That Should Be Me

The Woman Beside Him


One by one, the guests filled the waiting room. Everybody looked so dashing in their colourful suits and dresses. A bright smile lit each and everyone of their faces as they bombarded me with greetings and congratulations. I recognized most of their faces. Some were relatives from our parents’ side and some were my friends. A couple of my friends bumped me on the shoulder as they gave me a teasing grin. I softly laughed it off, saying that they shouldn’t say their congratulations to just me.

“Why bother? You guys are going to be a family anyway!” A woman in her late thirties exclaimed happily. She shook me by the hand and began to ask me questions about the wedding. I thought that she seemed pretty familiar but I couldn’t remember where I have seen her. My mom’s friend? My dad’s? I racked my brain, trying to find any sign of recognition but to no avail.  

The guests soon left the room as quickly as they came, probably trying to find their seats in the wedding hall. I heaved a sigh of relief as they left. I was never that good in talking. I always treated people awkwardly so I was glad that they had gone.

Seeing that no one was around, I quickly went to the mirror to do my make-up. My sister, Suzy, had long gone to get herself ready. Not that I mind though. She need to look pretty today because she played an important role in the wedding.

I started off by putting some foundation on my face. It took me a while to get everything finished because I was never the one for make-ups. Suzy always did everything for me. Now that I mentioned it, I had always envy her. A lot, really. She was always so bright and dazzling. While me, on the other hand……

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Memories from the past began to fill my mind.

“This is so not me.“ I mumbled.

Yes. As another teenage girl, I used to like dressing up and make over a lot. But, Daehyun never liked it.

“You are fine the way you are. I like the natural you the best.“ That’s what he told me when I was 15.

Now, the one standing here now, was the 20 years old me. 5 years had passed but my feelings were still the same. It had never changed. I had always loved him. Ever since I could remember.

I opened the closet and get my dress out. It was a pretty, simple white dress made in silk.  Small beads decorated the dress in a floral patterns, just the way I liked it. I put it on and twirled in front of the mirror.

“Sweet. I really look like a bride now.” I chuckled at the thought. A bride, huh?

I curled up my hairs in pretty, soft curls. I grabbed the flower crown and put it on top of my head. Just then, soft knocks could be heard on the other side of the door. “Come in.“ I said, not bother to check who that might be.

The door opened revealing Suzy in her super gorgeous white dress. She looked stunning. “It’s time!“ She announced with a bright smile. She looked happy. Very happy I might add.

I nodded my head in understanding, grabbed my bouquet of roses and quickly left with her. We soon arrived at the wedding hall. Suzy went to our father and linked her arm with his. I gave my father a smile before leaving to find my place between the ring bearer and the flower girls. The girls were very adorable. Most of them were our little cousins. I thought that they looked like a sunflower in their yellow and white dresses. Very adorable indeed.

The song ‘here comes the bride’ began to play as the door being opened. I took a deep breath and began to walk through the door. I spotted Daehyun at the end of the aisle. He looked very handsome in his wedding suit. I searched his face and saw no sign of nervous-ness. That’s my Daehyun. The one that was always so gentle and calm.

I gave him a teasing smile, as if to say oh-look-you’re-getting-married. He chuckled and sent me a smile back. How I wish…. That he was mine.

I soon reached the end of the aisle. I gave Daehyun one last, long look and step aside. I had to hurry and get away from here. Before I burst into tears.

I found my mom and went to sit next to her. I looked over and saw Suzy, walking with my dad in her to-die-for wedding dress. They soon reached the end of the aisle and my dad gave Suzy’s hand to Daehyun. I saw tears threatening to fall from his eyes, probably feeling sad to send her away since Suzy was everybody’s sunshine. She was mine too.

My dad soon found us and came to sit next to me. We didn’t talk, just smiled at each other. Probably that’s the best because if we started to talk, we might both get drowned in our tears.

“ I now pronounce you two husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. “

The last sentence from the priest literally kill me off. It broke my heart into millions, small pieces. But I swore that I was not going to cry. I would never cry. Not ever.

The wedding continued. I saw Daehyun and Suzy danced together. I saw them ate the cake. I saw them greeted the guest and I even saw them kiss.

And right then, I knew that I was at my limit. So I excused myself and hurried away. I returned to the waiting room, locked the door and cried. I didn't care what people might thought if they heard me. I didn't give a bite. I was going to stay there and cried like there’s no tomorrow.

Cursing myself, I cried my heart out. If only I was a tiny bit earlier. If only I was brave enough to say it.

But I didn’t. I didn’t say it. I couldn’t say it. Everything was too late. I could never turn back the time. Reality….. Is just too cruel.


( 2 years ago )

“ Daehyun… Listen. I’ve got something to tell you. Actually I- “

“ She agree! Omg! She agree!” He cut me off.

“ Excuse me? “ I chocked on my saliva. Somehow, deep inside, I felt that something was going to go wrong.

“ Your sister! Suzy! She agree to be my girlfriend! “


He was not mine. He never was. And now, he’s going to be hers. Forever. Nothing I did would change that cause it was too late. The woman beside him now…. Was not me. 


Edit : Hello! :D Thanks for the comments, people! :) I honestly didn't expect people to actually noticed this! xD Hahah. 

Oh, and!

Somebody did a review for me.
( So, I wanna say thanks to her/him for spending times to help me improving! ;) Thank you! :D 

She/he did told me that there are spelling mistakes. But, I don't know which one, so if you notice any, please forgive me! >.<

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Chapter 1: ahh so sad..but somehow i love it..daehyun with suzy..
Chapter 1: ohh i love this OoO!! daezy!! FTW
Chapter 1: Omg! Daebak! I thought the main character is suzy but no. But i like this story. Please make more bap suzy fanfics in the future. I really love suzy with bap. But if u can, please make suzy and yongguk together. Hee. Fighting!
Chapter 1: Owww this is really sad x) I'm crying x). I like your OS ^^
Chapter 1: Ahh! *cry, cry* What a sad ending!! >o<