Chapter 25: Through the Night


Chapter 25: Through the Night

Hoon looked back and noticed I was the one who covered his mouth. He looked at me with a worried expression. He turned around quickly and placed a hand on my cheek since I could not stop sweating. “Yoomin you are really pale. Are you…” He looked down and noticed that I had a deep wound on the side of my stomach.

“I held them off for now, but they are going to be back. They always come back until they have me.” I said as I grabbed onto my side and fell forward into Hoon. His arms wrapped around me. He did not seem to care that he was getting my blood on him. I watched as he looked down at me with is sweet, gentle eyes. “Hoon they are stronger than they look. All ten of us have to fight them together. We will … ahh” I said as I grabbed my side because a sharp pain made my body feel numb.

Hoon lifted me up in his arms in an instant when he saw that I was in pain. The look of worry in his eyes bothered me. I watched him as he carried me over to the bed that was unoccupied. “I am going to heal you first and after you feel better we can discuss our battle plan.” Hoon laid me down and placed his hand above my body. A red light appeared around my injury, and the wound seemed to vanish instantly. As I tried to get up, I was instantly pushed back down.

“Yahhh Hoon I feel fine” I said trying to get up again, but he would not allow me.

“You still need to rest!” Hoon said, “You just got healed and after healing you need a bit more rest in order for you to be at your full strength. Stop being stubborn and listen to someone for once. Your stubbornness keeps getting you hurt. Yoomin you are worrying too many people right now and it’s not healthy for them.”

“But…” I looked at him and was shocked because Hoon was normally the quite one who does not say much.

“But nothing you are going to take a nap and if you don’t I will knock you out myself.” He puffed out his cheeks making it hard to say no to him.

“Fine I will rest.” I turned over to my side and closed my eyes. I fell asleep right away; I did not realize I was so exhausted.


Kiseop’s eyes suddenly opened and he sat up quickly. He felt horrible and could not believe that Yoomin would do that to him. He did not see it coming because she masked her emotions from him. “Yoomin” He said as he tried to get up. He looked over and noticed that Kevin was hugging him in his sleep. He did not realize that Kevin has such a tight grip.

Kiseop looked over and noticed Hoon was putting a blanket over Yoomin who was sleeping. “Hey Hoon when did you get here?”

“About an hour again why?” Hoon asked

“I don’t know how long I was out. That girl knocked me out.” Kiseop said with frustration in his voice.

“Someone does not seem happy.” Hoon said, “She told me why she knocked you out. She was going to sacrifice herself to make sure nothing happened to you guys. That girl is to stubborn sometimes”

“Ahhh Hoonie , but you like her stubbornness. That is attracts you to her.” Kiseop smirked, but then it came to him, “Wait she was sacrificing herself for us.” Kiseop said and watched as Kevin let go of him and hugged onto the pillow next to him. Kevin was such a child sometimes. Kiseop got up and walked to the kitchen as Hoon headed over to Kevin’s to heal his wounds to prepare him for their final battle. Kevin looked like a child as he hugged a pillow that was on the bed.


“Yahhhhhh!” Dongho said as he crossed his arms.

“Eli you did it again! You made the wild maknae angry.” AJ smirked as he scanned the area. His vision seemed to be acting lately, but once he got into the forest it started to get worse. He was seeing things that were miles away. “I think I know where Xander, Kibum, and Soohyun are. Follow me!”

“I’m not wild.” Dongho said as he listened to AJ’s comment about being able to see things that are far away. That must be his ability kicking in. “Hey PIGEON pay attention and stop acting like a spoiled child. It is really annoying seeing you like this.”

“Yahhhh Shin Dongho do not talk to me like that.” Eli said crossing his arm.

“Yahhhh you’re my protector and when you act like this it affects me.” Dongho crossed his arms.


“Kibummie you need to remain calm you have a lot of negative energy exerting from your body. Your aura keeps changing from a lighter blue to a darker blue.” Alexander said in a concerned voice.

“Soo” Kibum said like an arrogant child.

“Yaaa Kim Kibum do you know how dangerous it will be if you lose control. I know how much you love Yoomin, but it is going to be difficult to be with her. The guardians cannot fall in love with each other! How many times do I have to say this to you Bummie.”

“Well rules are meant to be broken and I will break those rules for her. I cannot get those seven years back that I lost all because of my stupidity. Things might have been different if I did not erase her memory like I did.” Kibum looked down.

“Bummie the past is the past and you cannot change it. Things happen for a reason.” Alexander put and arm around Kibum’s shoulder.

“Someone is coming.” Seoohyun said, “They are miles away. Aish I think it’s AJ, Dongho, and Eli. Those guys walk so heavy.” Soohyun crossed his arms.


My eyes started to open and I noticed that I was being watched by Kevin whose cheeks were puffed out like a blow fish, “Why would you sacrifice yourself. Yoominnie they were just lying to you to get what they wanted.” I sat up and covered my ears so I did not his whining voice.

“YAHHHHHHH!” Kevin pulled my hands off of my ears, “You should listen to me I am your oppa after all.”

“I will never address you as oppa fishy.” I glared at him.

"Yahhh” Kevin said as he continued to hold onto my wrist. He looked around to make sure Hoon or Kiseop weren’t around. Kevin looked me in the eye and placed a hand on my cheek and leaned in closer to me. He was inches from my lips when he spoke, “I cannot hide my feelings for you anymore, and I want to do this before we go into the final battle.”

“Kevin…” I looked at him and felt my face start to heat up. Kevin closed the small gap between are lips. For some reason this kiss felt so wrong and right at the same time. My arms just naturally went around his neck and I deepened the kiss. For some reason my connection with Kevin seemed to grow stronger. I could hear what he was thinking and I pushed him away. “Yahhh stop it with the erted thoughts Woo Sung Hyun.”

“Sorry, but I’m a guy it’s natural.” Kevin kissed me again and pulled me into his lap.” I sighed and stopped caring and returned his kiss.

Authors note: Finally updated. Sorry it took this long. I been in hell for the past couple of weeks and I have two more weeks of it and then I am a free girls. I hope you like this chapter. Kevin is flirty ahhhh I really can't believe I wrote that. Dang you erted mind. KPOP LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO MEEEE  

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flattummy #1
another nice story@@
yinmay25 #2
ohhhhhhhh......that was perfect!!!!i loveeeee the ending~ XD
LeeNiNaCho #3
I like the ending very much!i don,t even know why i,m blushing!kaalalalala
Awwwww how cute- their kids are dating and a happy ending!
pinkypn #5
if you do, please post the link here or for your new story
hahahaha i might when I am not dead tried and worrying about exams
pinkypn #7
aww their kids are dating, maybe you can write a story about their kids dating
pinkypn #8
kibum hurry and save her, yoomin and kibum knew the creator was her dad along
scoobie #9
This story is sooo cool. Oh I'm a new reader here