We're onto you Krystal

I Can't Believe I'm Marrying You


Onew dropped you off at your dorm and went on home to his dorm. On the way home he bumped into Krystal.

“Oppa! We haven’t talked for such a long time…” Krystal pouted and played around with her hair.

“Don’t ruin my day Krystal.” Onew walked around her and continued walking.

Krystal chased after him, more determined to talk to him.

“Oppa. Why did you break up with me? We were so cute together.” Krystal tried to link arms with Onew but he jerked her arm away.

“We were never together to be broken up. We were not cute together because one, I am and always will be with Jenny and two, not only does Jenny and I look cute together, we’re meant to be together.”

“Oppa! You’re meant to be with me. Jenny isn’t even pretty.”

“She doesn’t need to be beautiful. She can be the ugliest person in the world and I’d love her. Yes, sometimes I do care about looks but that’s just minor.” Krystal tried to grab his hand but he moved it away. “Don’t touch me!” Onew took a few deep breaths. “Because of you, I almost lost the love of my life. Because of you, I almost lost faith in love. Because of you, because of your actions. I just hate you. You might be in a girl group now and you’re popular, but I really don’t care. I don’t care about you Krystal. Get that into your head.”

Onew walked away and Krystal froze. She didn’t know how to react. She was just rejected not once, but twice. She couldn’t accept the fact that she didn’t get what she wanted. She was furious. Plans of revenge came into her head.

“I’m going to make them break up.” she said with hatred.

“Excuse me, are you f(x)’s Krystal?” asked a fan.

“Yes.” Krystal faked a smile and bowed.

“May I please have an autograph?” the fan asked.

“Sure.” Krystal grabbed the pen off the fan and signed a piece of paper.

“Here you go.” Krystal handed back the pen and paper.

“Um… unni. Can I please… take a picture with you?” the fan asked hesitantly.

“Sorry. I’m not looking my best right now. I’m really sorry but it’s bad for idols if we look bad in pictures. Please understand.” Krystal bowed.

“It’s ok unni. I understand. What would have been scandalous is if people found out idols were dating. That would be super scandalous. So if you think about your situation, it’s not that bad. Anyways, thanks unni. F(x) fighting!” the fan waved goodbye and went off.

Krystal waved but as soon as the fan was out of sight, she went back to herself.

“Unni?” she scoffed. “She looks older than my mum.” Krystal flicked her hair to the side and continued to jog to her dorm but then stopped.

“But she did say something very interesting… scandalous… idols dating…” she said to herself. “Looks like I’ll have to blackmail again. This time, I’ll do it Jenny. Let’s see them get over this one. Anyways, I’m not going to break them up, the fans will. ” She smiled to herself as she ran all the way back to her dorm.

She reached her dorm and walked in.

“Krystal, you’re back. We were getting worried. It’s dark.” Said Luna in a worried tone.

“You don’t need to worry about me. I can look after myself. You don’t have to worry about me unni.”

“Ok. Well, wash up. I’ve made dinner.”

“Yes unni.” Krystal started making her way to the bathroom before stopping and going back to the kitchen.

“Unni, where is Victoria unni?”

“Um… I think she’s in her room.”

“Thank you.” Krystal made her way into Victoria’s door, she knocked and Victoria let her in.

“Oh, Krystal, what are you doing here?”

“Um… unni. Can you tell me Jenny and Onew oppa’s schedule on We Got Married?”

“Um… sure…”

“It’s because I want to visit Jenny on the show. It’s been a while since we’ve talked to one another so I think I should visit her and wish her luck.”

“Ahh… well… all I know is that they’ll be filming on Thursday next week.”

“Thanks unni. Sorry, I would hug you but I haven’t had a shower.” Krystal smiled.

“Nahs it’s alright. Anything for my dongsaeng.”

Krystal walked out Victoria’s room and closed the door behind her. She smirked to herself.

