Hidden Messages

Hidden Messages

They had always been obvious, yet completely oblivious, that was the way Zelo and Youngjae functioned. It was completely obvious that they wanted to talk to the other but they both remained oblivious to the other's mutual sensation of wanting to talk and kept a distance between them. There was always that distance. Although, Zelo would keep an eye on Youngjae while talking to Jongup, and Youngjae would constantly glance at Zelo when he was supposed to be helping Himchan with whatever convoluted plan was on his dear friend's mind. Yet the awkward silence between them reigned for the longest time.

It was Yongguk who finally snapped and couldn't take the situation anymore, his arms folded across his chest he declared a meeting in the living room as he stared down the two awkward members of their group. The problem was that the leader was a little off his mark when he said that "I don't care that you two seem to hate each other. Talk and get over it. We're going to go out and buy dinner supplies. Youngjae, Zelo, this can't go on anymore." With those words, he had left the two stunned on the couch as he forced the other members- most of which were frowning- out the door.
When the door slammed shut, the room was enveloped in silence. Youngjae's focus directed on his hands as he twisted his fingers together as a much needed distraction, while Zelo remained motionless for a few minutes. It was when Zelo finally moved- to get the mp3 player out of his pocket- that Youngjae's eyes nervously shot over to the other. Seeing the look the elder was giving him, Zelo gave a reassuring smile (although he wasn't sure how he managed it) before shuffling through the songs on his music player. Settling on a song, he leaned over and grabbed the cord of Youngjae's headphones and yanked the connector out of the elder's music player.
"Zelo, what...?" Youngjae started questioning the younger with wide eyes, only to met by the younger's shaking head.
"Just put them back on, hyung." Zelo mumbled, his eyes not meeting Youngjae's as he hit play before standing up and walking away.
Obeying the younger, Youngjae slid the headphones back into place over his ears and allowed the song to flood his mind. He knew this song, all too well. Biting his bottom lip he listened as the song played, it was Taeyang's Look Only at Me. Ignoring the reason he was listening to this song in the first place, he allowed his head to bobble slightly as the rhythm infected his mind. As the song drew to an end and the next came up, Youngjae furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Shinee's AMiGo? Wasn't this song a bit old for Zelo to keep in his mp3? Ignoring the thought he once again allowed himself to relax to the music, the more up-beat song dragging his mood with it until he focused on the lyrics. Training his mind back into place from the different thoughts it had wondered off too, Youngjae smiled as the next song invaded his ears- he remembered this song, but Super Junior's U- this song is even older than the previous one. Sure, the song was catchy, but why would the maknae have music from that far back in his music player? Something wasn't adding up here, at least, not to Youngjae. The following song was one of their own- Stop It. Youngjae unconsciously tilted his head slightly, after hearing AMiGo and UStop It doesn't seem to go there... does it? Without any more thought on it, Youngjae began murmuring the words to the song, the filming of the music video playing through his mind. he smiled to himself. The next song that came on was by IU- You and I. A little surprised at this addition, Youngjae had a hard time relaxing into this song as a part of his mind was trying to piece together everything he had listened to so far- but failing. After IU's song ran the last trill of notes, the following song bumped up the speed of his thoughts- Teen Top's Going Crazy. Youngjae knew there was something he was supposed to get out of this playlist, but what was it? The infectious beat of the song had invaded Yonugjae's senses as he unconsciously stood up, his cellphone dropping to the couch cushion as it slid from his lap and he knocked on the door of Zelo's room, pulling the headphones off just as the song switched back to Taeyang's Look Only at Me.
As Zelo opened the door to his room and stepped out, Youngjae opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by the front door opening to reveal the rest of their group. Ignoring the intrusion, he gazed into Zelo's eyes, "Do you like me?" Zelo immediately went wide-eyed as he stared back at Youngjae. Was the elder really asking him that with the whole group present?
Releasing a soft sigh, Zelo turned back behind his door and grabbed his favorite hooded sweater and sunglasses. Not meeting Youngjae's eyes, he blatantly lied, praying that Youngjae could see through his lie anyway, as he mumbled back, "No." Without looking at any of the other members, he made his way passed them and walked out the door they had just entered through. If Youngjae was observant enough, and cared enough, Zelo knew he would find him.
As Zelo walked away, Youngjae stood rooted to his spot. He felt like his entire world was falling apart. Had he figured it out wrong? That couldn't be- could it? After a few minutes of staring blankly at the door, his eyes slid back over to the group members, debating on whether he should say something or just run after the younger. This whole situation was more confusing than it should be, in his opinion.
"He showed you the list." It was a statement, not a question, that Jongup had voiced. Snapping his eyes to Jongup, Youngjae nodded. "Did you even check the title of any of those songs, or did you just listen to them?"
At Jongup's tone, Youngjae found himself pulling the mp3 player back into his line of vision as he took it out of sleep mode and pressed the menu button so that he could see the playlist. The playlist title stood out to him first- Youngjae. Zelo had named a playlist after him? As his eyes flitted down to read the song titles, he noticed something else, it was more like a note then a random playlist.
In my mind,
I've said these words
One million times...
But I can't say them
To your face.
I love you.
Yongjae blinked as he stared at the music player. "Oh my God..." He mumbled before pocketing the device and running out the door. The only thing in his mind is where Zelo would have gone. Youngjae lost track of time and how far he had run already when he finally caught a glimpse of Zelo's blond hair on a bus. Calling out the younger's name real name, "Junhong!" Zelo met Yonugjae's eyes and stared as Youngjae chased after the bus, failing to catch it before it had pulled out, the elder pushed himself to chase after the bus for several blocks before growling in frustration and racing back to the bus stop. Checking the bus routes, he knew where he had to go next and didn't hesitate before racing through the streets, praying to get to the next destination of the bus that Zelo was on before the bus itself.
