Most Hated Day

Oh My Princess!




Tiffany's POV



It has been days since Jessica and I became a couple. There were a few oppositions from the other students but we ignore them, well, it was mostly me since Jessica would glare at them, making them shut up and leave immediately away from us. I don't know if I should laugh at them when Jessica does that or be sad that they still think I'm not good enough for her, but what I do know is that as long as my friends are there to support our relationship, I can handle everything.


Since we are always with each other, Jessica became friends with Sunny, Taeyeon, and Sooyoung. My old friends were quite hesitant in accepting her as part of the group at first because she's a princess and they felt awkward on how to behave when she's near. But when they found out her real personality unlike the cold and snobbish image that they thought she had, they clicked at once and acted naturally towards each other like they were meant to be friends from the start. And since Jessica became a part of us, Yuri was added to our growing group of friends too. It was like a buy-one-take-one offer at some grocery store according to Sooyoung.


Regarding the death mark on my body, it is still there but it was gradually fading just like what Taeyeon had said. I don't want to worry about it anymore since Jessica takes my mind off the topic and the time we spent with each other is all that matters to me now.




"Do you know the solution for this problem, Taengoo?" Sunny, who was seated across from me, asked Taeyeon who was next to her. She showed her the book where the question was printed.


We are now studying at the school's library for our exams tomorrow. We are all seated at a large table at the most secluded spot in the library, piled up books of various subjects were scattered across the table.


Taeyeon tried to solve it but gave up after a while. "I don't know. This is too hard."


"Can I see it?"


"You can't solve it, Pany-ah," she said. "I'm good at math but even I couldn't answer it."


Everyone knows that Taeyeon was the best in math after Jessica. As for the sleeping girl next to me, even though she doesn't focus and rarely keeps her eyes open during lessons, she has the highest grades in our batch. They say it's in her genes to be smart. I, on the other hand, only have average to above average grades, although I was a prodigy back when I was in kindergarten.


"It wouldn't hurt to try, right?"


"Okay, suit yourself," she said as she passed me the book.


I glanced at the question and copied it on my notebook. I tried answering it by using a formula that I thought of.


Hmmm... it's not that hard.


I handed the book and notes back to Taeyeon who looked back at me, shocked, after checking it. Well, I did solve the "hard" question in less than three minutes.


"Woah! It's correct! How did you do that?" Taeyeon exclaimed, giving me an incredulous look.


"I don't know. I just used the formula that first popped inside my head."


"Let me see." Sooyoung, who was next to Taeyeon, said and grabbed the book before Taeyeon could react. She looked at the cover, her eyebrows knitted.


"Yah! Are you girls stupid or something?! Look at the cover!" she said as she showed us the book. "Why are you solving a book for college students when we are just in high school! I highly doubt that it would even be in tomorrow's test!"


"I was just testing Taeyeon's capabilities when I asked her," Sunny hunched over, trying hard not to laugh. "She was being a show off earlier by saying that she could solve anything related to math so I presented her that question. Who would've thought that Tiffany would be the one to solve it instead of her?"


"Bunny..." Taeyeon pouted, "I'm not being a show off, I was only trying to tutor you."


While Sunny and Taeyeon continued having their moment, I stared at the beauty next to me. I could only sigh when I looked at Jessica's serene sleeping face. She was using a book as her pillow so I took off my blazer, bundled it up, and placed it gently under her cheeks to make her more comfortable, hoping that she won't wake up from my actions. I smiled at the sleepyhead and then continued studying for the tests.




Eximination day.


The day where every student are united in their feelings. Nobles and ordinary citizens, rich and poor, those with magic and those without, everyone hated this day. All over the academy, students could be seen holding their notes or books, forcing additional information to their already cramped mind.


"Urrghhh... I want to kill whoever invented quizzes," Sooyoung grumbled while pouring over her notes.


"Me too, although whoever invented them would have been dead by now," Yuri agreed. "If ever they were immortal and could be reborn multiple times, they would have experienced gazillion deaths already."


I sat on my chair and waited for the proctor to pass the test papers, my lucky pen on my hand. I'm nervous yet I want to take the exams immediately just to get it over with. I don't want to read anymore since I'll only be pressured, and being pressured means that I might make mistakes in answering.


"Jessi, wake up!" I shook the sleeping girl awake five minutes before the bell ring. She glared at me first for disturbing her sleep but smiled afterwards when she realized that I was the one who woke her up.


