-Chapter 20- We May Be Friends, but You Still Haven't Won the Bet

41 Day's and 60 Seconds to Fall in Love

Chapter 20-  We May Be Friends, but You Still Haven't Won the Bet

"Is that anyway for you to greet your boyfriend, Seominnie?" Jihoon caressed her cheek and smirked at her. "Didn't you miss me?" He started to her arm, and sending shivers down Seomin's spine.  She did not like this feeling she was getting. "I bet you did!"

"Boyfriend...You worthless piece of..." Seomin started, but Jihoon leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.  He still knew how to shut her up and she hated that.  She looked at him with fire in her eyes.  Seomin hated him and vowed never to love again because of him. He was the person who broke her.  He took he smile and her cheerful personality.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It looks like you really hate me?" Jihoon asked as he grabbed onto Seomin's hand and dragged her along.  She did not want to go with him.  Seomin was trying to fight him, but he was too strong. "Are you trying to play games with me my sweet, pretty...wait no longer pretty? My y Seomminie.

"..." Seomin did not want to answer him.  He did not deserve to hear her voice.  He did not even deserve to be in the same room as her.

"We are going to try and have a civil conversation." Jihoon said.

"A civil conversation! DO YOU REALLY THINK I WANT TO BE CIVIL WITH YOU?" Seomin yelled and tried to get out of his grip.  "You're a lying bastard who stole my song and my heart. I never fell in love with someone again because of you?" Seomin looked around at their surroundings.  They were in an empty classroom. She tried to get the thoughts out of her head that were returning to her. Seomin did not want to remember this man.  She tried to push those memories to the back of her mind.

"Jihoon sunbae!" Seomin said cheerfully as she entered his classroom. He was in the year above her, but that did not stop her from visiting him.  He smiled when he saw her.  His female classmates did not like her that much, but they did not really matter to Seomin.  The only person that mattered was Jihoon.

"I thought I told you to call me oppa!" Jihoon said as he placed a hand on top of Seomin's hair and fixed it. "What are you so happy about?"

"I got accepted in to this audition program to become an idol oppa!" Seomin said cheerfully as she hugged him. "I can finally do what I love. Well if I win I can."

"I was also accepted." Jihoon said as he pulled away from Seomin and leaned down and pecked her on the lips. "We can become idols together."

"I feel honored!" Jihoon smirked as he leaned closer to Seomin. "I wonder how your lips taste now. I remember years ago they tasted like strawberries.  You used to wear a strawberry flavored lip gloss."  Seomin turned her head in the nick of time and he kissed her cheek. "You are so crude." Jihoon grabbed her chin and made her look at him. "Why aren't you allowing me to kiss your delicious looking lips, Seominnie?

"I don't kiss liars and people who play with my heart.  My heart is not something that you can mess with." Seomin said in a harsh tone, "Now let me go so I can perform."

Jihoon released his grip on Seomin and grinned, "You still have the confidence to perform. You're not going to fall on stage are you like that time..."

"You really think I am the same child who fell for you. I changed...." Seomin said without any emotion in her voice.  She knew what he was talking about.  It was when Jihoon used her song she wrote on the audition program and said it was his. "Just leave me alone."

"I cannot leave my childhood lover alone." Jihoon said as he watched Seomin closely. "Do you really think I will let you go that easily? I want to be together again.  Don't tell me that you forgot our first date. Our first kiss is something that you cannot forget.  It was your first kiss ever."

"I have let you go already so you have to let me go!" Seomin said as she walked out of the room.  She needed to get dressed for her performance.  Seomin entered the dressing room and took off her mask.  He looked at herself in the mirror and notice her hand started to shake. Not now. Not there nerves of mine.


Myungsoo walked into the dance with Sungyeol and looked around. Myungsoo could not people would go to something like this, yes it was a way of socializing, but not for him. He could not believe he allowed Sungyeol to drag him here.  

 He needed to find Seomin and fast. Myungsoo did not want anything to happen to her.  He could not let anything happen to her. Myungsoo did not like this feeling her was getting in his stomach.

"Myunggie!" Sungyeol called and pouted when Myungsoo did not answer him.  "MYUNGGIE!" Sungyeol started to tug on his arm.

"WHAT!" Myungsoo snapped and glared at his friend.  Sungyeol pointed to the stage, "The person you don't like is perforating. He might know where Seomin is."

