T H E H O G W A R T S R P ; N E W & L O O K I N G F O R A D M I N S



   Sick of Facebook's security checks? Then join us.

Too lazy to write paras?

Then, you've come to the right place.


Welcome to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry roleplay

Twitter based

Status : Open ; Closed ; Under Construction

Alternate Universe Roleplay






{ 001  About the Roleplay }

{ 002  Rules & How to Join }

{ 003  the Wizards }

{ 004  the Witches }

{ 005  the Ulzzangs & Actors }

{ 006  the Wishlist }

{ 007  the Great Hall }

wizards || 00
witches || 00
reserved || 00
Total || 00


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woohyunsass #1
Chapter 4: Can't wait to join ;D