Please Don't Say You Love Me (Seokyu)

Oneshot Series



Summer comes, winter fades

Here we are just the same
We don't need pressure, we don't need change
Let's not give the game away

"Kyuhyun oppa, good morning." Seohyun greeted, bag slung over only one shoulder since she had run to school, thinking that she was late. Of course though, late by Seohyun's standards, which was about 20 minutes early so she had time to prepare for class. The desks were cleaned, though some still had some writing on the surface or pieces of paper inside. The vase of flowers was sitting on the little table, new and fresh compared to the withered ones that were there in Winter. Seohyun's hand was tightly gripped on the sliding door, huffing, expectantly waiting. It was a new year, and she felt no nervousness. There was no pressure, nothing changed at all. Nothing needed to change.

Cho Kyuhyun, who was already in the classroom in front of the whiteboard, marker in his hand and writing up something the teacher had requested him to do, turned to Seohyun. Kyuhyun's appearance was basically the same as the last time he had worn the uniform, except it looked as if his hair had grown just slightly, and that his pants didn't extend all the way to his shoes but were instead just a little above, revealing his socks. There, they stood, staring at each other happily. Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. It was always like this, and neither Kyuhyun nor Seohyun had any problem with it.

"Joohyun, good morning." Kyuhyun spoke, a smile, the one that he reserved only for Seohyun, came out and appeared on his lips. His tone was warm, words soft but genuine, Seohyun was never going to change anything about the way Kyuhyun greeted her every morning. She bowed slightly, a grin on her lips. Kyuhyun saw it, laughing to himself before returning the expression. The game had begun.

There used to be an empty space
A photograph without a face
But with your presence, and your grace
Everything falls into place

Seohyun sat in her room, staring at the assignment sent out in front of her. The questions didn't seem worded to her understanding, and she couldn't figure out what they meant. Of course, it probably made perfect sense to someone else, but Seohyun wasn't able to get her head around the details. She sighed, worded mathematic questions weren't her strong point. Though, Seohyun was somewhat above average when it came to the subject.  She tilted her head and laid on on her hand, eyes on the frame on her desk. Seohyun remembered when she received the picture frame. She was only 12, unsure why it was given to her since there was no purpose for it. Eyes closed as a flashback started, Seohyun remembered the person who gave her the item, quoting 'When you find someone special, you'll need it'. A smile slowly crept to Seohyun's lips. At the moment, Kyuhyun's photograph was there. Just his.

Suddenly, Seohyun heard a sound behind her, the door of her room slowly opening and softly closing. footsteps then came one after another, careful not to make too much noise but not trying to hide its existence. Seohyun didn't bother to turn, simply waiting, not entirely sure of what though. With familiarity, a hand was placed on Seohyun's shoulder, and she really didn't mind.

"Need help?" Asked a voice, obviously Kyuhyun's voice. There was no way that his voice was ever going to be mistaken for someone else's, Seohyun loved it too much. She turned, giving another smile, nodding her head along with Kyuhyun's gaze.

"Yes, please." Seohyun spoke, turning away before her cheeks turned red. Kyuhyun was the perfect piece of the puzzle, someone who had come into her life and someone Seohyun hoped would never leave. Everything was in place.

Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me

'Cause I might not say it back

The crowd cheered loudly as the game was played. Soccer, their school against another, each goal causing more and more competition. Seohyun sat on a little blanket which she had set up earlier with a couple friends, only to have them leave will giving a playful look when Kyuhyun approached. Seohyun pretended not to notice though, she pretended that she was obliviously unaware of it. Perhaps her friends already knew that though, or maybe Seohyun's friends were distraught at her confused expression towards them.

Anyhow, they disappeared into the crowd, Seohyun's quickly turning to Kyuhyun and smiling at him warmly. Honestly, Kyuhyun was meant to be there. He was meant to be on the field, scoring the winning goal and being treated like a hero. Kyuhyun used to hang out with the soccer club, he used to be one of the people who would run onto the field and give it their all. Kyuhyun stopped though, after an accident which led him to the hospital, he wasn't able to do the things he used to love. Kyuhyun didn't play soccer anymore, and he didn't participate in many sports either. There were those occasions where Kyuhyun would take part, but that had become a rarity. 

Seohyun shook her head as Kyuhyun took a seat beside her, not bothering to greet the younger. They had acknowledged each other's existence, and they didn't really want to talk at that moment. For the maknaes, being together in silence, was just as nice as telling each other the amusing, day to day situations they had experienced since waking up.

