'Till Then...

'Till Then...


It’s given that humans feel, humans love thus humans… hurt. Then move on and feel something again. It’s a cycle simply undeniable, simply indispensable.


But Yuri begged to differ. No. She will not be hurt. Again… Never again.


But she wanted to be loved. She wanted to feel special.


Isn’t that unfair? She asks herself. Is protecting yourself unfair? She socratically answered.



“…so I went out, 5 minutes left and BOOOM! Goal for the win! It’s a shame you can’t…” he trailed. His grin falling to a frown.

“Hey. You alright, babe?” he touched her cheek, stared at her zoning eyes.

‘She’s doing it again.’



Wide warm eyes. She found it searching for hers.

“Wha… Huh? Y-yeah! I’m fine. Just… headache” Lie. Another lie. How long had she been doing that to Minho? Minho who gave her nothing but sweet words, light kisses and warm hugs.


“Are you sure? Drink your tea. Maybe that’ll help. We’ll head home afterwards.”




She’s sure she loves him. Yes, she do but nothing more. She can’t give more than he can. Yuri couldn’t just take another pain. But what is this? Should she supposed to feel guilt? Is she taking him for granted?


Five years had passed since they first knew each other. No “hi”, no “hello”. Just friendly bows.


Four years since they grew closer.


Three since he fell in love with her.


Two since she grew fond of him and his lovely deeds.


Two months, now they’re unconsciously falling apart. Well, she can feel it and she knows she’s drifting faster.


They’ve got nothing new to talk about, nothing new to share.


Nothing new for her.


It’s probably her fault, she assumed. She’s bounded by the strings of the past and by the ‘lessons’ she thought she’d learned.


“We’re here.” Deep husky voice resonated through her ever wandering mind.


Oh yes, they’re here. Her apartment building staring down at them. Lone streetlamp the only thing providing light.


Yuri started unbuckling her seat belt and reached for the door handle, but stopped when she felt warm hand, familiar warm hand that never been scarce of warmth, in her arm.

‘It’s time…’


“Minho, I’m sorry.” She might have tried to not let her voice wobble that it sounded bleak.


“Just tell me you loved me too. I’m willing to let go.” He too must have felt that this is inevitably nigh. That this is not working, although he wanted it to.


“Yes. I did. I still do.” She solemnly said. Eyes b with tears looked at him and he understood.


“Hush, babe.” He thumbed the sole tear that fell from her left eye. They said tears from the left eye represent pain. “As hard as I wanted to take away those pains in your eyes, I know I can’t. I can only try. Only when you realize that happiness and pain is two sides of the same coin, that you can take the gamble and toss it freely in the air. And when you finally do, you know where to find me.”


He smiled softly. That smile, she certainly won’t forget. She nodded weakly.






“’Till then, then…”




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YuRiHolics #1
Chapter 1: Awwwww... Its quite short but errmm saaadd ..
Chapter 1: Omg awesome <3 I love deep words~

Yuri loves Minho, but she needed space coz she's confused about her feelings, right? And Minho, he loves Yuri so much that he's willing to sacrifice and wait till she's ready. He's the man who can't be moved. He'll always be at the place where Yuri can go back to his arms again.