I'm not going anywhere without you.

I Don't Want Anything Else, I Just Want Us.

Today, you were all smiles while hopping down the stairs after practice. Why? Because you knew that Jung Daehyun would be waiting for you downstairs. He would drag you off for supper, as usual. 

As you expected, you saw a handsome boy with perfectly bleached blonde hair waiting for you at the entrance. He flashed you his signature eye smile as he handed you a bottle of your favourite banana milk. 

"Ah, gomawo oppa, I was feeling thirsty!" You smiled gratefully, taking a sip from the banana milk. "So what are we eating tonight?" 

"Let's go get mandu! I'm really craving for some kimchi mandu right now." He suggested, you could see on his face that just thinking about the steaming hot mandus made him want to drool. 

"Okay, gaja!" You agreed enthusiastically. "Want a sip?" You offered your banana milk casually. 

He took a sip of the banana milk and returned it to you. When your lips hit the straw again, you suddenly felt your heart beating very fast. "Omo, was that an indirect kiss? Daehyun oppa's lips... touched this." You thought to yourself. You touched your own lips, thinking about Daehyun's thick and kissable lips. "Aniya aniya! He just took a sip, what am I thinking about, aigoo Han Eun-ah snap out of it!" You shook your head, flailing your hand around the front of your face to get the thought out of your head. You were turning as red as gochujang sauce.

Daehyun looked at you and smiled as if he knew what you were thinking. "Omo, was that an indirect kiss?" Daehyun asked, smirking at you.

You felt your cheeks burning.


Daehyun chuckled as he followed after you. 

20 minutes later, the two of you were settled down in your favourite mandu shop with steaming hot mandu in front of you. You could see Daehyun's eyes glistening as he stared at the mandus. You smiled while looking at him stuff his face full of kimchi mandu. He was adorable. You were so happy you were this close with such a boy. 

"Oh yea, Han Eun-ah, Himchan hyung said that he booked a yacht to go relax out at sea with the other members and the Secret noonas. Are you in?" Daehyun asked, his mouth still full of mandu. 

"I'm not sure, I would love to go out and have fun with you guys, but I can't swim and I'll feel nervous out at sea." You replied, looking a little embarrassed. 

"Aniya, it's really safe, I promise. You're going to miss out if you don't come, pabo-yah." Daehyun said, looking at you. He had stopped stuffing his face with the mandus. 

"I'll think about it..." You replied, still a little hesitant. 

Suddenly, Daehyun's expression turned serious. He looked straight into your eyes. 

"If you don't go, I'm not going either." He said. 

"Wae? You should totally go and have fun! You need a rest!" You replied, feeling concerned. Daehyun had been working hard lately, and this little holiday would definitely do him good. 

"I don't want you to feel left out." 

You smiled, you felt so happy knowing that Daehyun cared so much about you. 

"Aigoo, I'll be fine. Just go and have fun, don't worry about me." 

"No, pabo-yah. I'm not leaving you alone. I promised you that I'll always be here. I'm not going anywhere without you, especially not to have fun." He said, still giving you his serious intense look. 

Your heart fluttered, thinking about that night in the practice room. Once again, you felt all fuzzy and happy inside. You felt a sense of security. 

"Alright, you win. I'll go." You finally gave in. 

"Aja!" Daehyun did a victory sign, his serious expression immediately changing into an adorable little eye smile. "You won't regret it, I promise. You won't have to feel scared with oppa around. Even if the yacht sinks, the first person I'll save is you." He chuckled. 

"HAHA OKAY PINKY PROMISE!" You laughed while the two of you did a pinky promise.

You smiled. What have you done to deserve such a wonderful person in your life? He's like your life buoy, your pillar of support. Sometimes you just feel like you want to cling on to him for the rest of your life. He makes you feel so happy. He makes you feel loved. 

"I won't go anywhere without you too." You thought to yourself, looking at the blonde boy stuffing his face with mandu once again. 

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Please update soon !
Chapter 3: They are so cute!! Now I'm craving kimchi mandu and banana milk...

Looking forward to the next chapter! What's going to happen on the yacht?!
Chapter 2: I like this fic :3
It's cute :3
Looking foward to the next chappie :3
Chapter 2: Awww. This story is cute! Please keep writing!