one year. She taught me how to speak well since she has been here longer than i am. She loves dancing and can rap really well. She told me that she wants to be a singer one day.

I was quite impressed with her skill when she did a mini talent show for our group of friends.


Me - "WOW unnie! That was amazing!!"

Chae-rin - "Hahaha you think so?" *She took a seat by the floor in front of me.*

Me - "Of course!! I bet you can be star as soon as you sign up to any company here!" *being excited.*

Chae-rin -  *smiled* "Its your turn to sing now little missy!" 

Me - "WHAAAT? No no no no,i'm not singing. I can't....i j-just can't..." *said in panic tone.*

Friend 1 - "But its not fair,we all sang and dance...come one Hyemi its your turn pleaseeeee" *puppy-eyes*


Everyone was pushing me to sing a song. I gave in and sang one of my favourite that i used to sing to Seunghyun oppa when he was sick. As i sang the song,that very memory of him being sick was playing like a music video in my head. As i was finishing the song,everyone was looking at me deeply. I realised i was singing my heart out,that a tear start to came out. Chae-rin clapped her hands and everyone follow suit.



Friend 2 - "Yeah we didnt knew you had a singing talent" said two of my other friends. I bowed to everyone and smiled.


Later that day,Chae-rin unnie confront me about what happened earlier today.


Chae-rin - "So who was the guy? From the way you sang earlier,sounds like he was VERYYY special Hyemi" *looking at me with a smile.


I nodded and smile sheepishly.


Chae-rin - "What was he like?"


I told her everything about Seunghyun oppa how i feel about him,the day i first met him when my family moved in next door to his house till the day i left him and how we have been keep on writing letters to each other. I even showed her the necklace i'm wearing that was given by him. I keep holding back my tears,realising how much i miss him.


Chae-rin - "Aigooo he must be really a great guy huh? Don't worry Hyemi ah,you'll see him again" *comforting me.*


I smiled and gave her a hug. After helping Chae-rin unnie cleaning up the place,i bid her farewell. As i was walking home,i look at the night blue sky and saw few stars above me,then i hold the necklace Seunghyun oppa gave to me. I thought to myself "Oppa...i wonder if you're thinking about me today" I smiled and continue walking home.

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this is good overall(:
teenhanavanilla #2
Aa yes yes my grammar has been a problem even in school. Hehehe why thank you for the correction,i shall make improvement on that :)
Chocolato #3
hahas, i am sorry but im kind of distracted by the absence of past tense despite the context being in the past. (: <br />
<br />
you might want to look out for that.
teenhanavanilla #4
Dear readers,please do leave me some or few comments of how you think of this story. It'll really be a big help for me to see how i am doing with this story :) It'll also encourage me to write more. Much appreciated from all of you readers,thank you very much :)