Merry Christmas!

MY VAMPIRE: Christmas Special (sequel)



It’s the evening of the 24th and I’m ready for the party. I changed into a pink dress with black details like ribbons and laces. I dressed Tiffany in a really cute yellow dress and the maids assisted us with our hairs.

“Please inform all the maids to go to the lounge at midnight okay? I want everybody to celebrate Christmas together” I told the maid fixing my hair.

“Understood my lady” and she smiled warmly to me. After helping us, they went to their chambers and I went to the room where the party will be happening. I want to have a final check that everything’s on place- the food, decors, presents, lights and music. They were perfect. Then I felt hand circled around me from behind.

“You look so beautiful tonight Andy”

“Thank you Jun” I turned and faced him. He was in a black tux. “You look really good in a tux you know. Is something wrong?”

“I want Andy”

“What? What are you saying Jun? Stop with our y jokes.”

“I’m thirsty you know.” He sighed. Ok. I get it now. He was thirsty. It’s been a month since he last drank blood from me. I smiled at him, grabbed his arm and pulled him to the next room. The lights were out and I closed the door. I could clearly see Jun’s bright red eyes. He was stopping himself. I cleared my hair on my neck and move closed to him. His arms circled around me again and I felt his fangs pierce my skin and drank my blood. It was hot and intense. I think being a vampire who can’t drink blood but feed my vampire helps me satisfy this extraordinaire kind of ‘pleasure’.

My mind was hot and blank as Jun gulps every ounce of my available blood. Then he removes his fangs about ten minutes and I heal myself from the holes he implanted to me. “Are you okay now Jun?” I turned the light on. He suddenly kisses me. “Never been better.”

We were in this sweet ambience when I heard Tiffany shouts outside, “MOMMY!!!” Jun and I immediately went out the room and saw that my invited guests have arrived – Elli and her parents, Dae, and Noa. They all had the present with them. BIG presents to be exact.

“Welcome everyone.” I opened the door to the room and everybody let themselves comfortable. The music filled the room and laughter’s too.

It was already 11.30pm when I turned to the granpa clock. We were talking for a long while now. Hours and hours pass us but we don’t actually mind or feel it. We were all vampires and time is not an enemy... We very much consider it as our friend ever since the day that the clan was in danger, all the vampires took care of themselves more and follow Noa’s rules and examples.

“Let’s start the passing of presents now! I’ll start...” Elli exclaimed and went to beside the table. She raised a present with cute laces in it. “First of all, this is for Andy. I hope she treasures this.” I went to her and receive the present. “Oh thank you Elli.”

“You know you’re always welcome.” Then she headed to her seat. I placed the present to my seat and chose which one to give first. “This present is for... Jun. Umm... I really don’t know what you wanted to receive but I bought this from my hunch. He went and gets it and kissed my forehead. “Thanks.”

“This is for the little kitten” Jun throws it to Tiffany who kicks Jun again and everybody laughs.

We called names and handed each one our presents, Elli, Noa and I handed out gifts for everyone, Elli’s parents gave me and Noa, Jun and Dae both gave presents to Tiffany and me. I think Dae was still a little upset or maybe he was in the midst of moving on already. I can’t figure him out. We started opening the presents and I decided not to enumerate all the presents but they were all terrific.

“Merry Christmas!” Everybody greeted when we noticed that it was already passed 24th. We drank wine together and juice for little Tiffany and ate our meals. We were having so much fun. Noa then calls everybody to the balcony and we followed. The stars were all so pretty as they slowly disappear and then...


The sky was lighted up by beautiful fireworks. It was such a wonderful sight to see with everybody.

Jun suddenly pulled me out of the crowd and brought me to the other room again. “What’s up? Are you thirsty again?” I started clearing my neck part but he held my hand to stop.

“That’s not what I want.”

“Eh? Then what? They may start looking for us you know.”

Jun pulls me to the middle of the room and hugs me tight. His blood was running really fast – I can easily tell. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. I just don’t know how to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

Jun breathes really deeply and the silence overwhelmed the whole room as the fireworks died out. I was feeling tense with the sudden silence from Jun. He breathes out deeply again.

“We’ve been through a lot and I have hurt you multiple of time n the past. You stayed true to me even though I am such a lowly bastard who’s not worth the love you showed me. I have made promises with you but I still fail you so when you were about to disappear, my world felt crumbling. I still wanted to show and prove you how much I love you.” His voice was serious and my blood was shaking. My body felt wobbly. Why is he telling me this? I’m having a weird feeling now.

Then he suddenly kneels in front of me. What’s going on?

“Andrielle Kurosaki...” He gets something from his pocket under his suit and he opens it. There was a ring inside.

“I promise to take care of you and do everything to fulfil every promise I failed... Will you please share with me your forever?” His eyes were sincere. Now I get it, this is a proposal... Time has already stopped for us vampires but it felt like it stopped more.

But I love him. I want to stay with him for all of eternity. My vampire heart was in sync with my vampire instincts now... I love him so much. Tears started flowing from my eyes. “Yes. I will stay beside Jun.” My happiness couldn’t be explained in simple words. Jun smiled and stood up. He put the ring on my finger and hugged me tight. This feeling was so amazing. I was crying in happiness. He kissed me and I was really happy. We were both wished with happiness and happiness we shall receive.

Then everybody suddenly opens the door – they were actually listening from the door from behind. Congratulating the two of us. Dae knew this would happen so he decided to confess. Elli and Noa were still too shy being with each other and my daughter, Tiffany finally agreed not to fight with Jun. She would be having a dad now.

This Christmas is so special for all of us...

Living as a human in my childhood, meeting vampires and dying, now as a vampire, staying with them... I’ll treasure this life bestowed on me.


Not forever...


But for all of eternity...


--S T O R Y     E N D--




Author notes:

This is the final chapter for the Christmas sequel and I have no idea if I will make another sequel of MY VAMPIRE... hahaha... But I think I will.. Oh. who knows!!! xD

Well, thank you for readng this story!!! Thanks for subscribing too!!!



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Chapter 3: Ahh so sweet! Thnks for the sequel!
Hi farahjk. Thanks for reading the story! ^^ I actually didn't thought of making the sequel but it just hit me that I wanted to have one. lol. ahah! Many thanks! ;)
farahjk #3
Chapter 3: Woahhh~ The most awesome-st story ever! just have to read your other story! Thank you for making a sequel for 'My vampire' Love it! <3