“Let’s see you two get out of this situation now.” Krystal folded her arms and walked away.

~~~~~Next Thursday~~~~~

After you and Onew finished filming another episode for We Got Married, you two disguised yourselves and decided to go and have a picnic at a park. There weren’t a lot of people in the park because it was in a town that was far from the city. What you didn’t know was that Krystal followed you two and was planning to take some pictures of you two together.

You and Onew were holding hands and walking with each other.

“It was so weird today.” You said to Onew.

“Yeah… why would Krystal visit us? She knows that we don’t like to be around her.”

 “Looks like she’s going to try and break us up again.” You let out a sigh.

“Don’t worry. If she does, we’ll tell each other.”

“Yeah.” You smiled and Onew gave you a peck.

Krystal took a picture of it and smiled. “So far. So good.”

~~Back to you and Onew~~

“Yah, people might see us.” You lightly whacked Onew’s arm.

“Then let them. I’m dying inside you know.”


“Because, I want to be able to love you and share it to the whole world.”

“Aww… that’s so…” you paused. “Cheesy!” your face cringed.

“Excuse me but I was trying to be sweet.”

“Mehrong.” You stuck your tongue out at Onew.

“You’re going to get it.” Onew started to chase you around the park. While you two were doing that, Krystal took another photo.

Onew caught up to you and grabbed your hands and you lost your balance causing both of you to fall down. Onew landed on top of you crushing your body. Once again, Krystal took a photo of Onew lying on top of you.

You and Onew laughed.

“We really need to stop falling into this position.” You said as you struggled the Onew’s weight.

“Yeah.” Onew then spun around so that you were now lying on top of him. He curled your hair behind your ear and kissed you. Krystal took a photo of that.

“Alright. Let’s have our picnic now.” You got off Onew and helped him get up.

You and Onew were having your picnic peacefully until you heard someone say. “OMO! IT’S KRYSTAL JUNG FROM F(X)!”

You and Onew quickly grabbed the picnic things and ran away to hide. Luckily, you two were not seen and got away.

“Wait, did the person say that they saw Krystal?” you asked Onew.

“I think so. She must have followed us. But why?”

“Probably trying to spy on us. She’ll never stop will she? I swear if she does anything, I’ll throw my idol name aside and give her a piece of mind.” You put your fist in front of you.

Onew held your fist and pulled it down. “Don’t worry. We’ll get through this.” Onew hugged you.

~~~~~Krystal’s POV~~~~~

So far, I’ve gotten a few pics of Onew oppa and that girl. Throughout the whole time, I’ve been giving her death glares and dirty looks. She is going to be so dead when these pics get updated. Well, I’m not going to actually post it online, I mean, if people found out I did, I’d be hated and I wouldn’t want that. She’ll fall for my acting so fast it won’t be funny.

“OMO! IT’S KRYSTAL JUNG FROM F(X)!” someone yelled out.

I turned around to see a stupid fan pointing at me. I let out a sigh and pretended to smile. I placed my fingers on my lips and asked them to be quiet.

“Krystal, why are you here? It’s quite far from Seoul.”

Urgh, why can’t these stupid people just leave me alone.

“It’s my day off so I decided to get back to nature.”

“Ah… that’s really great. Please can you give me an autograph?” The fan handed me a pen and paper. My god. Where do they get these from? It’s like they’re so desperate for an autograph. How pathetic. I quickly signed the autograph and looked back to where Onew oppa and that ***** was. They were gone. Damn it. My planned was ruined because of a stupid commoner.

“Krystal, can you please take a picture with me?”

“Sure.” I said gritting my teeth. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid fan! I hate you! You desperate son of a-

“1,2,3… smile!” I make a “V” sign with my fingers and the commoner took the photo.

“I’m sorry, I have to go.” I bowed to the fan and ran away. They ruined everything. Fans ruined everything.

~~~~~End of Krystal’s POV~~~~~

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areumdaunnabi_ #2
Chapter 30: they always blamed jonghyun for their own erted minds..
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
jayrunner #4
Luv it~ :)
asdfghjkl one of my fav onew story
love it so much
thankyu for writing such a good story authornim <3
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 64: Love this ff <3
Ze_Lay #7
asdjkfljioendljkslö LOVE YOUR STORY <3
Chapter 64: I love it! As if I was really watching wgm hahaha! Great job :D
Chapter 64: eeeppp~ I finally finished this story~
Off to the sequel.. xD