"I do not want to talk to that bastard." Myungsoo said harshly.  "I am going to find her my own way." Myungsoo ran a hand through his hair. He looked around and spotted Sungjong with those idols.  Why would that kid be hanging out with them?

"Myunggie..."Sungyeol said as he gave Myungsoo a back hug, "Let's just have fun. We don't even know what color mask Seomin is wearing."

"This isn't my idea of fun!" Myungsoo yawned.

"What is your idea of fun, Myunggie?" Sungyeol asked.


Seomin put the mask back on her face and put her hair under the fedora.  She was going to show a side of herself tonight that the student body has not seen before.  She took a deep breath and gripped the table again.  She did not like how she was feeling.  This anxiety was too much for her, but she could fight thought. 

Seomin walked out of the dressing room in shorts, white tank, and a black blazer. She walked down the hall and noticed Woohyun was waiting for her. She was wondering what he wanted this time.  Seomin did not want to deal with his greasiness.

He caught her arm before she walked on stage, "Something is off about you?" He was worried and he knew he should not have overhead her conversation with that man.  He just went to tell that his performance went amazing, and that she better pucker up.

"There is nothing off Woohyun. Your nerves must be getting to you because I am going to beat you." Seomin grinned. "Are you ready to play with fire?"

"I like playing with your fire Seomin, but not when you are like this.  I know you hate me, but I know that something is bothering you? Did someone hurt you?" Woohyun was having difficulty figuring out how Seomin was feeling, but she was not showing any emotion.

"Are you done Woohyunnie?" Seomin  asked, "If you are than I am leaving!" Seomin winked at Woohyun as she made her way onto stage. People would think that she would be performing a ballad, but she was going to be doing her own twist on music.

Seomin sat down on the chair was provide for her on stage and smirked as the music started.  She danced and sang, forgetting ever seeing Jihoon.  When she was on stage she was her happiest, but her confidence disappears when there are cameras. 

Seomin saw a camera and stumbled slightly, but hide it.  She just needed to get through the last few lines. Seomin managed to finish up the song with minimum mistakes. She bowed and headed off the stage.


"Wow I did not know Seomin could perform like that? That was ho..." Sungyeol paused and looked away from Myungsoo who was staring at him with those cold eyes of him, "Myuggie don't look at me like that was the first time I have seen Seomin perform like that.  Her music is normally no like that."

"I know her music is not normally like that. I think it is because of what I mentioned before." Myungsoo said with a sigh. "I will see you later Yeol. I am going to confront Seomin about what she has been keeping from me."

"Make sure you confess to her too." Sungyeol grinned.

"It's not the right time." Myungsoo said as he walked backwards and crashed into someone.  He quickly turned around and caught the girl.  Myungsoo looked at the girl and realized that she was hanging around Sungjong earlier, one of the idols. "I'm sorry I was not paying attention."

"Myunggie hyung what are you doing here?" Sungjong appeared out of nowhere.  "I thought you hated dances?"

"I do! This idiot convinced me to come." Myungsoo said as he pointed eyed Sungyeol.  He did not even realize his arms were still around Soojung.

"Sungjong ah is he a friend of yours?" Soojung asked with a sweet smile.

"Nehh!" Sungjong said cheerfully, "Wasn't noona great hyung!" Sungjong ask cheerfully.  "Let's go great her."

"..." Myungsoo did not answer Sungjong. He was angry with Sungjong because he did not tell him anything about Seomin's suicide attempt.  That is not something you keep from a friend. 

"Hyung are you mad about something. You are not looking me in the eye?" Sungjong asked. 


Seomin got off of stage and took a deep breath as she leaned against the wall and took off her mask.  "You are better than I remember!" Jihoon said as he walked over to Seomin and trapped her between his body and the wall. "But an interesting song choice Seommine!" He took off her hat that was hiding her hair and watched it fall.  "The lyrics are not you."

"How do you know who I am anymore?" Seomin said with irritation in her voice.  She shoved Jihoon away roughly and ran.  She did not want to stop running.  Seomin ran to the roof of the school and stopped.  She felt like she couldn't breathe.  Her eyes were clenched shut.  She did not want to open them.  Seomin knew that he was going to follow her.

