Just After Sundown


A Two-Shot Prequel to Nightfall: Friends are there for you when you laugh, when you cry, and when you need to be turned into a vampire.


This will be a 2-shot prequel to Nightfall: It will focus on how Jiyong became a vampire, the relationship between himself and Top, and the rammifications of him being 'turned' that were hinted at in the beginning chapters of Nightfall.


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bmwomyn #1
Chapter 2: I like the backstory. I can't wait to read the rest of Nightfall.
somin01 #2
Hey guys, I am going to write a new story but I was hoping you guys could give me some ideas. The story I already have laid out (It will be a guy group and you!! Or it can be another celeb if you guys want) but I need a kpop group to do it for, I mean, I can't pick b/c I have too many biases. So, I was going to go with the group that I get the most feedback for. Who do you guys want the story to be about?? Let me know!!