Santa Baby

Super Junior Christmas one-shots


Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree for me

I've been an awful good girl

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Nari smiled as she pranced around her livingroom fixing it up and decorating as she waited for her lover Shindong to come home.

Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue

Well, I'll wait up for you dear

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Her outfit of choice was a short red and white Christmas dress she had bought for an office party, but today would be used for her date with her boyfriend. His schedules with Super Junior had run long tonight but she didn’t mind she could wait forever for him.

Think of all the fun I've missed

Think of all the boys I haven't kissed

Next year I could be just as good

If you'll check up my Christmas list

She examined herself in one of the ornaments before studying the gifts around the base of the tree. Her smile widened as she thought of the smiles on Shindong and his friends faces. All the things she could ask for and get Shindong would get her, but she only wanted one thing.

Santa baby, I wanna yacht and really that's not a lot

I've been an angel all year

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa honey, there's one more thing I really do need

The deed to a platinum mine

Santa honey, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

She examined the clock getting anxious for her lovers arrival. She wanted everything perfect for him. Any stress he felt, she wanted him to lose as he ate dinner and calmed down. That was her way of showing she cared and knew about how hard it could be for him. He stressed enough, it was up to her to unwind him.

Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tiffany's

I really do believe in you

Let's see if you believe in me

Her heart beat faster as she heard keys jingle outside her door. She rushed to open it before he could. Her smile only widened when he kissed her lips. She always felt on top of the world when he pampered her after work. He pulled her inside the house and towards the kitchen where the smell of dinner filled the room. They ate with laughter and joy, the night going just as Nari had planned. It wasn’t until after dinner, when they were seated by the lit tree that Shindong began acting strange. His hands were clammy and he sweated more. He seemed anxious and whenever Nari asked about it, he would just laugh it off. It wasn’t until she stood and clasped her hands on her hips that Shindong kissed her and showed her the box asking for her hand in marriage. Nari blinked as he opened the box to reveal a ring. Her heart soared and tears filled her eyes as she grasped his neck in a hug. Shindong really was her Santa.

Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring

And I don't mean on the phone

Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight


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SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #1
Chapter 11: Awww sad last chapter. Poor Heechul....Cinderella didn't get his Hannie.
I loved the other chapters good job
Chapter 11: WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! IT`S TRAGEDY! *cries* Anyways I love the story~ :))))) It's DAEBAK. :D I love all your one-shots! :D Daebak!
evangeline101 #3
turtlepanda22 #4
Chapter 11: TT.TT omo im cryin that was soo sad HANCHUL TTWTT cant ...stop...cryin...this was like the best acutally i cant say that all of the chaps were awesome XDDD but i have to say i think this made me cry the most poor hannie nd poor chullie THEY MUST REUNITE!
evangeline101 #5
Chapter 10: Cute....kyumin is so sweet here^^
turtlepanda22 #6
Chapter 10: awww that was soo fluffy XD let it snow is like one of my fav songs >< kyumin is so adorable with the popcorn and everything XD
evangeline101 #7
turtlepanda22 #8
Chapter 9: awww really sweet >< perfect song for the perfect shisus couple XD
LittleMissMoony #9
Chapter 6: Crazy mimi. Just...lunatic.
Chapter 8: Awwww,
That was so sweet!!!