-Chapter 18- An old Nickname

41 Day's and 60 Seconds to Fall in Love

-Chapter 18- An old Nickname

Seomin was staring at the night sky, sitting on a bench by the Han River. Seomin was regretting wearing a skirt today. It was so cold out and Woohyun made some erted comments. Seomin fixed her scarf and closed her eyes for a moment, and started to think about how she was going to get through the dance. She flinched slightly when she felt something warm on her cheek. Seomin turned and looked at the man who was standing in front of her.

He looked familiar to her, but he had his face covered with a scarf grey. He had on a long black jacket, dark blue denim jeans, and black fluffy gloves.  His hair was a dark brown and he had cute small eyes.  When they smiled at Seomin, she knew who he was, Sunggyu. 

"Sorry I made you wait so long Seomin ah. I wanted to get you something warm to drink.  Dongwoo is really good at getting notes to people." Sunggyu handed her the coffee and sat down next to her, with a smile on his face.

"I did not recognize you without your red hair. I like the new color it makes you more approachable." Seomin smiled at Sunggyu. "Are you feeling better. You seemed distant for the past few days. I was worried about..."

"I feel a little better. I had a few family matters. Can you tell Myungsoo I am sorry. I sort of snapped at him when I ran into him a few nights ago.  I was upset about my family life.  He caught me at a wrong time." Sunggyu looked down at his coffee. "You were worried about me?" Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.

"Myungsoo is stubborn but I will try to get through to him.  I hope what he said to you did not make things worse. I was not worried about you. I was worried about our grade." Seomin took a sip of the coffee.  He was getting to her again with his charm.  "Something else is bothering you isn't it Sunggyu?" Seomin asked.

"There is, but that is not important right now. He did not make things worse Seomin ah." Sunggyu smile faded and he stood up, "I am buying you dinner to make up for being rude to you for the past couple of days."

"I don't think that is a good idea Sunggyu. Your fans..." Seomin's voice trailed off.

"Don't tell me you are afraid of my fans?" Sunggyu smirked as he leaned forward, "and besides my fans do not know I dyed my hair. Don't worry Soyu will not find out."

"I am not afraid of that bitc..." Seomin looked at Sunggyu who placed a hand over . I blinked a few times and placed a hand on his wrist and removed his hand from covering his mouth. "YAHHH!"

"Seomin, please don't get her mad.  Let me protect you from her." Sunggyu said as he took Seomin's hand and pulled her along the path by the Han River. 

"I am not the one who needs protecting from her.  She is making you misriable.  You do not need to sing that duet with her.  She can't even sing that good.  Sunggyu you sing on a different level." Seomin said as she looked down at her hand. Seomin could feel her cheeks heating up nad tired to pull her hand away from Sunggyu.

"You are worried about me." Sunggyu smirked and pinched Seomin's cheek.

"YAHHH YOU BASTARD." Seomin yelled causing people to stare at them.  Seomin looked away from the couples who were on dates, and cursed under her breath. She did not want people to get the wrong idea that she was dating this idiot.

She suddenly felt Sunggyu's warm breath by her ear, "I heard that. No cursing Seominnie." He chuckled, "I think I am enjoying this side of you, it's cute."

"Stop teasing me or I will not go to dinner with you." Seomin finally got her hand out of Sunggyu's grip. "Do not call me Seominnie. I hate that name. He called me that name...He...He was..." Seomin's voice trail off and looked down at the ground. 

She did not want Sunggyu to see her this vulnerable.  Why did he have to call her Seomminie. HE used to call her that.  HE was now an idol like Sunggyu, and HE used a song she wrote for that competition. HE caused he to be like this. She did not even realized that she had started to cry until she felt Sunggyu's arms wrap around her. 

"I'm sorry." Sunggyu said as he petted Seomin's hair which was soft.  Sunggyu liked having skinship with her.  It felt so right for some reason, "I didn't know." Sunggyu pulled away and bent down to Seomin's level and dried her tears away.

Seomin looked at Sunggyu and backed away slightly. "I think I should head home Sunggyu. I will see you tomorrow."

"Let me at least walk you home." Sunggyu took a step towards Seomin and Seomin took a step back again.

"I think it would be best if I go alone." Seomin wanted to get away from Sunggyu.  She was confused for the first time in years.  She promised herself something and she did not want to break that promise.

"I do not want some drunk guys to jump you again, and its freezing out Seomin. You are in a skirt. Why did you wear tights with them. You are going to catch a cold." Sunggyu took another step forward and Seomin took a step back.

"I am not going to get jump this time. Don't worry I am a big girl I can take care of myself." Seomin looked at him watched him take a few steps closer to her and she took a few steps back, but tripped over her own feet this time. 

