Two weeks before Christmas...

MY VAMPIRE: Christmas Special (sequel)


After almost 6 months of what happened to me, everyday has always been fun. At first it was really hard to get used to the vampire life but now… a piece of chocolate cake. Speaking of cakes, Christmas is coming in 2 weeks time. What should I prepare? I mean, this is my first Christmas after turning into a full-blooded vampire in a relationship and already a mother. What should I give to them? I mean, I want to give presents to everybody.


Oh! I know! I’ll organise a small gathering on Christmas Eve! Noa would surely agree to my idea.

Lying on my bed, different ideas were coming into my head. Party poppers, invitations, a feast… then I suddenly heard incoming footsteps of two vampires. It’s going to happen again in 3… 2… 1…

“Good morning mommy!” Tiffany climbed up my bed as I sat straight. I looked back, Jun was there giggling. “I lost again. Good morning Andy” He greeted me with his sweet manly voice.

“Good morning you two, did you guys have another competition going here?” I squeezed Tiffany as she laughed.

“Yup! Uncle Jun is too old for me!”

“Yes I am Tifa” Jun ruffled.

Everyday has always been this fun for me. Actually, Tiffany already has this mother-complex so she always rushes to be with me and not let Jun be first in my room and all. But I guess she’s also enjoying playing like this. Ever since that day, Jun has smiled freely around me and Tiffany so we (kind of) look like a family now though Jun and I are only in the lovers stage right now.

“Mommy is mine!” She sticks her tongue out to Jun and he tickled her non-stop.

“As if I’ll give her to you!!!” Jun was teasing me now as well – for sure.

“Alright you two, let’s have breakfast.”

And as I stood up in my bed, Tiffany was clinging on to my arm as Jun stood on the other side and holding my hand. I am so touched deep inside to them. They’re spoiling me a lot.

As we walked down the hallway, the maids were starting to put decorations already. Christmas lights, garlands, red socks, reindeers, angels, and many more. What I like best is the huge Christmas tree that can be seen once you entered the mansion. It’s really high! It reaches the second floor and there is this big gold star above and the tree is covered with sparkling garlands and a lot of designs!!! I can’t miss this because I can’t go to the dining hall from my room without passing here.

In the dining hall, Noa was already sipping his coffee.

“Good morning Noa” he turned to us. “Good morning Andy and to your two bodyguards” he laughed when he saw how these two stick to me like glue. We sat around the looooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggg rectangular table as the maids gave us our meals. I had to ask for his permission now. “Noa, ummm… I’d like to ask for your approval for something.


“What is it Andy?”
“Well, I’d like to be the one to arrange a small Christmas gathering. Can I please do it? Please?”
“Oh sure, there’s no problem if you want to. Which room do you want to use, the theatre room in the third floor?”
“I’m not sure. I’ll just check all the rooms later on and inform you. Is that ok?”
“Yeah. Sure.”

So after breakfast, I immediately ran out of the hall to check all the rooms. There were tons of big rooms here and it was my actual first time checking all the rooms. It’s a definite yes to be lost inside this mansion.

“Where are you going mommy?” I just realised Tiffany following me.

“Umm. I’m checking out room for the family party. Why don’t you go play outside Tifa?”

She shook her head. “I don’t want to. I want to help mommy out.” She smiled at me and she was so cute!

“Ok then.” I can’t resist her cute face and expressions. I held her hand and we started walking to the hallways checking each room. There were a classy red room, dark spooky room, and a lot more. When we reach a room full of mirrors, I saw Tiffany and my reflection and Jun was just behind us, but still with a great distance. I turned around and he smiled genuinely at me. He’s definitely been following us around this whole time.

Tiffany turned around and sticks her tongue out to Jun. “Mommy is mine!” She shouted echoing to the mirror room and to the hallways. Then I felt Jun’s silent dash and he was in front of me now and he gave me a kiss on the lips. “Sorry little mouse. Your mommy loves me more.” Jun was acting like a child! He’s been like this ever since I turned into a full vampire and I’d say he leaves me speechless. “That was cheating old man!” Tiffany shouted to Jun. “Old man? You’ll get this time little mouse!” Jun clenched his fist (obviously a sarcastic joke). Tiffany ran to my back and hid there. I kneeled in front of her.

“It’s okay Tifa. I love you both so don’t worry about that.” I smiled but Tiffany, young as she is, kick Jun and I was left giggling as they continued arguing.

After our mansion exploration, I chose a wide blue room. I started the planning already. My vision for this event is to make the best evening for all – like a form of Thanksgiving for all these years that passed our lives.

I was writing in my room and Tiffany was asleep on my bed. She was obviously tired. Jun was sitting by the window holding a book but he hasn’t flipped a page for over 30 minutes now. I stretched my arms high, stood up and put a blanket over Tiffany. She’s still bearing a human side so I need to take care of her well. I am her mother now. But there are times that I want to know who her parents could be. I touched her hair and it was silky soft.

Want to grab a bite?” I heard Jun speak putting down the book and offering his hand. I placed my hand o his. “Sure. Are you going to treat me?” I smiled at him and his hands circled around me and he was hugging me from behind. I felt his lips near my ear. “Not just treat you. I’ll make it for you.”

“Then let’s go!” I pulled him so we could leave the room because we might wake the tired angel on my bed. Angel? Hmmm... Well she’s a vampire but she’s more like an angel for me.

We went to the personalised kitchen. Well, the big original kitchen was for family meals and such so there was a personalised kitchen built for personal meal purposes. I wore an apron although I am not going to cook at all and put one to Jun too, who obviously didn’t want to wear one. You can say I’m forcing him into a lot more things. “Any special request princess?” Jun smiled. We were like a newlywed couple making dinner together – that is... the husband is the one making dinner.

“Drop the princess. You’re sounding like Dae you know... Well... I’ll eat whatever you make, as long as it’s edible” I chuckled and he grinned at me. I like this Jun better from when we first met 4 years ago. He’s been more open (in some ways) and he’s been spoiling me a lot. What can I give him this Christmas though? I wonder. What does he like aside from dark type of things?

He started cooking meat cubes, chopping vegetables and scooping rice from the rice cooker. “Don’t put too many carrots in it! I demanded but he placed almost a cup into the pan. I pouted and he smiled. He was making fun of me for sure. He added seasonings and did the chef’s way of mixing the pan – the throwing them altogether and mixing in air. He was awesome you know. Then he got a bowl and put all in it. It was kind of a four people serving.

“Enjoy the meal Andy.” He handed the cutlery and pushed the bowl near me.
“Why did you put everything?” Is he expecting me to eat ALL of it?
“Yes. You can’t think of more ideas if your stomach is not full at all.”
“But you’re trying to turn me into a pig!”
“Then I’ll be the wolf to eat you” He made a sinister look on his face and hugged me from behind again.

“You are such a Jun!” The room went silent...Then we both burst into laughter. I know Jun isn’t a at all. He’s such a sweet guy.

“You eat with me.” I scoop from the bowl and try to feed him. “Open up" He hesitatingly opened his mouth and eat the food he made. "Is it good?" he nodded. "I just want to make sure it's really edible." I commented and he just continued chewing but I was smilling at him. I also scoop one spoonful and ate. We were really like newly weds here.

After we finished the meal - cost us maybe an hour, we sat on the couch. I reclined my head to his chest. "Do you want anything for Christmas Jun?"

"Not really. I already have Andy so I don't want ot ask for anything anymore." He squeezed me.

"That's not an answer though. Nothing at all?"


"That's boring you know."

"How about you?"

"Haven't actually put much though to it. I don't know... What should I ask for anyway? I think I already have everything I want in my life... I don't know."

"You're weird."

"Speak for yourself Jun" I grabbed one throw pillow and smacked it to Jun's face. I sat on the other end of the couch. He suddenly lied down to me. His head on my lap. I could clearly see his face. He had his eyes closed. I remembered the first night we had when I was 14, I giggled.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much. I just remembered that you also lied down to me on our first meeting... You know, you basically kidnap me and took me into your house and you sleep on my lap and I became numb!...It brings back memories." I smiled and touched his hair.

"But we'll make more memories, together right?" There was a sudden shake on his voice.

"Yeah. Together and with everyone too... That's why I wanted to arrange the party next next week. Now take your nap." I covered his eyes with my hands. He grabbed one of them and kissed it.  Jun was asleep now - basically having a nap. We vampires don't sleep, we just nap. Now I'm trying to picture other things I want to have in the party... and then the invitations...

The silence was making me want to take a nap too!

I put my body comfortably bacwards to the soft couch as Jun was still on my lap. His hands were holding mine. I don't need to worry much. I closed my eyes too... and I was drifted to sleep...


--chap end--



Author notes:

Emina_23 is back and writing again!!

Woooohh!!!! I decided to make this sequel because..... I just wanted to... I like how My Vampire escalated so I pretty much decided to make things better.. (and hopefully you'll think it that way too... :) )

If you haven't read the original series, please click the link -->>  MY VAMPIRE  <<-- and start reading! The story is interesting and you won't get bored (base on the subscribers comments) Well, thanks a lot for dropping by!!



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Chapter 3: Ahh so sweet! Thnks for the sequel!
Hi farahjk. Thanks for reading the story! ^^ I actually didn't thought of making the sequel but it just hit me that I wanted to have one. lol. ahah! Many thanks! ;)
farahjk #3
Chapter 3: Woahhh~ The most awesome-st story ever! just have to read your other story! Thank you for making a sequel for 'My vampire' Love it! <3