She felt her arm hang shake again.  Please stop.  Can't I just disappear?

"Seomin..." A familiar, kind voice spoke. She felt a warm hand on her shoulder.  His touch did not make her feel disgusted like when Jihoon touched her.  Seomin felt safe with this person.  This person made her feel warm inside.

Seomin opened her eyes and saw Sunggyu looking at her.  He even looked handsome tonight. Wait he was always handsome. He was too good for me. I did not deserve the kindness he gave to me.  Seomin looked down at her wrist and grabbed it.  She did not want him to see her like this.

"Seomin are you cold? You're shaking." Sunggyu asked as he took off his jacket and draped it over Seomin's shoulders. 

Seomin just stared at Sunggyu and did not say a word.  She did not know what to say to him.  Seomin was feeling guilty.  He did not know that her ex called her Seominnie. She felt something stream down her cheek.

Sunggyu placed a hand on Seomin's cheek and whipped her tears away. He did not like seeing her upset.  He has seen her sad before, but this time was different.

"Why are you so nice to me Sunggyu?" Seomin looked at him. "Are you just acting this way to win your stupid bet?"  

"I am not acting Seomin! I really want to be friends with you.  Most people just want to be my friend to get famous, but you're not like that.  You could care less if I was an idol, and I know you don't like them, but just pretend I am not one." Sunggyu smiled as he pulled Seomin into a hug.

"We can be friends, but the constant skinship you keep initiating may get me killed by your fans and Soyu." Seomin said sarcastically and moved away from Sunggyu and hit his arm.

"Soyu will not touch you and I will make sure of that. The only fans you need to worry about are the stalking kind other than that my fans will welcome you with open arms." Sunggyu winked. "So I guess I..."

"Don't think that you one the bet yet. I still have not seen this other you. Dongwoo told me that you were different during your trainee days.  I want to see that side of you Sunggyu. We may be friends, but..." Sunggyu leaned down to Seomin's level and kissed her on her cheek.

"YAHHH KIM SUNGGYU FRIENDS DON"T DO THAT!"  Seomin yelled and started to chase after Sunggyu. 

"Now this is the Seomin I know!" Sunggyu laughed.  "Hot-headed and cute!"


"You were supposed to make her want to disappear!" Soyu yelled. "Not push them closer together Jihoon oppa."

"Do you really think I am done with my game Soyu!" Jihoon smirked.  "I am going to win her heart again and have Sunggyu begging you to date him."


an - Hey everyone! We are at the half way point and Sunggyu and Seomin are now friends, but their friendship may get broken because of Crazy Soyu and Seomin's ex Jihoon.


I have evil plans ahead and it is going to be a bumpy road getting these two togehter.






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41 Days's: Hey everyone I posted a double update with chapter 38 and 39 I hope you like them both.


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Chapter 41: This story is awesome! I'll be looking forward to the sequel! I hope you'll update it soon, author-nim! :-)
adrypink #2
Chapter 41: Hello author~ i'm a new reader here and omygosh you have so manyyyy story i cant wait to read it all!! This is your first ff that i read and I REALLY LOVE IT!! i also love the fact that you are gyu-biased (me too! hi5!!) So i will make sure to read all your gyu-fics (and infinite too) kkkk
MyKpopAdicted #3
Chapter 41: I love your stories! Thanks for being a such wonderful author-nim! I really like you because u never drop any fic! Once you started one, you always finish it ^^ I love u author unnie! Pls keeps making more beautiful stories! Thank u once again!
MyKpopAdicted #4
Chapter 27: The last part was sooooooo cuteeeeeee~~~ my feelings are everywhere >.<
MyKpopAdicted #5
Chapter 19: I'm confuse??? Why is Roh Jihoon always being a bad guy in every fanfic??? Like he's a type if guy that would dumps and hurts girls!
Chapter 41: finally it's finished .... owaaaa Jungyeop sajjangnim is so cool
Chapter 41: Omo! You have so many fanfics!!! O___O You definitely have the right to self-promotions!!! XD Fighting for your success author-nim!!!! Annyeong!!!
Chapter 40: Yay! Good story author-nim!!! XD The ending is so sweet!
Chapter 41: Awwww so cute :3 Now, it's sequel time >:D
Chapter 39: Seems everything got a fact pace! Does anything happen between Myunyeol?