"Am I dead? Am I in heaven? For I see an angel right beside me," she smiled sweetly at me.


"No, we're in hell right now," Yuri said, sarcasm evident in her voice. "And the guy in the front wearing a teacher's clothing is actually a devil in disguise that will soon give out our punishment in the form of test questions."


"Whatever, Yul. You're just jealous that there is no one you could say those words to." Jessica bantered.


"Okay, class! You'll start answering the exam when the bell rings. There is an one hour time limit in every subject so you better answer fast. If you finish early, you can pass it at once and I'll let you study for the next test. Remember, cheating is not allowed. Anyone who is caught cheating will be reprimanded and will be punished severely." The proctor instructed as he passed the papers to us face down.




"You could start now," he said as he set the timer on the teacher's table.


After writing my name on the answer sheet, I scanned through the questions, trying to gauge the difficulty of the exam.



I know this one...

... and this one too.

Ooohhh... this looks a bit tricky.


After I answered all one hundred items, I peered at my watch to look at the time.


Huh?! Did I just answer this exam in only thirty minutes? I should check it again, maybe I made a mistake somewhere.


Five minutes into checking my answers, I saw Jessica stood up and passed her papers to the proctor. She went back to her chair and slept once again but not before she gave me a thumbs up and a hwaiting pose when she saw me looking at her.


After I thoroughly checked everything, I stood up from my seat and handed back my papers. I observed that most of my classmates were still taking the exams. Taeyeon and Sunny's brows were furrowed, Yuri was muttering to herself, and Sooyoung was biting the tip of her pen as they answered.




Jessica's POV



"Just kill me already," Sooyoung groaned as she slumped on her chair. The examination is finally over. "I don't think I'll ever pass on that cursed subject!"


"How did you do, Tiff?" I said to the redhead. Based on the time she passed her papers, I think she did a great job.


"I think I'll fail every subject," she frowned. "I chose the answers randomly using the eenie-miney-moe method."


"Huh? Oh really now?" I raised my eyebrows at her playfully. I know that she's trolling me again so those moves won't work on me anymore. "Maybe I'll punish you with a kiss with every subject that you fail."


"You got me!" she chuckled. "The test was fine. There's a bit of tricky questions here and there but nothing that I can't handle."


"Although I think I'll be happier if I failed some subjects," she winked at me seductively.


"For trying to deceive me, maybe I'll just kiss you right n.o.w."


I slowly moved my face closer towards her while my lips. She bit her lower lips and leaned closer towards me. She's so alluring, so seductive that I can't help myself but to wrap my arms around her neck. She tilted her head a bit, slightly parted, and placed her hands on my waist.


Oh God! She's driving me crazy.


I closed my eyes when we were only centimeters apart. Any second now...


"HEY! WE'RE STILL HERE, YOU TWO!" Yuri yelled, making the both of us pull away from each other sharply, blushing.


"Oh man! Yuri! Why did you stop them when it was getting to the good part?!" Taeyeon whined as she grabbed some popcorn from Sooyoung.


"Jeti moment fancam," Sunny shrugged when she noticed that I was eyeing the camera on her hands. "I'll probably upload this later on YouTube. I'm sure the surfers will be really pleased."




"Your shippers. We are called surfers since we ride the JeTidal wave you two create." she explained to me, sensing that I was confused. "You don't know how many of us are out there but you'll be surprised if you found out."


People ship us?


"There are even fanfics about you two on the net. I personally like the fanfics you created," Taeyeon added.




"I think we should go now, Tiff. Those three are starting to  creep me out," I held Tiffany's elbow and escorted her out of the room.


"Awww.. but Jessi... I want to know more about the surfers. I think it's cute."


Note to self: search for Jeti on google and read you fanfics afterwards.





A/N: Did you see your name there? :)


THANKS to Miguel93 and syud1501 for the upvote! ^^


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 34: I'm back again.. please update this story
Thea050713 #2
Chapter 49: It's been a year when I left a comment. I hope u can still update this story.. still waiting .
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 49: Please update this story
Chapter 49: Urghhh... please update! I really need to know how this story end.. please continue author nim
Chapter 23: Hahaha.. So many funny dialogues in this chapter!
yana_5 #6
Trust you
Belive with you.......
V_Night #7
Chapter 49: It's been about 4 years since I read this story D: It was probably one of my most favorite concepts. Hope you can come back to this someday~
yana_5 #8
Reread this story again.... still waiting for you author...
Chapter 49: Ahhh i miss this and reread it again ...