The Ring from you

The Ring from you

I took out the ring from my right pocket, it's the ring from Daehyun.Many memories of us starting to comeback to my head again. I can't believe after so many months the ring from Daehyun is still with me every single diamond on the ring still remains it's natural shine like a brand new one. " Oh what have I done wrong ?" I mumbled as the flashbacks are back in my head, the flashbacks of Daehyun breaking up with me. Tears started to roll down to my cheeks while my hands are holding the ring in the park, I hear laughter of many kids and I start wiping off my tears and smile like nothing just happened. 

          *Ringtone* I quickly took my phone out to check who called me , it's Beatrice my best friend who cheers me up when im down. " Hello ? " " ____, where are you ?" Beatrice asked me with a worried tone. " I'm at Baekpyo Park " I answered her . " Stay there " she said as she hang up the phone. I was curious so I waited for her as I sat on the bench underneth a sandy tree. I took a glance at the surrounding and saw Daehyun searching for someone, 'I can't believe that's Daehyun. Who is he searching for ? ' I thought myself. I looked at the ground with my head down and a frown look, because the break up flashbacks starts coming back into my head. So I have no choice but to try not to be seen by him.

           Suddenly someone tapped my shoulders from behind ' Oh please don't be Daehyun !' I prayed softly and I turned it's just Beatrice as she tries to catch her breathe . " Did you run here ? " I questioned her with a smile as if I'm joking with her . "Come here " she said and grabed my hand to a place with my other hand trying to keep the ring back into my pocket. 

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