Sunggyu's arms laced around Seomin's waist and he pulled her to his chest. "Will you please stop being difficult. I am trying to be a nice friend.  There isn't anything wrong with me looking out for you." Sunggyu looked down at Seomin.  There was no emotion on her face again, and he did not like that at all.  He loved it when Seomin was smiling.

"Just stop trying to be my friend.  It's not sincere." Seomin said as she pushed Sunggyu away. "I put up a wall for a reason.  I do not want to get hurt again. When I let people in I get hurt."

"I will not hurt you Seomin and I am being sincere with you.  You are the only person who treats me like a normal person. Everyone at the university fan girls over me and you don't, and you cannot break the bet." Sunggyu said.

"I cannot wait till the 30 days we have left pass." Seomin said, "I will see you around Sunggyu." Seomin said as she walked away leaving Sunggyu dumb struck.  He could not keep up with Seomin's constant mood changes.  He started to wonder who her ex was.  Sunggyu crossed his arms and watched Seomin disappear.


Seomin laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling.  She doesn't understand these feelings she was getting.  She did like Sunggyu, but he was an idol.  She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.  Seomin heard a knock on her window and opened it. "Myungsoo ah are you insane."

"Everyone is insane and I did not want to wake Jonggie by ringing the bell. I have been calling you for hours but you did not pick up your phone." Myungsoo entered her room and smirked, "I see nothing has change."

"Sorry I was busy." Seomin smiled, "I got a job at the music store. You should be happy. I quit that other job."

"I am happy you quit that job.  There are no disgusting men looking at you and getting erted thoughts about you." Myungsoo slipped off his jacket and sat down at Seomin's bed.  He laid down moments later and picked up her pink teddy bear, and hugged it.

"You child." Seomin said as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"You're the one who has this bear on your bed noona you should talk." Myungsoo smirked and reached out and grabbed Seomin's wrist and pulled her down next to him. "You need to sleep more noona you have dark circle under your eyes."

"So do you babo yah." Seomin smirked as she poked Myungsoo's cheek.

"Yahh, stop that. I am not five anymore." Myungsoo pouted.

"But you are acting like one." Seomin smirked, "Oh Sunggyu wants me to tell you that he is sorry."

"So that is why you did not answer your phone. You were with that idol." Myungsoo pushed himself up and looked at Seomin.

"He is not that bad once you get to know him." Seomin said and she watched as Myungsoo looked at her with those dagger eyes of his.  He was hovering over her.

"I still don't like him noona" Myungsoo said in a cold tone. "I don't trust him...noona...." Myungsoo looked down and noticed she was asleep.  He smiled at her and leaned closer to her face.  He only was brave enough to kiss her in her sleep.  He could not do that when he was awake.  He was scared to tell her how he feels.

Myungsoo pressed his lips against Seomin's and pulled away moments later. "Good thing you are a heavy sleeper." Myungsoo laid down next to her and was asleep in an instant.  His arms wrapped around Seomin and he pulled her close to his body.  "I love you noona."


Sunggyu walked into the company and let out a sigh.  He walked by the recording studio and noticed that Hoya and Dongwoo were in there with Soojung.  He smiled weakly and noticed that Dongwoo was staring at him with those eyes of his. 

Sunggyu started to walk down the hall again and came to a stop when he heard his nick name, "Gyu Gee Gee"

"Dongwoo what is it?" Sunggyu asked as he turned around.

"I wanted to know how it went." Dongwoo grinned and looked at the older man. "You look sad is something wrong Gyu hyung? Did something happened between you and Mentor Seo?"

"I called her Seominnie and she got upset.  She said that he used to call her that and I am guessing that is her ex-boyfriend. Has she ever mentioned anything to you?"

"Only that the guy hurt her emotionally.  I think she mentioned that he stole something from her and I am guessing that it is a song or something. It s only a guess hyung. Is she ok?"

"She would not let me walk her home. Text her will you and make sure she got there safe.  She opens up to you the most." Sunggyu walked away and headed into an empty practice room.


Seomin's eyes opened and she saw Myungsoo's sleeping face next to her.  He looked so cute in his sleep.  Seomin unlaced his arms from around her and got out of bed.  She rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms above her head. 

Seomin reached for her phone and noticed she had a few missed text message from Dongwoo.

Hi Mentor Seoooooo!

Sunggyu just wanted to know if you got home safe! He seemed down when he came back to the company.  You two did not fight again did you? You guys were getting along so well. Don't stay mad at each other too long. I hope to see you at the dance.  I am bringing my dongsaeng from the company.  She is really sweet and you will like her. I think you two would be great friends. Well sleep tight Seo!

Love, your Dinosaur Dongwoo

Seomin chuckled at his message, How could he be so cute and loveable. "Dongwoo you fool." Seomin check the next message. This time from Hoya.

