The Confession

It's U Who I Love!
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Today is the day. The engagement of Luhan and Yoona. Ahhh..I know I shouldn’t sigh but..I feel so burden. Yoona gonna be Luhan fiancee and I can’t secretly like someone fiancee anymore. I should forget about him. Yes! I should forget him from now and be happy for them.

“Ahhh...”I sighed again.

“Seohyun, why u sighed? Is it anything wrong?”ask Yoona. I straighted my head and look at her.

“Oh, Yoona..ani..”I said and look at her. She’s already on her dress and looks so beautiful. I smile.

“Wae u looking me like that? Is anything wrong on my dress?”said Yoona innocently. I chuckle.

“Keke..Ani..u look so beautiful Yoona. I’m so glad to have a such beautiful, pretty, gorgeous friend like u..”I said while start walking to her and hold her both shoulders. She’s blushing.

“Kekeke! I know..”She said. “Me too Seohyu ah..I’m glad to have a such a good friend like u..”continue her and we hug each other.

Tok tok! Someone was knocking the door. “Yoona’s a time..”Said her maid.

“Oh, dae..”said Yoona and loose our hug. “Ahhh..I’m so nervous even it’s not my wedding yet..eerghh!”Said her and grab my hand. I smile.

“, kaja..”I said and drag her outside.


I was sitting on the white chair with Kris. I looking at the couple who was sitting beside each other. I smiled bitterly. I look down then accidently I look at Kris. He was looking at me too. Then, quickly I run my eyes from him. Why he looking at me like that? Is he look at me for along time? Wae? Hmm..whatever...then, Yoona father, Mr Im start to give a speech.

“Ur..beautiful..”I think I heard Kris was say something to me but it was not clear becuz it’s so loud with people laughing, clap hands.. I can’t hear it clear. I looking at Kris.

“Borago?”I ask him. He shook his head and smiled. What is wrong with him? I frown and look back in front. It’s time for them to exchange the rings. Suddenly, my heart beat so fast. Ahhh...easy Seohyun ahh easy..finally, the rings was safe in their fingers. I sighed. It’s time for me to say goodbye for u Luhan..I have to forget u..ur my bestfriend fiancee now..aihhh...


Kris Pov

I know I was too obvious by looking at her. I can’t take my eyes of her. She’s like an angel when first she entering the main door and that time I keep looking at her. even, I got caught by her but I don’t know I still want to look at her and it’s more get excited when we looking at each other. Then automaticaly, my mouth saying that word. Ahhh..when she ask me  waht I’m saying I just smile like idiot  person and shook my head. Ur pabo Kris!

I know she’s not happy with this engagement. I know she likes Luhan and it make me jealous a bit..a bit? Yeah...a bit..

But, I’m happy with this engagement. Why? Becuz, Luhan already be Yoona fiancee and she can’t like Luhan anymore. I talk rubbish? I think I can’t runaway anymore about this feelings...


“Congratulations my friend!” said Kris and hug Luhan. I look at them and smile bitterly.

“Yahh Seohyun! Don’t u want to congrats us?” I startled and look at Yoona.

“Dae? Oh..hmm..Congratulations my friends..”I said.

“Thanks..”said Luhan while wrapping his hands around Yoona shoulder. I jealous!

“Emm..Yoona, Luhan..I think I have to go now..My mom asking me to help her with some works..”I lied. Actually, I want to go home quickly becuz my feet can’t stand any longer here. It’s feels so burden.

“Jinjjayo? ahh..I was about to ask u to join the party..”say Yoona frustrated.

“I’m sorry Yoona..I can’t..”I said. I feel sorry for her but I can’t put my poker face anymore here..

“’s ok..but promise me tomorrow lets have party just four us ok?” said Yoona.

“Er..dae..”I said. “Emm..I go now..bye Yoona, bye Luhan..”I said and hug Yoona and smile at Luhan. He smile back.

“I’ll go with u..”suddenly Kris said. I look at him.

“Dae?” I said.

“I said I’m go with u..”said Kris again. I lift my brows.

“But..”suddenly, I feel my hands was being grab and pull by him.

“I’ll go now..Bye Yoona, Luhan..congrats!”Kris said and pull me away. I look at them and I see they smiling widely. Boya? Why are they smiling?

Now, I had been drag to outside at parking lots.

“Get in..”said Kris and start open the door for me. I look at him.

“But Kris I can walk by myself...”

“U think I will allowed u to go home alone this night with this dress..look at u..”said Kris and raise his voice. I was shocked. I look at myself. What’s wrong with my dress? I look at him back.

“Ahh..foget it..get in now!”he said but I still don’t move. “Haishh...I said get in!”he start to yell. Arghhh! I really hate when he start yelling. It’s so scared. So, I quickly get inside the car.

Then, he start the engine and drove away. I just keep silent in the car and look outside.


He stop the car. I look at outside. Wait, this is not my’s a playground. Why he taking me here? What he wanna do to me? Oh my god! I take a look at him.

“Kris..this is not my house...”I said and he smirks. He smirks? Then, slowly he turn his body to me and move closer. Wait! What is he doing? Oh no! He wanna me again? Oh god! Safe me!

Then, slowly his hands wrapping on my my waist and his face too close to me. I closed my eyes. Wait! Why I closed my eyes? U must be crazy Seohyun ahhh! I can feel his breath on my face now. Ottokeh!!

“Ahahahaha!”I open my eyes widely. He laughing? (#*)#&!*&0$)&!

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 8: This story is so wonderful!!!
iryani #2
can you make a sequel pliss???
pretty plis??(make a cute face)tehee;)
Chapter 8: I really like ur fic, and want to translate it into vietnamese, of cz I need ur permission :) can I...
Chapter 8: i like the way kris kissed seohyun and said that he love her hahahah
nice ending i though u will make a sequel hmm
Chapter 8: Awwwww Yeppota I really love this story :D Hwaiting!!! You should make a other story with there future Married etc XD
Chapter 7: Kris started realizing his feeling? :D
Court her ASAP, Kris ;)

Seohyun, hope you fall in love with Kris soon too :)
Congratulation for Luhan and Yoona.
iryani #7
im sooo loving this!!!!!!!!haha
update asap!
Chapter 7: seohyun just realized it that uve alr fall in love with kris hahahaha
Chapter 7: OOOHHH Kris feeling are slowly changing