The Lost Fairy


Baek Hyun-Ju was a tomboy, absolute best friends with her neighbor Choi Jun Hong. They spent all their time together and have been friends since they were in diapers. Hyun-Ju and Jun Hong used to play soccer together above everything else, all the time. Until Jun Hong's love for music, rapping and dancing started to grow and he left soccer behind. He would always be dancing and rapping whenever they were together, and she didn't mind it one bit. Hyun-Ju was just happy to be by his side, his #1 fan and supporter. Jun Hong would always joke and tell her she was so energetic and playful, she reminded him of a fairy despite her tomboyish ways. One day when they were in 5th grad elementary school, Hyun-Ju packed up and moved to America. She never even said goodbye to Jun-Hong, he had to hear it from his mother. Whatever happened to his favorite little fairy? Would he ever see her again?



Story and art by by ForeverYourShawol.

Special thanks for previous poster+Background to: Ann1914 @ Infinite Possibilities


-6 Years ago, Jun Hong(Zelo)'s POV-


"WHAT?!" I screamed at my mother's news. There is NO way Hyun Ju would go all the way to AMERICA without telling me! No way!! "I know it's hard for you to believe, sweetie but she's gone. Something very important came up and she had to go there before she could even pack, she never got to say goodbye to you. I'm so sorry, I know how close you guys were." Umma told me carefully. I wanted to scream at her, what did she know?! Hyun-Ju is the most important person ever, she's my #1 fan, she can't just leave without telling me! Before I could stop myself I began to cry very angry and very mournful tears. How could she do this to me?! If she could leave without saying goodbye she obviously doesn't care about me at all! If she did, she wouldn't have left! Even if she had no time to pack she'd be here first. I hate you for leaving me. I hate you. I HATE YOU, BAEK HYUN-JU!


-6 Years ago, Hyun-Ju's POV-

I sat on the hospital bed impatiently. I wasn't feeling so great lately, so my umma decided to bring me to the hospital for a check up since I haven't gotten one in a while. It's been almost an hour and no one's come back yet, I wonder what could be taking so long? I just wanted to go back home so I could play video games with Jun Hong or watch him dance. Jun Hong is my best friend in the whole wide world, and also my neighbor. He loves to dance, rap and beatbox and I'm his #1 fan. He calls me a fairy all the time because he says I'm bright and full of energy even though I'm not girly at all.

I was giggling at something he told me yesterday when a doctor came into the room followed by appa and umma. "Omma, why are you crying? Appa, what's wrong?" I asked, they looked really sad. Appa tried to open his mouth to say something, but closed it again as his eyes filled with tears. Umma couldn't speak either. I looked at the doctor. "Miss Hyun-Ju, I'm so sorry to tell you this but when we ran a couple of tests to see what was the matter we found-" He started saying a bunch of weird sciency stuff so I looked at him weirdly and he corrected himself. "-Sorry. What I mean to say is, we found some bad blood when we ran the tests and we found out you have Leukemia." He said sadly. My eyes widened, I know what that is! My Grandpa had it, it's cancer of the blood..Oh no. "I-I have cancer?" I asked, tears springing to my eyes. The doctor nodded and my omma came and sat beside me, rubbing my back soothingly. "A-am I going to die?" He shook his head. "No, you aren't going to die. Thankfully we found it before it got really bad but if we treat you here it will take you a really long time to get better, I know this will be hard for you but the best treatment for your sickness is in America. To give you a better chance of not getting it again, we're sending you there to treat the cancer." He told me slowly, so I'd understand. My eyes widened.

AMERICA?! I couldn't go to America! That's so far away! "Omma, what about Jun Hong?! Can he come too?" I asked, crying harder. "I'm sorry honey but no, Jun Hong has to stay here. We have to go to America tonight. If we wait, your sickness will get worse and it will be harder to make better. Do you want me to bring you to say bye to Jun Hong?" She asked. I thought about it. What would Jun Hong do if he found out? He'd probably be really upset, I don't want to make him upset. No, I can't make him upset. He has to work hard so he can become an idol for me, that's what's important. I can come back and see him when I'm all better and say sorry. "No, omma. I want to be strong for Jun Hong. I don't want to make him upset and worry about me when he's working so hard to live his dream, I can't tell him. Can you just tell his omma I'm leaving and I say sorry?" My mom smiled at me. "Of course, honey. You know, for your age you're really wise. I'm glad that you're taking Jun Hong's best interests at heart. No matter how long it takes, when you're all better we can move back to Seoul and you guys can see each other again."

I may be telling myself to be strong for Jun Hong, but deep down I'm really scared. I don't wanna to be sick and I don't wanna be away from Jun Hong. I already feel lost, not knowing when I'll get to see my best friend again.


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update soon please?
Chapter 21: Tis amazing as usual! Awesome update!! ^.^
Now reading...
Chapter 20: Doooodz, a broken ankle is like the worse thing for a soccer player! Eeeeek!
But now, some quality time with Himchan oppa? hmmmm I sense some oncoming jealousy.... ;) :3

By the By, awesome poster! <3
Chapter 19: That was sooo good D:
Thank god it wasn't the cancer back!
Chapter 18: No... No... No... You cannot do thisss!
Chapter 16: This was shooo cute <3
Chapter 19: Aww zelo is such a nice bf :3
JaneyxD #9
Chapter 10: haroo! new reader ^-^ im only up to chapter 9 but omg the fluff!! <3 update soon please :D
Hazelong #10
Chapter 18: Update pls!!!!