Through the united silence, and away from the loud cheering of the students from each respective school after a goal was scored, Kyuhyun spoke softly, "I think the game's going very well."

Seohyun turned, giving a questioning look. She wasn't sure whether Kyuhyun was talking about the soccer game, as their school was winning, or the game that the two of them played without words. Not even speaking about the topic, Kyuhyun and Seohyun agreed silently, it wasn't time. Not yet. Whether it was because mentally, neither was ready, or whether it was because they felt it was wrong, nobody really knew. And honestly, perhaps the maknaes didn't know either. Maybe it was because the two were incredible teases who yet to commit, maybe it was because they didn't want to be tied down by anything as they still had so many opportunites ahead of them, or maybe it was simple because they were afraid of what may have happened.

Either way, Seohyun nodded with a little smile on her lips, "Me too."

Heavy words are hard to take
Under pressure precious things can break
How we feel is hard to fake
So let's not give the game away

"Hey, aren't you guys dating?" Asked a student suddenly, a student that neither Kyuhyun nor Seohyun knew. They were simply talking at their desks as usual, Seohyun's chair turned back towards where Kyuhyun was, she sat directly in front of him during class. With her hair hanging freely, Kyuhyun was just in the process of brushing the loose hair out of her eyes before the student came up to them.

There was a silence in the room, the students strangely going quiet. Honestly, none of the students had expected someone to ask the question so suddenly. They all knew, since Kyuhyun and Seohyun had both entered the school together, their relationship wasn't clear. At first, there was that suspicion, everyone believing that the two were dating behind everybody's back. Though, it really didn't seem to be the case when observing the two secretly.

"What?" Seohyun and Kyuhyun asked in union, looking as if they were shocked at the suggestion. Nobody knew though that their tongues were going dry at the mentioning of it. The student simply stared back, still suspicious.

"The way you look at each other, are you guys in love or what?" The student asked once again, the maknaes turned to each other and gazed silently. It were as if they were questioning each other, unsure of what their current status was. Slowly though, Kyuhyun looked up, eyeing the student just slightly in a somewhat hesitant manner.

"...No, you're seeing things. We aren't in that type of relationship." Kyuhyun stated, causing no surprise at all. If anybody asked, he and Seohyun always reject the thought. 

They'd hold hands sometimes, but never kissed. Or, well, not on the lips. As Kyuhyun's sister studied abroad, she had picked up the mannerisms of a foreigner, and it seemed that Kyuhyun was influenced by this as well. At least, that's what he said whenever he gave Seohyun a kiss on the cheek . The two would hug each other tightly on a day to day basis, but never touched each other more intimately than that. There were a couple occasions where the maknaes would fall asleep in each other's arms as well, and even the teacher wouldn't dare to wake them so they'd simply mark that the students were present on the roll. It was too sweet to disturb, but so confusing that no one dared to question it.

Only one thing was clear about their relationship, and it was that Seohyun and Kyuhyun were exclusive to each other.

Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back

The Sun had just begun to sink back into its slumber, the sky a pretty array of colours. It was a dark blue, then mixing into the reddish, pink, orange colours which were closer to the blinding shape of the Sun. Kyuhyun walked, Seohyun's hand interlacing her fingers into his. A gentle breeze embraced the two, chilling their bodies gently.

"Today was fun, really fun." Seohyun spoke with a smile, tiny bag hung slung over her shoulder. It was a light blue colour, with a flower on the side. While picking her outfit this morning for their trip with friends, Kyuhyun dropped by to pick her up, casually mentioning that he thought it looked nice. Though Seohyun was actually planning to take a little backpack rather than a handbag, something told her to go for the other option. 

Seohyun turned slightly, a smile slowly crawling to her lips. Kyuhyun was holding her things, they had gone to the market area. As there were so many interesting, little knickknacks to be bought, and for some reason that day, Seohyun couldn't have helped herself but to buy a few of the trinkets being sold. Kyuhyun had insisted on carrying her items ever since she had bought them, despite it being a light load. Seohyun felt Kyuhyun's hand tighten slightly, reaching the street where she lived. He had walked her home.

Kyuhyun stared into the distance, giving a nod at Seohyun's statement with a smile. Though, Seohyun quickly realised that Kyuhyun's mind was somewhere else, replying shortly. "I bet it was."

