
Stuck In A Spiders Web

Kai was smoking again.

‘You know I hate that right?’ Kai didn’t bother to look towards the intruder.

‘Yeah.’ Inhale.

‘Then why do you do it?’ Exhale.

‘‘Cus I can.’ Kai brought the stick away from his face and looked off into the distance. It was chilly today. Foggy also.

Sehun sighed and flopped down onto the bench beside his friend.

‘Family problems again?’ He coughed before questioning.

‘Possibly.’ Kai brought the cigarette back up to his lips and took in a large breath.

The younger just nodded and clutched his jacket tighter around him.

‘It’s a bit chilly today isn’t it?’ He rubbed his face while looking off into the distance.


Sehun took Kai’s short answers as the incentive to keep quiet. Kai put out the cigarette and the pair sat in silence, watching the fog slowly swirl around in the distance. Minutes went by before he spoke up.

‘We should do something tonight.’ Sehun turned to Kai but the latter continued to look into the distance.

‘Alright, my house or yours? My parents won’t be home tonight.’


Sehun raised an eyebrow. Kai hated going out. ‘What? You want to go to the cinema or something?’

Kai sighed and turned to face his best friend. Only then did Sehun see the large bags under his eyes and the un-naturally pale skin.

‘No, you retard. Let’s go clubbing.’

Kai continued to stare and Sehun’s eyes bulged out of their sockets.

‘B-But how? We are underage Kai.’

Kai let out an exasperated puff of air, letting it tickle parts of his messy fringe. ‘It’s called a fake ID.’

Kai was smoking again.

Sehun remembered the moment like it was yesterday. After all, it had been quite a turning point in both of their lives. Sehun had found out that the bad boy life was really not cut out for him and on the other hand, Kai found out that he finally fit in. Kai’s trips to the club increased over time, eventually becoming a habit, routine of sorts. For Sehun, it was quite the opposite.

‘You know I hate that right?’

‘Yeah,’ Kai grinned.

Sehun let out a light laugh before seating himself next to his best friend. Autumn and winter had passed them by and it was now nearing the end of spring, signalling the start of the summer holidays.

‘Why’d you ask me to come here?’

Kai shrugged. ‘You should come to the club with me tonight. There is someone there I think you should meet.’

Sehun rolled his eyes. ‘Remember what happened the last time I went?’

‘I don’t know what you are talking about,’ Kai replied nonchalantly.

‘Some lady tried to spike my drink and get into my pants!’

Kai laughed heartily. ‘That was funny.’

‘No, no it wasn’t,’ Sehun replied with a glare.

Kai waved his hand. ‘I promise that won’t happen again, I made some friends and I can get us VIP room. I’m doing this for your own good. You need to loosen up, get laid and all that .’

Sehun stared at his so called ‘best friend’ incredulously. ‘I don’t want to get laid!’

‘What are you, aual? I’ll text you the details. You are coming to meet this person and I’m not taking no for an answer.’ With that, Kai dropped his cigarette , stood on it, then got up and walked away.

‘I’m not aual! You didn’t even tell me their name!’ Sehun shouted at the back of his friend.

Kai just raised his hand, not bothering to turn around.

This is more of a teaser chapter if anything... Or maybe I am incapable of writing long chapters?
-W- I :|
Anyways, I kinda hate sekai but here i am... -_-
Am I the only one who thinks Kai looks really weird without a fringe?
I love Sehun's smile :3
This is really random
Thanks for subbing... Unless you haven't.


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Haleysiazzz #1
Chapter 1: Same I hate sekai too
I hate Sekai with a passion but I'm gonna read this cause my kyungisoo is here and it says kaisoo !!! Pls don't disappoint author님 !!
Chapter 1: :3 this sounds pretty interesting tbh. can't wait to see the update ^^
Chapter 1: kyya! i love this XD update soonnn! :D