Chapter 23: Sacrifice


Chapter 23: Sacrifice

I opened my eyes slowly when I felt someone shaking me. I rolled over to my side, “Five more minutes’ mommy.”

Kiseop leaned down close to my face. His lips were inches from mine. “I am not your Mommy, Yoomin” Kiseop smirked.

I looked up and saw Kiseop, and smiled sweetly at him. He moved away from me slowly and continued to smile at me. I sat up and leaned close to his face pretending that I was about to kiss him. She knocked him out in an instant. “I am sorry Kiseoppie, but I cannot let you guys get involved.”

Flashback the night that Kevin got hurt…

“Shin Yoomin!” The man with a dark voice said over the phone. “Listen closely and I will do nothing to the current and former U-Kiss members.”

“How do I know you are not going to go back on your word?” I said in a cold tone as I leaned against the railing on the roof of the club.

“I don’t go back on my word ever. What I say happens! Like what I said to get Kibum and Alaxander to leave. They left because I told them to and that the other U-Kiss members would be hurt if they did not go. Are the boys hurt? No they are not. Now do as I say and everything will go back to normal. Kibum and Xander will be put back into U-kiss making it a nine member group. I will have the Earth Guardian who can control all elements.”

“Fine” I hung up the phone and started to regret what I got myself into.


Hoon headed into the forest and looked around making sure no one followed him. He started to wonder what was going on and he wanted to get to the bottom of it. Hoon made his way to the cave that Alexander and Kibum used to stay when they were hiding. Well they still are hiding, but in Seoul somewhere.

Hoon climbed down the rocks and came to a stop when he saw Yoomin running through the woods. He decided to follow her instead of finding Kiseop and Kevin. He knew that she was coming from the cave.

Ho was quick and he grabbed her wrist. He wanted to make sure she did not get any farther so he pushed her against a tree gentle. “Where do you think you are going? Where are Kevin and Kiseop?”

“I don’t know!” I lied and looked away from him because his puppy like eyes were hard to not give in too. He placed his hand on my chin and forced me to look at him. “Hoon I…”

“You are doing something irresponsible aren’t you? Don’t do it Yoomin, and please please please come back to the cave with me.” He looked at me with his sweet puppy like eyes. “I do not want to knock you out, but if I have to I will.” Hoon said as he took my hand and pulled me along without getting an answer from me.

“If I don’t do what they want they will…they will.” My voice cracked as tears started to stream down my face. “Hoon I have to go. I really do not have a choice.”

Hoon came to a stop and looked at me. “Yoomin you do have a choice and you cannot let anyone manipulate you in doing anything that you don’t want to.”

“But But But they will…” More tears started to fall down my face.

“But nothing…” Hoon smiled sweetly at me. “I will not let them do anything to us or the rest of U-Kiss. They will not get their hands on Kibum or Alexander either.” Hoon placed hands on my cheeks. “You cannot let them influence you to sacrifice yourself. You don’t have to do anything that they say. They are tricking you into doing what they want. Do not go to them like this Yoomin. They just want you to use your abilities. You are the most important guardian because you can control all the elements, and if they have you it will be the end.”

“Hoon how do you know that?’ I looked into his sweet, playful eyes. “How do you know so much about how I am feeling and what is going on?” He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back in a comforting way.

“It is writing all over your face and I snuck into NH Media and read the file about this. Only Kevin and Soohyun know about the file.” He grabbed my hand, “Now let’s go back to the cave and regroup. We can fight them as a team. We all just need to be together. We are better as ten than just one. We can combine our abilities.”
Kibum sighed, “I have a feeling I know where they all are.” Kibum picked up his jacket and headed towards the door.

“Wait!” Alexander and Soohyun said at the same time because they both had the same feeling. Soohyun knows what Kibum is feeling at all times and Alexander can read Kibum well because they are such close friends.

“You’re not going alone Bummie!” Alexander said. “You are going to do something irresponsible if I let you go to the wood alone who knows what will happen.”

They three men left the apartment and headed towards Kibum’s car.


Dongho was sitting and he started to scrunch his nose because he had a feeling something was happening that he had no part in. Dongho wanted to have part in what was going on. He fell back onto his bed and had a hissy fit because he knew something was going on with his Hyungs and Yoomin. He could smell it with his amazing dog-like nose. He heard a knock on his door and he looked up and saw AJ. “Hyung what is it.”

“The woods are calling. We need to go there now.” AJ said and Dongho jumped up in an instant.

Authors Note: Updated! I hope you like this chapter. This fic is going to be 30 chapters so I am setting up the fic for a final battle. If you like fics like this please check out my other fics. I am thinking about writing a 2PM fic or two what do you think?

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flattummy #1
another nice story@@
yinmay25 #2
ohhhhhhhh......that was perfect!!!!i loveeeee the ending~ XD
LeeNiNaCho #3
I like the ending very much!i don,t even know why i,m blushing!kaalalalala
Awwwww how cute- their kids are dating and a happy ending!
pinkypn #5
if you do, please post the link here or for your new story
hahahaha i might when I am not dead tried and worrying about exams
pinkypn #7
aww their kids are dating, maybe you can write a story about their kids dating
pinkypn #8
kibum hurry and save her, yoomin and kibum knew the creator was her dad along
scoobie #9
This story is sooo cool. Oh I'm a new reader here