
Secret Admirer


my name is Shoo, I'm 16 and I'm sort of a love adviser, err.. Actually I'm not that expert in love, I only had boyfriend, but once, when I was 14, I'm still naïve, we broke up when we realized that our relationship was nothing, it's only chit-chat, laugh, sharing, nothing special, well, he's the one who broke up with me, and I'd agreed that, because I'm not the type of girl-who-want-more boyfriend, so I let him go. Last time I heard about him, was a week after breaking up with me, guess what, he confessed to my closest friend, Tria, on the parking lot, well, soo many people saw him confessing. Well, I was jealous, he wasn't that romantic with me, he just like a friend for me with status, since that time I realized that every girls want a romantic boy, but I insist. I don't want to mention his name, he was jerk, okay, every romantic boy is jerk for me. My first love was lame, isn't?

So getting back to my story, every week, few of friends would come to my desk, put letter with their phone number on it, or they texted me, and always ask, how to confess, break up, what to do?, should I accept him? Just like that. They didn't pay me, but every valentine and white day, they will filled my locker chocolate, cookies, teddy bear just their gratitude for their love doctor. But this white day was pretty weird for me, there was a bouquet of roses, and it's red, which means 90% love affection, everyday the number of roses will be added 1, perday. On white day, this person gave me 5, and today was March 27th, so today is bouquet of 14 roses.

Each day, I curious, who's this guy? Is he have more money from their parents? Roses is expensive dude, just come here and talk, we'll be friend. Suddenly, i felt a light poke right on the back of my head, I felt someone pulled my ponytail, make me blurted out from deep thought, back to reality.
"You looks weird, thinking about who? Me? Ahahah, or you have dirty thought? I must stay away from ya', hey, whose bouquet is that? That's pretty cool Shoo.." Minho started croakings with his questions.
"Shut the effin up would you mr.Frog?" I called him frog because he have short neck, and big eyes, and his arms and legs were long. Just like frog.
"Don't be a meanie to me Shoo." he pouted. Minho is my only close friend, he just like a brother to me. He had confessed to me, right on my birthday, this year. I didn't accept him, he also didn't beg more, because he knew that I like Minho just like a big brother for me. I felt way better this way, a told him that I'm happy having friend with brotherhood inside.
"Wanna meet Onew again? I think you like him." he put sarcastic eyebrow-lifting showing the scariest smirk alive.
"Onew? That chicken boy in your class? He's like every 10 minutes thinking about his chicken at home, isn't that person you meant?" I said remembering the day Minho dragging me into his class, and I'm ended became his classmate in a day. Trust me, Onew like taking about chicken every 10 minutes, something chicken, chicken joke, his chicken bucket, chicken discount, he's driving me nuts, somebody just marry this guy with owner of KFC, oh, Colonel Sanders dead already and he’s a guy, then marry him with some chick who have chicken business.
"Yeap, that chicken guy" he said with chuckle.
"I'm bored, my class , the teacher busy, they won't teach either, okay I'll come" I’m talking with myself. I nodded.

In minho class I saw a boy with chestnut coloured hair, he's posing like daydreaming ; looking at the window, dazed ,and of course that person was Onew, he's hugging his chicken bucket, but it's already empty.
"How about shock him?" Minho whisper lightly, 'this gonna be fun' I smirked and nodded, minho counted 1, 2, 3,..
"Boo!" Me and minho shouted shocked Onew out. Onew startle, he shocked, and jump out his seat, his is now on the ground.
"Minho! I'll shove your face with chicken feet!" He said shooting deathly glare cursing Minho. Minho and I was laughing loudly. Minho even didn't look scared, he only laughed on onew's words. "Calm down bro, don't hurt my brother." I said, pouting
"He hurt me first!" He said like little child,
"Here, I give you money to buy more chicken, happy now?" I said handing my daily money to him,
"Hurray! Shoo gave me money, Minho! Don't you see that? She gave me money! For more chicken" he said, jumping up and down.
"You should happy Onew, that money, should be my savings to buy far east movement ticket, now I need to starve 2 days." I said with sighing in the end
"Far east? You like far east movement?" He said with wide-ing his eyes, well that his biggest eyes,
"Yes! They're awesome!" I said clapping both of my palms,
"I have far east movement animal album t-shirt!" He said proudly.
"I envy you!" I gave him playful frown, I really love far east movement animal album, and he has the t-shirt, how I envy this guy, I mean, a lot!
"Hhaha" he laugh evilly,"whoops, I think I got to go, my parents told me to go home earlier" he said, taking his phone, pencil case, and everything on the table, shoved em all into his fancy backpack, leather black with few studs; including, the chicken bucket,
"Hey, why did you put that chicken bucket into your bag? You can leave it here, I'll throw that for you." I said, offering him, being nice,
"Nope, but thanks Shoo, I want the smells spread inside my bag, and the crumbs, I can it in the car, toodles guys" he said, leave me and minho with 'that-person-is-sicko' faces.
"Weirdo." I said
"But he's nice, he didn't showing off how rich he is" minho said while pulling chair, sat on it.
"You mean he's rich?" I said shocked, while taking seat beside minh
"Yeah, his father was the owner of fancy real estate" he explain,
"You mean he's more than just rich?" I ask him,
"Yeah, why?" he asked me back
"Nothing, just he doesn't look filthy rich at all" i said