I say HO you say YA HO HO

Hey since you did not answer Dongwoo hyung you must be asleep.  I hope you are ok. Don't cry over what Sunggyu said.  I know he brought up the past with that one word. I will not repeat it because I rather see your beautiful smile then your tears. We I will see you at school and I will bring you something sweet to cheer you up if you are down. Sungjonggie told me what cheers you up.


Seomin shook her head and chrashed into Sungjong who just got out of the shower. "Morning noona. Is Myunggie still sleeping."

"How do you know that he is here?" Seomin asked.

"His motorcycle is outside and I let Hoya hyung know you got back safe.  He told me that you and Sunggyu hyung had some sort of fight?" Sungjong started to dry his hair, but Seomin grabbed the towel from him and started to dry Sungjong hair herself.

"He called me Seominnie. I felt.." Seomin paused.

"Jih..I mean he used to call you that.  I see what you were upset about that noona, but he was the past and Sunggyu can be your future."

"Are you trying to set me up with him?" Seomin looked at Sungjong.

"Well I like Sunggyu and he seems to match you well. He had hardships like you. Did you know that his parents would not allow him to come visit them after he debut as an idol at eighteen.  His parents were sill angry with him about his decisions.  Sunggyu hyung was at the top of his classes when he was in school.  He is really smart and his parents believe he could do more that be a singer, but he followed his heart."

"How did you find that out?" Seomin crossed his arms.

"I had coffee with Hoya yesterday and we got to talking. Noona don't worry. I did not tell him how you almost took your life when you were fifteen. I did not really understand at the time what happened. I was only twelve. Noona do not return to that place because of that one word."

"Sungjong ah." Seomin placed a hand on his head. "I am stronger than what I was back then."

"I still worry noona. You were depressed and depression can come back." Sungjong said in a worried tone.

"Don't go all medical on me." Seomin crossed her arms.

"You are one of the reason why I wanted to become a doctor noona. After seeing you in the hospital I wanted to do something to help so I worked for this goal to protect the most talented person I know who deserves more in life."

"Jonggie don't make me cry.' Seomin dried her tears that were falling.

"Noona..." Sungjong hugged her. "I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you. Now you just have to kick the greasy man's when you perform this weekend. I will be your date after you perform. You need a dance partner." Sungjong winked. "Well we should get to school noona."


Myungsoo paused at the edge of the hall.  Seomin and Sungjong could not see him.  He did not hear their full conversation, but he arrived in time to find out the truth behind why Seomin was in the hospital.  Did she really try to kill herself. 

He had enough after that. Myungsoo did not want to hear anymore about the person who he loves tried to kill herself.

Myungsoo headed back to Seomin's room and let out a sigh.  He was angry that he did not know about this earlier.  Why did she keep this from him? What else was she keeping from him?

an - This chapter is filled with cute moments. I had fun with it. Hehehe Aigo Dongwoo your too cute. Hoya hehe. Infintie H love those two and their friendship with Seomin.  Sunggyu don't worry she likes you she is just to stubburn to admit it.  Well I hope you like this chapter. Hint hint to the guy who hurt her. He is an idol hehehe. Well I hope you like ths chapter. I had fun writing it. *throws hears*

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41 Days's: Hey everyone I posted a double update with chapter 38 and 39 I hope you like them both.


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Chapter 41: This story is awesome! I'll be looking forward to the sequel! I hope you'll update it soon, author-nim! :-)
adrypink #2
Chapter 41: Hello author~ i'm a new reader here and omygosh you have so manyyyy story i cant wait to read it all!! This is your first ff that i read and I REALLY LOVE IT!! i also love the fact that you are gyu-biased (me too! hi5!!) So i will make sure to read all your gyu-fics (and infinite too) kkkk
MyKpopAdicted #3
Chapter 41: I love your stories! Thanks for being a such wonderful author-nim! I really like you because u never drop any fic! Once you started one, you always finish it ^^ I love u author unnie! Pls keeps making more beautiful stories! Thank u once again!
MyKpopAdicted #4
Chapter 27: The last part was sooooooo cuteeeeeee~~~ my feelings are everywhere >.<
MyKpopAdicted #5
Chapter 19: I'm confuse??? Why is Roh Jihoon always being a bad guy in every fanfic??? Like he's a type if guy that would dumps and hurts girls!
Chapter 41: finally it's finished .... owaaaa Jungyeop sajjangnim is so cool
Chapter 41: Omo! You have so many fanfics!!! O___O You definitely have the right to self-promotions!!! XD Fighting for your success author-nim!!!! Annyeong!!!
Chapter 40: Yay! Good story author-nim!!! XD The ending is so sweet!
Chapter 41: Awwww so cute :3 Now, it's sequel time >:D
Chapter 39: Seems everything got a fact pace! Does anything happen between Myunyeol?