w e d d i n g d a y.

A Ghost Can Whisper



I stared in his eyes, coldly. Today was my stupid wedding day.  My two best friends, Yoona and Tiffany, helped me get into my wedding dress. It was a tight fit, of course the husband got to choose.  I’ve never wore a longer dress in my freaking life. Aigoo.  

“You look beautiful,” Tiffany replied. I faked a smile. They know how much I hate him, even my parents know. But, No! I still had to marry that person.

“Yuri, honey, it’s time to go,” My mom said, while arranging my veil.

I quickly sighed and got a move on. The order simply went like this. Bridesmaid, Bridesmaid, flower girl, and ringboy. Then it was my turn. I linked arms with my father. He gently smiled at me. “Make me proud,” he whispered. The bride music-thingy played and I walked down the aisle. Everyone’s eyes were on me, me. I hated to be the center of attention. The aisle stopped, I quickly kissed my father on the check and went near my idiotic future husband. I slowly took hands with him. The obnoxious idiot, Kim Jaejoong.

“We’re here, now, in the wedding of Kwon Yuri and Kim Jaejoong… Do you Kim Jaejoong take Kwon Yuri as your wife?”

“Yes” He said coldly.

“Do you Kwon Yuri take Kim Jaejoong as your husband?”

“I-i-I don’t” I replied.

The priest slowly chuckled, “I know pronounce you husband and wife.” What the! I clearly said “NO!” The priest continued saying, “You may know kiss the bride!” I looked in horror. That weird faced monster stared blankly at me.

“I said you may now kiss the bride!” The priest loudly yelled.

The beast slowly leaned forward and I fastly leaned back. But, then Yoona pushed my back, pushing my lips against his. I widened my eyes in disbelief and pushed him away. He seemed to enjoy it? Well, good for him. I didn’t! My older brother, Yunho, loudly clapped his hands. I shot him a glare. Ugh, how could this officially get worse?!



This is a happy/sad sorry, by the way! Oh! And, the main plot would happened in chapter 5-ish~

Short chapter!

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Chapter 1: love jaeri! <3
Chapter 2: whoa, that cousin! totally ruining her marriage life. btw, update please? XDD
update pls T^T
update pleas :). eventhough it's just 2 chapter, i already love the story. it's unique idea. i never found a story that have theme like these :)
update please :)
JaeRi125 #6
update plllzzzzz
... Sounds cool. Love it. :) Update soon~~~~
update please.....jaeri...FTW
XiaoLongBao #9
Omo! Sounds so interesting! Update soon! :D
OurUniqueBlackPearl #10
i'm a HUGE jaeri fan. :D<br />
update soon! :)