, "so what you gonna tell me?" I asked him
"Err,do you know Qiu Mei?" He said while blushing
"For Chesus Crust sake, don't tell me you like that student exchange from china?" I gasped, he nodded,
"Big fat no way!"
"yly yes way, Shoo"
"Soo, how far you guys doing?" I said,
"Why you all of sudden become excited?" He asked, but I still can see smile formed on his face,
"Because you're my brother!" I squealed shook his shoulder back and forth,
"Okay okay my sissy, calm down, so actually, our parents know each other, her mother was my dad's ex, so, well, yeah, but they turned be close friend," He started, "they started to like pairing us, it's happen since 2months ago, and we keep seeing each other you know, that-love-seeds start to grow, and I began to like her" he said, he looks really happy, and I feel happy for him, he keep telling me his story, how's Qiu-qiu at first, her clumsiness, and everything, make me gave him points,
"Bro, first, you should be patient, if you felt that she felt the same way, then say it right away, be brave, but if she didn't, make her." "But, why it's doesn't work on you?" He mutter,
"Because you know I like you just as my big brother, just it." I said,
"I know, I know, " he said, pouting. I just smiled at him, I couldn’t be more happier than this. Minho is in love. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, I saw the number, it’s seems like new client, I open the text message, its says,

“Shoo, sorry for making you curious, I’m the one who sent bouquets. I’m afraid to tell you who am I”

I just can’t believe this, this dude, who sent me flowers, just texted me, but seems like he doesn’t want to reveal himself. Or it’s not him, it’s she, a girl! OMG! I started to reply that message,

“Just tell me who are you, pretty please? Or tell me whether you’re girl or boy :(”

I sent that. Then, the reply come

“don’t worry, I’m straight person”

THANK GOD! IT’S A BOY! Then a familiar voice blurted me back,

“Shoo, are you listening?" Minho asked me, GE! i forgot!

"Sorry, Minho, what was that? i'm texting with my client" i lied.

Oh, dear my rose boy, who are you?

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kimchijan #1
@starlove : dont be, you can read this whenever you want :)
awwwww....<br />
soo cute!!!<br />
they finally kow it now!!!<br />
ima miss reading this!! :(
kimchijan #3
@ohmysweetheart : i want to make that tooo! but i dont know the exact feeling :p<br />
<br />
@iloveniel17 : :) thanks A LOOOOTTTTT for reading :)
ohmysweetheart #4
It could've been the lips. ;).<br />
LOL. I'm such a .<br />
YAAAAAAY. Happy endingg!!!
kimchijan #5
please wait patiently :D i'll promise, before monday i will end this fics :)
kimchijan #6
@aruzza : hehe, it's my first time writing fics, so it's a bit awkward for me :)<br />
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@ohmysweetheart: I love you too, hehe, i made him that way, i like that kind of guy :p<br />
<br />
@starlove : i will dear, but i'm not sure when i will update >A<
awwwww..<br />
Onew dont give up!!<br />
she'll give you a chance!!!!<br />
lol..he did all that and still didnt tell her then!!!<br />
update soon please
ohmysweetheart #8
Aww. I love you. <3.<br />
I love Onew! :D. he's shy and cute! :D<br />
aruzza #9
ah, i'm glad you make the font size smaller now. easier to read [: