now or never part 2

will you be the one?

I texted Nickhun to meet me in * a random room* then i hear some loud footsteps.... it was him....

'hey babe!' he walked over to me to kiss me but i backed away and walked to the other side of the room. he didnt even go after me!... typical...

i spotted a globe. *perfect* i thought. i went over there and spun the globe several times then stopped it with one slender finger of mine.

'Nikchun?' i asked he looked at me with questioning eyes.

 i smirked.' what country is this?' *i knew what country it was duh.

'its japan! you know that!' he laughed and looked at me with those eyes that made me fall in love with him all over again hopelessly. But this time it just didnt work on me.

'You know what Nikchun? i think i like japan.... i feel like i want to move there.... maybe someday.... and just leave all of my friends and family.....' i turned around back to the globe...'wouldnt you do that?'

'well... i guess so...' he said.'but you dont know how to speak japanese?'

'it doesnt matter, as long as im in japan.... Nikchun. Let me ask you one single question.... if i were to ask you to ever come somewhere with me... would you go?'

'gee.... i dont know....'

'Answer me.'

'uhhh... yeah....yeah...'

'oh really? but if you were to go there.... would you take.... ME with you?"

'of course your my girlfriend!' he smiled brightly.

'wow... you know what? i find that really hard to beleive...because.... the other day.... i over heard you talking with someone.... a girl.... i heard you talking about... jumping infront of trains..... and moving away to japan with... the girl....and i heard her saying... that SHE loved you....' i said trying to keep calm

'yeah she said she loved me! and it was all a joke! i dont like her she liked me so i just said those things yul.'

'no.... you said you loved her back.... and i overheard.... that.. youve been cheating on me for... 2 WHOLE MONTHS!' i raised my voice.

'yul! I-'


i started throwing things at him like the globe.

'Yul, calm down,-'


i stormed with out tears streaming down my cheeks like a river.

*end of flashback....*


i spread out my arms and and took one step.... it was now or never i  took another step,inhaled deeply.... and just as i was about to jump when i felt a warm,soft pair of hands catching mine and pulling me back making me land on top of him...


'What the hell are you doing!' the guy yelled

'oh.... im so so sorry...... i....' then suddenly realised it was one of the guys @ school.

'Yuri...right?' he asked

'uhhhh yeah.... and your minho.... i know....'

minho has been at the school since the start of the school year. he was very popular ever since then. He was really athletic captian of soccer and football. Girls want to be with him, guys want to be like him. He was the strong & silent type. whenever girls talked to him he would just smile and walk away... he never wanted any attention.... he only had 4 friends of the whole school. Key,Taemin,Jonghyun and Onew.

'what do you think your doing? commiting suicide?'

i looked down.... i had nothing to live for.... i thought....

'your crazy... you should be more carefull.'

'why do you care? you barely even know me.'

'so?it doesnt matter.... now do you mind? your still kinda on top of me.....'

'OH.... s-sorry....' i blushed.i stood up and helped him up.

'thanks....' he looked me in the eye.... i stared at them... those big chocolate brown eyes.....made me wanna melt down...i had this strange tingling feeling inside me that i couldnt figure out..... was it.... nervousness?

'ummm... hello?????' he started waving infront of my face. i snapped out and smiled akwardly.

'k well i have to go.... ' he ran off....leaving me...


when i went back to school i didnt feel so good... my parents didnt want me to go buti went anyway.i met my friends at the gate... well only 5/9.

jessica,sunny,taeyeon,tiffany and yoona. They all looked pretty sad.

'Hey....' sunny said to me....

''we heard the news.. were really sorry...' yoona said. they all crowded around me and hugged me.

'its ok guys...' i sighed... i tried to be strong but i couldnt i broke down again and leaned on tiffanys friends helped me reach the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. jessica came with me as the others waited outside.

'i-i just cant beleive it' i sniffed.

'no yuri its ok your gonna be fine you were way too good for him.'

'no your just saying that because your my friend.... im not pretty at all. im pretty much just a joke.'

'yuri...... look, ill give you some time... ill wait for you outside' she sighed i cleaned myself up an went outside. Then i bumped into some tall guy.

'uhhh oops im so sorry....'

'You again?' a familiar voice asked... it was minho.

'uhhh sorry.'

'you need to be more carefull' he smiled.... when he smiled i felt my heart beating. No yuri dont do this! i cant fall in love with him!. then he walked away. i walked to my friends.

'awww!!!' they all said.' what???!!!!'

'hes totaly crushing on you!'yoona said quietly.

'AHHEEEEMMMM' taeyeon cleared .

'sorry' they all said.

then the bell rang.

'well time for class....' i mumbled. 

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blastoise #1
awesome story
edwined91 #2
LOl thanks for the update . I 1 minyul all the way T.T
Minyul4eva #3
... i had to go all of a sudden.... ill continue tommorow
edwined91 #4
yeah update was so long i had to reread the whole fanfic again lol but anyway thank you ! lovely update keep updating =D
Khunpeeh #5
Thanks for update ^^
edwined91 #6
Woww love love it =D
red-ocean #7
Wow! So sweeeeeeet! Update soon! :D
aaa .. xo sweet !!!!!
Minyul4eva #9
that was a loooonnnnggg chapter!