And fools rush in
And I've been the fool before
This time I'm gonna slow down
'Cause I think this could be more
The thing I'm looking for

Seohyun had never been in love, but there was a moment when there was a boy she was quite fond of. They rushed in, not knowing it was curiosity and stupidity rather than love. They had thought that it was something special, something one of a kind. Neither realised that what they had, the close connection, was just the affection which anyone could have had for other people. Perhaps it was like the same affection a person had for pets and such. Luckily, Seohyun realised something was wrong after he had kissed her, or at least, when he tried to. Seohyun remembered feeling anxiety when he leaned in, and she quickly backed away. It didn't feel right. They were lucky, they hadn't done anything too stupid with their misunderstood emotions. Seohyun had seen other people who had rushed in, but taken the full journey, regretting everything.

She hummed softly, turning while on her back on the green grass. Kyuhyun. A large tree shaded them, and Seohyun remembered what he had told her about it. The tree was planted when his sister was born, as she was the first child and his parents wanted to mark it. When Kyuhyun was born, the tree had grown, but was still considered a sapling. So, their parents had planted another tree at the exact same spot. According to the facts, the trees were meant to have grown large and smashed against each other, destroying the sides toughing and possibly becoming such a burden that the only choice was to cut them down. As the seed were planted less than a centimeter away from each other, the roots of the tree were to have knotted into each other and tangled, thus, becoming trouble. But no, it didn't happen. Instead, the two trees formed structures, perfectly fitted to one another and depending on each other.

A light smile formed on Seohyun's lips, staring at Kyuhyun's face. Had he fallen asleep? Seohyun's eyes gazed, noticing his chest fall up and down with his breathing. Nothing had ever been so perfect for her. Seohyun wondered what emotions she had for Kyuhyun, and she wondered how they differed from that other boy when she was younger. A little part of Seohyun was scared, afraid that everything she had with Kyuhyun was going to break down once 'love' was introduced. But perhaps it was already there.  There was the fact that Seohyun wanted, no matter how wrong it seemed, for Kyuhyun's lips to be pressed against hers.

Seohyun continued  to stare, unsure of anything really. Suddenly though, she saw Kyuhyun turn onto his back, face shaded by the tree. Seohyun's eyes widened,  realising that he had been awake all along.

"You're thinking too much.", Kyuhyun whispered silently, not really wanting to use his vocal chords. Seohyun remained silent, turning onto her back also, closing her eyes. Perhaps going slow was alright, and perhaps everything she wanted and needed was right there with her.

Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back

"Stop looking at me like that." Seohyun muttered, sipping water from her glass cup. Kyuhyun, clad in a tuxedo, raised a brow. Seohyun stared down, her white dress almost stained by the spaghetti she had even before. It flowed gently to the floor, white high heels with a couple sequins there complimenting her outfit; not to mention the jacket Kyuhyun had given her after noticing her shiver from the weather hanging over her back.

Kyuhyun stared at her playfully, mischievously in fact, knowing exactly what he was doing. While their families were speaking of some topic to past the time and wait for the dessert to come, Kyuhyun amused himself by annoying Seohyun without the use of formal speech. Seohyun sighed, who on Earth seated him next to her? Though, she didn't say it out loud, since she and Kyuhyun always sat next to each other during some of their strange 'family friend' outings. Kyuhyun grinned, poking his tongue out slightly,  "Why?"

"Because it's distracting!" Seohyun exclaimed with clear annoyance, causing a satisfied smirk to appear on Kyuhyun's lips. Slowly though, it faded into a somewhat sympathetic smile, a silent apology which asked for forgiveness. Seohyun rolled her eyes, hand reaching out silently and interlacing her bare hands with Kyuhyun's. Seohyun noticed her mother staring with a somewhat adoring smile but quickly looked away, as well as whispering something to Kyuhyun's mother, a little glance then laugh let out. Whether or not they knew the two were holding hands under the table was unknown, and whether or not the laughter was because of their teasing actions was a mystery.

It was concluded though, neither Kyuhyun nor Seohyun really minded.

Please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me

'Cause I might not say it back

Kyuhyun and Seohyun sat side by side, watching the television screen as the images appeared one after another. Soon though, the actualy scenes appeared. A short story which Seohyun had insisted they watch. Although Kyuhyun would have preferred playing games on his laptop, or watching a movie which involved more action and humour, he still sat down beside Seohyun and waited for the movie to finish. Seohyun's eyes were so hopeful, Kyuhyun simply agreed as had his eyes glazed over the screen. 

