Let it snow

Super Junior Christmas one-shots


Let it snow, let it snow, let it show.

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

And since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Sungmin huddled in his blankets by the fire debating getting some hot chocolate or something. The snow outside was falling fast making the outside world impossible to go near, not that he wanted too. Suddenly a figure pushed him to the side before pulling the blanket to cover them as well. Sungmin pouted as Kyuhyun sat beside him holding freshly made popcorn.

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned way down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Sungmin and he ate the small treat together, enjoying the silence they rarely got. It was times like this that made Sungmin remember why he loved the makanae even though he had been one of the few members to hate the boy at first. it showed just how much hate could turn to love.

When we finally kiss goodnight

How I hate going out in the storm

But if you really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

Their popcorn had soon vanished and their lips had now formed together making a new hunger for eachother. He wanted to feel Kyuhyun as he hugged him close not wanting him to leave his side. The night to cold outside to even think of being alone.

The fire is slowly dying

And my dear we're still goodbye-ing

But as long as you love me so

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Kyuhyun chuckled at his hyung’s actions as he held him closer to his body keeping their body heat together. Neither man wanted to leave the other. This was how it always was when it snowed. They would lie together unable to move from the other as snow fell outside. A small game they played and equally lost at.

When we finally kiss goodnight

How I hate going out in the storm

But if you really hold me tight

All the way home I'll be warm

It was Sungmin that broke this time as he stood up and allowed the blanket to cover his young lover. The bedroom was so close and yet so far to them. They both knew they had to go to bed, but they couldn’t go alone. They shared the same room and yet the small amount of time they would not be touching scared them. Kyuhyun finally stood up as well wrapping the blanket around his smaller lover and the two waddled together to the one bed that mattered. Sungmin’s.

The fire is slowly dying

And my dear we're still goodbye-ing

But as long as you love me so

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

As long you love me so

Let it snow, Let it Snow, Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow


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SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #1
Chapter 11: Awww sad last chapter. Poor Heechul....Cinderella didn't get his Hannie.
I loved the other chapters good job
Chapter 11: WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! IT`S TRAGEDY! *cries* Anyways I love the story~ :))))) It's DAEBAK. :D I love all your one-shots! :D Daebak!
evangeline101 #3
turtlepanda22 #4
Chapter 11: TT.TT omo im cryin that was soo sad HANCHUL TTWTT cant ...stop...cryin...this was like the best acutally i cant say that all of the chaps were awesome XDDD but i have to say i think this made me cry the most poor hannie nd poor chullie THEY MUST REUNITE!
evangeline101 #5
Chapter 10: Cute....kyumin is so sweet here^^
turtlepanda22 #6
Chapter 10: awww that was soo fluffy XD let it snow is like one of my fav songs >< kyumin is so adorable with the popcorn and everything XD
evangeline101 #7
turtlepanda22 #8
Chapter 9: awww really sweet >< perfect song for the perfect shisus couple XD
LittleMissMoony #9
Chapter 6: Crazy mimi. Just...lunatic.
Chapter 8: Awwww,
That was so sweet!!!