I Hate Being Baekhyun's Little Sister

“For the frikkin 5th time We are not going on a date!” Mrs. Byun sighed and covered her face ashamed by her own children, there’s nothing she could do to stop the fight so she took off the apron she was wearing and went to her bedroom.


No one ever noticed it except Kai. “Then why won’t you tell me where you’re going?!”


“It’s a secret!”








“Just…leave me alone.”

All of a sudden Kai grabbed Jaehyun’s hand. “Not until you tell us where you’re going”


“It is none of your ing business!”


“It is if it involves you!” Kai yelled at Jaehyun angrily. The girl stopped struggling, and looked at the angry Kai with teary eyes.


“and who are YOU to say that?”


Kai went speechless.  Jaehyun took the chance to escape. Kai saw a bruise on her wrist that he created. His legs felt numb as he backed away.  Guntae who had watched the whole scene had tried to stop it but Chanyeol prevented him saying that it’s not a good idea.  He could only frown and bit his lip, he couldn’t take it seeing Baekhyun so angry with Jaehyun, but then again, he’s her brother, he has the right to know. The problem is, Jaehyun wanted to keep the dance thing a secret. How do I know? well I’m the one who record it and took care of the editing.  I almost couldn’t take it anymore when I see another person joining the fight. What’s his name again? I think Jihae likes him. Uhh Kai?  Right, Kai.


Jaehyun glared at each members of EXO there with red eyes and when her eyes landed on Baekhyun, she ran away. Baekhyun wanted to go after his sister but Guntae beat it to him and Lay slowly closed the door , looking at his friend in sympathy.


“Hyung, I am so sorry” Kai apologized. He didn’t know what has gotten into him.


“No…” Baekhyun smiled sadly at the younger boy. “It’s fine. Thanks Kai” he said.


Kai could only looked down and gave a slight nod. Baekhyun patted his shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. “Come on. Let’s finish our breakfast, guys” The others nodded and followed the two to the kitchen. Only Chen stood there motionless.


Baekhyun shouldn’t be so protective over her. Instead he should learn to trust his own sister.  Besides, that Guntae boy seemed nice and charming, and there was no doubt he was Jaehyun’s boyfriend. But I wonder where they were planning to go…hmmm…


“Boys, where’s Chen?” Xiumin asked. The boys looked up from their plates. “I’ve been looking for him everywhere.” He explained.


Murmurs and tons of questions were heard. The kitchen became a chaos with all the members panicking.


“Where could he been?”
“But he was just behind me right?”
“Did you check the bedroom?”
“Jaehyun’s room?”
“Hyung, how can he be in Jaehyun’s room?”
“You never know!”
“But that doesn’t even make sense!”
“It’s still possible!”


“ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Suho yelled while he glared at Lay and Luhan. Immediately, they both shut their mouths.


“Xiumin hyung, call Chen” the leader ordered. Suho is a patient leader but beware, you wouldn’t want to get in his bad sides.


Xiumin slapped his own forehead, “Why didn’t I think of that?”


“Because you’re a dum dum”




Sehun lifted his hands in surrender. “Just kidding”


“Behave, young one” Kris flashed his icy glare and Sehun kept his mouth shut.


Jaehyun was fast but Guntae had his bicycle. It was only a matter of time when Guntae managed to catch her near a playground. Her eyes were red and puffy and he knew she was trying to hold it in. He had always known about her stress, what she was going through everyday just because of her brother. Guntae cupped her face and couldn’t bear seeing her like that so he hugged her and Jaehyun cried in the boy’s arms.

“Shh it’s all gonna be okay. I promise.” He caressed her long black hair and held her close. “Let’s go somewhere else, somewhere peaceful to get your mind off of things. I’ll text the girls that we could record another time.”


“Do you think they will be okay with it?” She said in between sobs.


“I know they will. Jaehyun, just because they always ecstatic to talk about your brother doesn’t mean they don’t care about you, deep down. It’s not like they’ve changed completely. Last Friday, did they talk to you about Baekhyun hyung?”


Jaehyun shook her head.


“See. Do you know why?... Because I told them not to. I told them that you were tired of all those conversations and if they were good friends, they should know. Jaehyun, if you’re tired of what people kept doing to you then tell them. Don’t wait for them to disappear. Do you understand?”


“Yes, Guntae”


“Good. Because um..i just bought this shirt so yeah”


“Yah!” She hit the boy jokingly. Guntae chuckled and said, “Come on. The people are starting to looking at us. You’re a celebrity now.”


“Yeah, and every celebrity comes with anti. Where will we be going?”


“I know a place where we go in peace. Kaja” He held out his hand and the girl gladly took it. Jaehyun sat on the passenger seat of the bicycle while Guntae sat at the front. The boy coughed playfully.




Guntae pointed to her hands.




Grabbing the girl’s hands and putting them around his waist as he pouted, Jaehyun smiled shyly. Guntae grinned and winked at her. Together, they went to their destination that only Guntae knows. But what he didn’t know, Chen was following them the whole time.


Here ya go, my dear readers! double update :DD  i'm going to be busy for a couple of days so please be patient! Love you guys! <3 

Lee_Seungmin , PURPLEGALORE , impxrrfect

Thank you for commenting!!! <3 <3 <3

- Leezy ^^

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Exoya8 #1
Chapter 8: Please please please please please please please pleaseeeeeseeeeeeeeee update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: Please update soon Author-nim^^
kookiebae117 #3
Chapter 8: please update OMG
Adrija91 #4
Chapter 8: Please update soon ^¤^
MsAmazing #5
Chapter 8: wahhhh please update soon
woahh! gun tae?! :O omg i love him !! xD lol
Chapter 8: Chen Chen ^^