Seohyun continued to watch the television, staring with her eyes wide open. Kyuhyun wasn't exactly sure what was so interesting about a sappy, cheesy and totally cliche love story which had been filmed over many times. Though, as Seohyun looked so caught up in the story, he decided just to stay quiet. Some scenes were somewhat awkward, as it seemed that Seohyun's hands were nervously grasping onto the skin of the sofa. Kyuhyun's smile appeared without her knowing, stifling a quiet laugh. Seohyun was, despite how well he knew her, a girl of little words. And honestly, Kyuhyun liked that fact. It wasn't because he disliked women who spoke or anything, but Seohyun had never been one of many words, so Kyuhyun had jsut grown used to it over time.

Shortly, the movie finished. Seohyun let out a sigh as she laid her back on the sofa, a soft smile on her lips. Kyuhyun simply watched the reaction, wondering whether or not she had felt fully satisfied with the bittersweet ending of the film.

"Did you like it?" Kyuhyun asked simply, honestly not remembering the full storyline. Seohyun turned to him, giving another little smile before nodding her head.

"I loved it." Seohyun murmured, causing Kyuhyun's eyes to widen. Seohyun had never used the word 'love' to describe how much she liked something. Sweet potato was something she liked, as was kekoro. Even when it came to family, Seohyun hardly ever admitted she loved them. Kyuhyun stayed silent, simply staring back to the black screen with a nod. Perhaps it was about time.

Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back

Seohyun wasn't sure what was going on that day, and she wasn't sure how she ended up alone with Kyuhyun at night through the streets. The two of them were like little children. They had explored for the whole day, taking the bus to all sorts of locations within their grasp. They had spent the day just by themselves, so innocently, so sweetly. Seohyun thought it was going to be the same as all the days before, but it wasn't.

"I love you." Kyuhyun spoke suddenly, the moonlight shining over them, along with the little nightstand which sold snacks usually eaten during darker hours. Seohyun turned to him, eyes widened. All they had done was tease and tempt, was it really a good idea to bring 'love' into the picture now? Seohyun had been so nervous when it came down it love, afraid of pretty much everything related to such an emotion. She had seen so many of her friends hurt by 'love', and Seohyun didn't want to be a victim. She didn't want to end up like all of her friends who had been through the hardship of falling.

Seohyun faded into silence, crickets or cicadas silently chirping away in the background. She honestly wasn't sure what to do. Seohyun could feel Kyuhyun's gaze, so warm and loving, but it scared her. Honestly, Seohyun felt that if she took a step closer, Kyuhyun was going to take a couple steps back. Her breathing hitched, "I..."

"game over." Kyuhyun stated, but sounding more lively than before. Seohyun looked up, giving a somewhat confused expression before seeing it. Kyuhyun stared at her gently, lightly, before a smile crawled to his lips. A sweet smile, the one who reserved for only her to see, the one which made her cheeks turn three different shades of red.

Seohyun's eyes looked around nervously, before spotting Kyuhyun's hand which was extended out towards her. Seohyun looked back up to Kyuhyun, then seeing his eyes which were lit up so brightly. It made Seohyun feel safe. Silently, Seohyun thought, everything mixed up in her head. She thought and thought, until her eyes widened once again. Through the puddle of water on the ground, which was probably created from a drink bottle due to the weather, Seohyun saw her own reflection. She hadn't realised she was smiling. Seohyun then realised that the butterflies in her stomach felt good, it made her feel unbelievably happy. 

Slowly, Seohyun reached her hand out to Kyuhyun, and the moment she took a hold of it, he pulled her in. Seohyun's eyes widened in shock, but smiled sweetly as she began to laugh.

"Checkmate, I love you too."


It's only the third term... why does there have to be so much homework? >< Did you enjoy the story?~ ^^

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Cuatas4ever #1
Chapter 26: Hopefully you continue this oneshot series and by that I mean more Seokyu oneshots :)
tsukuyomi-sakurachi #2
Chapter 14: I would really love to read more of seokyu stories here~ XD X3
Chapter 17: More Kyurin. Sad this is the only Kyurin. I'm inspired
Maggielam #4
Chapter 26: I really like boa and kyuhyun's story, please continue :)
Chapter 15: More kyusica pls! They are just perfect!
Chapter 19: please another one shot of kyutoria jeje
hungt12 #7
Chapter 26: Amazing, all of your stories are indescribably good
milkyberry #8
Chapter 25: as expected , its beautifully written.
I can feel the feelings.