His chest heaving, arms and legs pumping, he ignored everything and everyone around him until he arrived at the destination. But all he could see was the bus pulling away and back into traffic. Muttering a quiet curse, his eyes searched the crowd in an attempt to locate Zelo. Seeing the mop of blond in the crowd, he immediately took off, fighting his way through the crowd as his response to Zelo's secret admission flooded his mind, heart, and veins. He knew why he was so awkward around Zelo, but until today he could never understand why the younger was also awkward around him. Maybe he was a failure as a hyung, but that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was getting to Zelo through this obnoxious crowd.
"Isn't that Youngjae oppa?" He heard a girl squeal, and he cringed as he realized that in his haste he had forgotten to disguise himself before heading out.
Letting out a low growl, he forced himself to push even faster through the crowd as he chased after the tall form that was Zelo. If you were to ask him later where they were when all of this happened- he wouldn't be able to tell you, because his entire being was focused on closing the distance between the two of them. He wanted so bad to call out to Zelo as well, but refrained, he was already recognized- he could never live with the guilt if he made those stupid fan girls recognize Zelo as well.The following minutes continued to blur by as  he followed Zelo into the subway, ending up on a different car from the younger by force. Youngjae felt on edge, like he was about to snap, he needed to get to Zelo- now. He knew part of the reason why Zelo had walked away from him back in the dorm, but he still couldn't believe the younger was forcing him to go through all of this trouble. When the subway finally came to a stop, Youngjae forced his way out of the car and searched the sea of people, his heart beating erratically as his mind was racing with all of the possibilities of what could possibly be happening- where was he anyway? Then he felt a hesitant hand slip into his.
Looking over his shoulder, he saw the one person he had been trying so hard to find, "Junhong..." He murmured, relieved to see the younger again. Zelo simply gave him a small smile before leading him out of the subway and down the streets. Walking up a slight hill, Zelo pulled Youngjae into a densely wooded area before finally releasing his grip on Youngjae's hand, but Youngjae only held tighter, forcing Zelo's hand to stay in his.
"Hyung...?" Zelo questioned the elder's reaction as he stared at him, despite his height and that look that Youngjae could see just beneath the surface, Zelo was still fairly innocent. Despite his innocence, Zelo was still a male, despite the fact that they were both male...
"Junhong, I've always stayed as far away from you as possible because I didn't want to hurt you. You have an innocence about you that I've always been afraid of destroying, but I fell for you a long time ago." The confession slipped off the tip of his tongue easier than Youngjae had ever thought possible, and the way Zelo's cheeks glowed a light pink was worth it to have finally said the words out loud. "I'm sorry I'm such an oblivious fool, but if you could find it in your heart to forgive me for being so obtuse..." Younjae didn't realize he had started rambling until Junhong cut him off by placing his hand gently over the elder's mouth.
"Fool. That's exactly what you are." He murmured, a small smile playing on his lips, "But I'm a fool too, I fell for you, but couldn't verbally confess. I gave you a stupid playlist and prayed you would understand." Zelo unconsciously pouted when he thought over his own actions- maybe he was the obtuse one.
Smiling behind Junhong's hand, Youngjae slowly grasped the younger's wrist with his free hand and pulled it down until he could lock that hand in his as well, "I'm sorry it took me so long, I'm sorry I've been so stupid, I love you, Junhong." Youngjae finished, a gentle smile on his lips.
Zelo floundered as he stumbled over his words himself, and he was grateful when Youngjae finally silenced him with a simple, chaste, kiss on his lips. Pulling back slightly, Zelo gazed at Youngjae before finally saying the words he had been dying to verbalize, "I love you, Youngjae-hyung."
"Good, now, will you be my boyfriend?" Yonugjae asked, happiness shining in his eyes and a teasing smile playing on the corners of his already up-turned lips.
"On one condition."
"Name it."
"You can't announce our private matters in front of the group without discussing it with me first." Zelo replied, pouting slightly as he remembered the incident back in the dorm. Sure, he loved Youngjae, and yes, Jongup knew, but that wasn't how he wanted to tell the rest of the hyungs.
"Agreed. But, can we tell them about this?" Yonugjae questioned, one of his eyebrows raised slightly higher than the other as he intertwined their fingers together.
"I've gotten myself a foolish boyfriend." Zelo finally replied after a minute of silence before leaning up pressing his lips to Youngjae's cheek, "We have to, other wise you won't be able to move into my room." Zelo murmured playfully, pulling back, he shot the elder a wink before turning around and leading Youngjae back out of the wooded area, It had begun to grow dark and they still needed to get the elder a disguise so that they could go home.
For Youngjae, his mind was stuck on the fact that he had waited and worried for so long over nothing. If he had done things properly, instead of cowering away, he could have been with this beautiful boy a whole lot sooner than now, and the events of this afternoon would never have happened. As Zelo led him into a shop and purchased a hat and fake eyeglasses for him, Youngjae smiled before pulling Zelo into a hug. Sure this afternoon wasn't perfect, but the ending was all he needed for it to be exactly the way he wanted.
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Chapter 1: *__* All that running~ of course Zelo is worth it~ <3
Chapter 1: oh d.amn ;A; perfect
Aigoo, this is unbelievably cute.. I love that Zelo put all the song that he felt about Youngjae in one playlist..
I LOVE THIS A LOT... (>__<)
Chapter 1: even thou i don't ship this couple, i still like the story!
good job girl
treelovesyou #5
Chapter 1: Awwwwww tree thought it was so cute even if she doesn't ship them!!